Reforged Dragon Glory

Chapter 82 That's it?Do you dare say you love her?

Chapter 82 That's it?Do you dare say you love her? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
"What... what mating? You hyena is so vulgar... Baker just likes me a little..." the half-breed blushed and retorted vigorously.


Hearing the words, Xi Luo nodded clearly.

Staring at the face of the mixed race, he smiled:

"This is also normal. After all, this woman's appearance is indeed excellent. In terms of figure, she can't even stop the mage's robe. It's really rare.

More beautiful than most elves I've ever seen.

It is normal to be able to fascinate a human warrior.

It's a pity that it's not those rare items, otherwise it will definitely sell for a good price. "

Xi Luo slightly sighed.

"No... don't sell me... I'm really rich... I'm still useful... Please..." the half-breed continued to plead.

At this moment.

There was a shout in the distance.

"Hyenas! Here I come! I've brought everything you asked for!"

"Huh? Is that the licking dog coming?"

Xi Luo immediately turned his head and looked over.

A man wearing chain mail, blond hair, over 1.8 meters tall, tall and mighty with a rather masculine appearance, about 24 or [-] years old, came from the shadow of the forest with a leather bag on his back.

After getting closer, the human body was shocked, with a look of horror on his face, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Why are there dragons here?"

【Human Warrior】

Rating: 8

Xi Luo raised his eyebrows.

It turned out to be a level 8 fighter, no wonder with the addition of a priest, he was able to deal with five or six hyenas alone, which is indeed a bit powerful.

If it weren't for bad luck to meet hyenas with strong IQ and solidarity, ordinary monsters, I really can't do anything about them.

"Here comes another human! This guy looks far less delicious than this woman!"

The red dragon cub looked at this man, curled his lips a little bored.

"I think it's okay. The fighter's meat is firm, and ordinary muscles are very chewy. Don't want it, I will have it all to myself!"

The blue dragon cub Abel was still in high spirits.

Xi Luo couldn't help but smacked his face with his tail, made the dragon cub whine, and growled:

"You idiot! Shut up! This guy is as useful to us as this woman!"

"It's rare to see two edible humans in one day, but one can't eat it. It's really disappointing."

Abel walked away with some lack of interest.

At this time, Xiluo turned his attention to the human warrior again.

He looked carefully and found that the guy's initial fear had disappeared.

Instead, he looked at the half-breed boy with a worried look on his face.

Obviously... this licking dog loves this mixed-race woman more deeply.

This made Xi Luo happy, and the corners of his mouth slightly grinned:

"Hey... brave human.

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Cylo Utraxis, and I have just recently become the Dragon Lord of this pack of hyenas.

My apologies to my kin for crushing your adventure party and capturing your beloved..."

" name is Baker.

Heart... Beloved... Me... Me and Alice?us……"

The soldier became nervous all of a sudden, slurred his speech, and looked at the half-breed from time to time, his face slowly turning red.


This is a high-quality licking dog who is relatively innocent and loves mixed races very much!

"Cough cough cough... beloved or something... hehe... it's just my one side at the moment... no... no! You said you were sorry for us just now?
Then can you release Alice and let us go back? "

The human warrior Baker was a little shy at first, but as he spoke, he seemed to realize the important point, and quickly raised his head to stare at Xi Luo.

"Let it go? Of course not!" Xi Luo immediately shook his head.

"No? Aren't you sorry for us?" Bell was a little stunned.

"This is completely two different things! Apology is apology, release is release, how can it be confused?
Okay... I've said my apologies, now it's time to get down to business.

You probably don't want this woman, uh... her name is Alice, right?You don't want to put her in danger, do you? "Siro said.

"Yes, it is."

Baker's face twitched slightly, and he didn't understand the strange brain circuit of the dragon in front of him.

"If that's the case, then it's easy.

I will still abide by your agreement with the hyenas.

But, what I want is not some meat and some junk.

Can you understand? "

Xi Luo stared at the human warrior with deep meaning in his eyes.

"I...I understand, as long as you don't hurt Alice, I'm willing to do anything." Baker took a deep breath and replied.

"Well, I seem to have a little bit of your sincerity. Go ahead and have a good chat with your beloved first, and we'll talk later."

Xilu waved his dragon claw very generously, signaling the hyena to let go of the half-breed.

The woman got free and collapsed on the ground exhausted.

