Reforged Dragon Glory

Chapter 57 Allen's Thoughts

Chapter 57 Allen's Thoughts

a few days later.

The young dragons all recovered slightly from their injuries.

Xi Luo is also a lot more energetic. Although he has only cultivated for a few days, he has the talent of [High Speed ​​Healing].

He felt that his state was as if he had cultivated for more than ten or twenty days.

Apart from not being able to fight high-intensity, there are not many serious problems.

Therefore, I gathered with the young dragons and carefully appraised the equipment.

The value is about 44 gold coins in total.

Except for the priest, the equipment of the other intruders is not particularly luxurious.

This is also the normal situation for adventurers...

It's a pity, if the caster can be killed, the income may be doubled.

That's the big head!

However, spellcasters have many methods after all, and they are notoriously difficult to kill, and it is normal for them to escape.

Looking at the equipment on the ground.

The young dragons looked at Xiluo again, and some young dragons couldn't help asking:
"The value is understood. Afterwards, Xiluo, are you going to entrust Ms. Barbara to help sell it?

In this case, it may take several weeks or even months..."

"We don't care, and it doesn't matter how many months."

"It still depends on Xiluo, Gordon, and Allen, haven't the three of them been spending gold coins to buy crystals to increase blood concentration?

If they are not in a hurry, then wait a few months. "

Hearing this, Xi Luo thought for a while.

His demand for gold coins and his desire to increase the concentration of blood are far above other dragons, and he is not willing to accept the result of getting gold coins after a few months.

With the current situation of the green forest, who knows what will happen in a few months?
Slightly frowning, Xi Luo turned to look at Gordon and Allen and said:

"If you entrust, a few months is really too long, I can't wait.

Gordon, Alan, what do you think? "

"I can't wait either!"

"I'll listen to you!"

"Then sell it to Ms. Barbara, but if you do this, you must give Ms. Barbara some profit margin... maybe [-]%, maybe [-]%... maybe higher."

"Tsk!" The red dragon cub smacked his lips in displeasure upon hearing this.

"I listen to you." Xiao Bailong looked at Xi Luo with a firm attitude.

"Do you want to give so much? Then we can't accept it."

The other young dragons were in a hurry.

"Don't worry, I am the one who is anxious, and naturally I will not let you pay the price along with me.

I will pay for the gold coins for Ms. Barbara. Of course, if the price is too high, the sale will have to be postponed. "

Shiloh replied.

The highest profit he can accept for Barbara is 9%, for which he even needs to pay almost [-] gold coins...

This is not a small sum.

If he hadn't considered the urgency of the situation in the green forest, he would never have done this!

"As expected of Xiluo, he is sensible."

Only then were the other young dragons satisfied.

"That's fine, Ciro, you and Allen go to meet Barbara, remember to exchange my gold coins for flame crystals, I have other things."

After the red dragon cub finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Xi Luo felt a little strange looking at the back of the other party. Recently, he felt that the dragon cub slept about one-third more than normal.

This is not the same as the usual energetic and energetic him.

Although the injuries in this battle are not light, but he was beaten more seriously before, and this is not the case!
something wrong!Absolutely wrong!
However, every dragon always has some little secrets of its own.

Xi Luo didn't intend to investigate to the end either.

So, with Little White Dragon Allen, he wanted to find Barbara.

Just a few steps away.

Xi Luo glanced back in surprise, only to see the little white dragon Allen, who had been closely following him, stopped at this moment, flicking his tail back and forth a little uneasy.

A pair of forelimbs also kept moving, looking preoccupied.

This made him unable to resist asking:
"What's the matter? Allen, just tell me if you have anything on your mind."

"That Xiluo...I...I have one thing I want to ask you."

"You don't have to be so twitchy about our relationship, just say it."

Xi Luo smiled generously, patted Xiao Bailong's body lightly, comforting and encouraging him.

"Hmm! Hmm!'s like this, Xiluo, I want to borrow some gold coins from you." He lowered his head, not daring to look at Xiluo, and kept staring at the somewhat messy grass under his forelegs.

"Borrow some gold coins? Do you want to buy more frozen crystals to enhance the alienated blood?" Xi Luo asked.

"No... no, Xi Luo, I want to exchange a healing spell with Ms. Barbara.

I was so useless in the last battle, if I can learn healing spells, I can help you.

But unfortunately, I didn't do anything, I'm so useless..."

Xiao Bailong said in a low voice, his voice was full of disappointment.

Because of his lame leg, his melee combat ability was too poor, and he was instructed by Xi Luo to use magic to fight against the enemy, but the enemy ignored him, and the interference effect was extremely poor, which made Xiao Bailong blame himself very much.


Shiloh was a little surprised.

His eyes stared at the back of Xiao Bailong's head.

Show the color of thinking.

It seems, too?
Although ordinary healing spells, compared with the healing spells of priests, there is a huge gap.

But at the critical moment, treating the wound can still greatly increase the battery life, at least it will not be easily consumed.

If Allen learns it, at least the effect will be much greater.

A team, the most important thing is always treatment!Xi Luo is very clear about this!

"I see, you are very considerate, we really need a healing spell, raise your head and come with me to see Barbara, Allen."

Xi Luo said gently, and patted Xiao Bailong on the head.

Xiao Bailong was shocked immediately, and responded happily.

Then go straight to the top of the giant tree where Barbara is with Ciro.

For the arrival of the two young dragons, the young green dragon was not surprised, just glanced at them and said:

"Are you here to entrust me to help you sell equipment?"

"No, selling equipment is too troublesome, I hope that Ms. Barbara can eat the equipment of those intruders and give us the gold coins directly.

Of course, we will also reserve some profits for Ms. Barbara, but I don’t know how much Ms. Barbara wants? "


The emerald dragon opened its mouth slightly in surprise, then sighed:

"It turned out that there was no hurry.

It seems that the current situation of Green Forest has given you some sense of crisis.

That's right too.

Hmm... Since you want to sell the equipment to me, then I should indeed cut off part of the profit.

If other dragons came to me, then I might charge him about [-]% of the profits.

But if it's you, I don't mind giving you some discounts.

The value of those equipment is between 44 gold coins and 45 gold coins.

How about this, I can give you 40 gold coins and only charge [-]% of the profit, what do you think? "

(End of this chapter)

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