Baker dropped the leather bag, ran over with a few strides, supported the half-breed boy, and said anxiously:

"Alice! Are you all right? Did they hurt you?"

"I... I'm fine, fortunately I have you, Baker, otherwise, I might die... Thank you very much, Baker." The half-breed smiled wryly and said in a low voice.

The two chatted with each other a bit later.

Mixed races encourage and compliment each other from time to time.

Shiloh listened quietly for a while.

His gaze gradually became strange.

This man is undoubtedly a dog licker.

But this woman... is not a fuel-efficient lamp!Although he agrees with the man everywhere, he also shows his gratitude to the other party.

But between his demeanor, there seemed to be a trace of resistance and a trace of disdain for this man from the bottom of his heart.


It really is a sad male licking dog.

After he made his judgment, he had no interest in continuing to listen.

Instead, he walked to the leather bag just now and opened it.

Only then did I realize that it was actually full of chunks of meat and something that seemed to be seasonings.

He picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

The dragon's face immediately stretched out:
"Well, it's no wonder that dead fat dog likes to eat it. It turns out that it has added ingredients. Compared with the original meat, it is indeed much better, but this taste...

Xi Luo felt a little familiar while eating.

This taste seems to have added some chili, pepper and so on.

It's very similar to some things that were specially made as meat seasoning in the previous life.

Hmm...Maybe, this is what Lan Xing and his gang did.

After all, the aristocrats in this world have a taste for food that is either sweet or super sweet...

Xi Luo made an evaluation in his heart.

Gordon and Abel, who hadn't spoken much before, also ran over, grabbed a piece of meat and stuffed it into their mouths.

While chewing, the two dragons also showed a relaxed look:

"Hey! The taste is really good! The inheritance of the Dragon has no memory of this, what a failure."

"If you sprinkle this seasoning on that woman, it will be delicious."

The two dragons were tasting and talking, looking at the half-breed from time to time, making her tremble with fright.

Baker, who was parked on one side, had a livid face.

"You two eat slowly, come on! Alan, you should try it too."

Xi Luo hurriedly called Xiao Bailong to come with him.

The food in the leather bag was not too much, only about [-] pounds in total, and it was eaten up in a few mouthfuls.

The red dragon cub and Abel were a little bit unsatisfied.

However, Xi Luo separated the two half-breeds who were still whispering from the human warrior, and then said to the human warrior:
"Today's reminiscence, I believe it is almost the same.

Brave human beings, it's time to talk about what I ask of you.

Well, the first question, how many gold coins do you have in total? "

"I..." The human warrior seemed a little hesitant.

"Human, are you hesitating? What are you hesitating for? You don't want to tell me? This shows that your love for Miss Alice is not pure at all! Are you deceiving her? You just want to show that you love her very much!
That's it?Do you dare say you love her? "

"No! No! I still have nineteen gold coins!" The human warrior immediately roared, and couldn't help but look back at the half-blood.

Seeing the other party looking at him firmly, he was slightly relieved.

"Hmm... [-] gold coins? Not necessarily? Your armor? Your sword? And your house? Are these also counted?"

Shiloh questioned.

"I... you... good! All my property, 31 gold coins, this will be absolutely true.

My house was bought by myself after earning money as an adventurer in recent years. It is not a big house.

Swords and armor are just ordinary goods. "

"31 gold coins, not bad."

Shilo nodded.

"Since that's the case, then it's easy.

Mr. Baker, please sell all your weapons, armor and house.

Then buy tide crystals with 25 gold coins. "

Having said that, Xi Luo paused.

Glancing at the red dragon cub, he said:
"Gordon, you smelted weapons without authorization before, deducted some gold coins, and only have the remaining six gold coins to buy flame crystals, right?"

"I'm fine." The red dragon cub said indifferently.

"That's it, there are six gold coins left to buy flame crystals." Xi Luo looked at the human warrior.

"Okay! No problem." Baker gritted his teeth as his chest rose and fell.

"However, weapons, armor and houses can't be disposed of so quickly."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, I can wait for you slowly." Xi Luo waved his paw generously.

"Wait! Xi Luo, did you say something wrong? Why are all 22 gold coins replaced with tide crystals? My share? Alan's share?"

The blue dragon cub, Abel, ran to the side of Xi Luo, his upper body vacated, and his front paws grabbed Xi Luo's shoulder blades and asked.

"Your share, I'll borrow it first.

After all, I'm in the stage of alienation now, and it's not like you don't know the need for crystallization.

Besides, it's not like you won't pay back the money I borrowed from you.
You just treat the gold coins as if they still exist with me, wouldn't it be fine?That's exactly what it means, isn't it?
It's just that the storage time has been moved a little later. "Siro calmly said.

"This..." Abel was a little startled, and slowly lowered the paw on Xi Luo's shoulder blade.

Back on all fours.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Is lending him money the same as saving money? seems to be the same.

Isn't it just to keep the money on Xiluo's side?Hasn't it been like this before?
Now I just continue to keep the money in custody and move it back for some time. It's not that I don't have money. What am I worried about?

After thinking about it, Abel suddenly figured it out, and a smile appeared on Long's face:

"Xi Luo, you are right. I thought too much. It's okay. I'll lend it to you. It's better to pay it back later. After all, we are all blue dragons! We are the best brothers!"

At the end, the dragon cub nodded repeatedly, affirming his words.

"I firmly support any decision of Xiluo, as long as Xiluo becomes stronger, we will be safer." Xiao Bailong echoed very wisely.

"Hey... In my case, I don't need flame crystals anymore, please replace them with red copper, I need them." Gordon said.

Xi Luo glanced at the red dragon cub in surprise, and immediately took it for granted:

"Well, you are actually planning to change the material. It seems that the alienation of the blood has reached the next step."

"Huh! In terms of blood alienation, it seems that I am one step ahead of you, Xi Luo! I will use this step to throw you far away." The red dragon cub smiled proudly.

Shiloh looked at each other.

It is an estimate in my heart.

What is the 30% of the alienated blood that enters the next step?Or 40%?

Several dragons reached an agreement.

Xi Luo drove the human warrior away, urging him to sell the house and equipment, and then come to reunite with the half-breed.

In the end, the human warrior turned his head three times and left reluctantly.

Until the opponent completely disappeared from the field of vision.

Only then did Ciro let the hyena imprison the half-breed in the cave again.

Afterwards, he took dozens of hyena men back to the mountain where they lived before.

Catch all the hares there.

He decided to move the lair here.

It happened that there were not many prey on that mountain.

After everything was cleaned up, a breeding ground and the lair of the four dragons were rebuilt.

It is already afternoon.

The four-headed dragon started to do its own thing.

Learn spells, study spells.

The four-headed dragon cubs seemed to be working extra hard at this moment.

Seeing that the four dragons ignored them, the hyena man gradually regained some courage, but he didn't dare to get too close to the four dragons. Instead, he moved a little to the side, but he was still under the eyes of the four dragons.

They didn't need Xiluo to say anything more.

When you are hungry, you will organize your own people to hunt or pick wild fruits.

He even asked Xi Luo intimately if he needed it.

But Silo refused.

Just watching these guys eat on the side.

Hyenas are omnivorous creatures, eating meat and vegetarians.

The demand for meat is not particularly great.

In this way, the problem of food and clothing can be easily solved.

This mountain range is able to accommodate creatures like the Titan Giant Ape, thanks to its large number of wild fruits.

Some varieties of bananas called [Coconut Banana] are extremely numerous here, and one is as big as a human head, which is simply the favorite of many omnivorous creatures.

In fact, dragons can also eat fruits and vegetables.

But Shiloh didn't like it.

As humans, as well as other creatures, they need to consider their bodies and pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables.

But as a dragon.

They don't need to think about it at all.

Just like a tiger.

On the contrary, eating meat is more conducive to their growth and can make them grow stronger.

Abel and Allen, don't look at these two cubs looking thin, but that's just because they are compared with the two big guys, Xiluo and Gordon.

 Update on a new day Move around and update at 0:[-].

  In this way, even if it is too late, there will be more time to move back.

  In addition, my current collection is 1.47.

  The current first subscription is 1650. By 12:2000 noon tomorrow, it should be able to break through [-]. Although a lot of subscriptions have been lost in the next two chapters, I am also very satisfied.

  Thanks to all the food and clothing parents.

  The first order data ratio is very good so far.

  I'll do as much as possible after that.

  Of course, after all, the quality must be ensured to avoid disease, so it is still not as crazy as the last Longwen...

  Well, if you have a monthly pass, please support it. A thousand monthly pass can be drawn at the end of the month.

  The minimum guarantee is 100 oceans. People who are lucky can get thousands of dollars, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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