Reforged Dragon Glory

Chapter 21 Booty

Chapter 21 Booty

And Xiluo, as an elite + existence, even if he deals with one level 5 and three level 4 Frost Giant Eagles at once, he is not afraid at all, and even has the upper hand!

Looking fixedly at the corpses of the four Frost Giant Eagles on the ground, Xi Luo couldn't help feeling a little lost in thought.


A cold snort sounded in his ear before waking him up.

Shiloh turned his head and looked over.

I saw Gordon, the red dragon cub, looking unhappy, with sparks and smoke constantly spraying from his nostrils.

It seemed that Xi Luo was looking at him.

The red dragon cub growled in dissatisfaction:
"Xi Luo! You bastard! Who wants you to intervene in my battle? What an unnecessary move! I was able to deal with this lowly creature just now! You stole my prey!"

"I'm really sorry about that."

Xi Luo rolled his eyes, not wanting to communicate with the arrogant red dragon cub.

Instead, he used the sharp dragon claws to cut open the chest and abdomen of a giant frost eagle beside him.

Ice blue blood gushed out from the giant eagle's chest and abdomen.

Xi Luo then tore apart the entire chest and abdomen, and then the dragon claws reached for the heart, fiddled a few times, and took out an ice-blue crystal about the size of an egg.

This crystal is very special, its whole body is ice blue, lingering in the cold air, and there are strands of dark blue lines on the surface, like runes, covered with crystals, flickering, absorbing the surrounding ice elements into it.

See this crystal.

The red dragon cub who wanted to be stubborn at first shut his mouth immediately, staring at it with burning eyes.

This is the crystallization of monsters, also known as magic crystal.

Generally, only those magical beasts who are born with magic power and can use spells have it.

It can be regarded as the second heart of monsters.

It is a hard currency that is more valuable than gold coins, and each one is worth a lot.

The one on Xiluo's paw alone is worth at least one gold coin.

And a gold coin is definitely not a small amount in this world.

According to Xi Luo's understanding, the living standards of ordinary civilians in this world are not bad, and they can eat three meals a day.

Some even had money to spare for other entertainment.

And the income of commoners with this standard of living is probably a little more than one gold coin a year.

In this world, one gold coin equals one hundred silver coins equals ten thousand copper coins.

Normally, a piece of black bread only costs one copper coin, but few civilians in this world eat this kind of food. Most of them eat white bread. One meal costs three copper coins, and only two white breads are needed for a meal. Can fill the stomach of adults.

The price of a pound of pork is thirty copper coins.

It can be seen that the purchasing power and value of a gold coin are quite good.

When the red dragon cub saw the magic crystal, it was like seeing a gold coin, so he was naturally itchy.

"Ahem... Xiluo, how do you think the spoils should be distributed?"

His tone was a little low, and his tail flicked uneasily.

The red dragon cub wrestled with a giant frost eagle for a long time, and he couldn't kill him alone in the end, which really made him feel a little ashamed!
Strictly speaking, there is no spoils here that belong to him!
But he couldn't bear to part with the lovely magic crystal, which was worth as much as a gold coin!

Seeing the appearance of the red dragon cub, Xi Luo didn't know what he was thinking, smiled slightly, and directly flicked the magic crystal in his claws.

With sharp eyes and quick claws, the red dragon cub grabbed the magic crystal and said happily:

"I knew Xi Luo, you guys are quite good, hehe... It's just a pity, this is not a magic crystal with fire attributes."

The red dragon cub muttered, swallowed the magic crystal in one gulp, and stored it in another stomach pouch that the giant dragons usually use for storage.

Xi Luo listened to his muttering and didn't care.

He continued to dissect the other three heads, and then threw two of them to the little white dragon Allen under the surprised gaze of the red dragon cub.

"Why did you give him two? He obviously didn't do anything!"

The red dragon cub was a little astonished, and at the same time a little apprehensive, and questioned Xi Luo.

Holding two crystal nuclei in one paw, Xiao Bailong said in a panic, "Xi Luo, you don't need to give them to me, just hold them yourself... I didn't do anything, so I don't deserve two at all."

"Take it Ellen.

These frost magic crystals will have a greater effect on you. "

Xi Luo opened his mouth and swallowed the last one by the way.

For Xi Luo and Gordon, the Frost Magic Crystal is just a simple gold coin.

But for creatures that are also of ice attribute and are good at ice spells, it is an auxiliary item that can improve their combat effectiveness!
In this world, why are spellcasters so powerful?
One, naturally, is because they can cast spells.

But they have powerful props and equipment is also one of the key reasons!

Spellcasters want to compete with the powerful creatures in this world, equipment and props are essential!

These props can allow them to cast spells faster, and even increase the power of spells. For some extremely powerful high-level spells, they can even rely on equipment and props to forcibly cast spells when the caster's own abilities are insufficient!

Although the Frost Giant Eagle's magic crystal is not a high-end item, it can also increase the power of the little white dragon's ice spells.

If one is completely consumed at one time.

It can even forcibly increase the power of a first-level spell to a second-level spell!
A Tier [-] spell is extremely close to Tier [-]!

Although it is far from the third level, it will still be a little bit worse.

But it is enough.

After all, as far as it is now, even Xi Luo's enhanced breath is only the strength of a third-order spell.

Of course, among the third-level spells, Xi Luo thought that his breath power also belonged to the upper level.

Forget the breath.

The only third-level spell Xi Luo has now is [Soil Armor]. This was learned from Barbara a long time ago, but after learning it, he has never had a chance to use it.

And Tier [-] spells.

If it is a human spellcaster without the assistance of props, it must be a level 7 spellcaster to cast spells...

Gordon also understood the usefulness of magic crystals with matching attributes for spellcasters. After hearing Xi Luo's words, he still couldn't help frowning, and said reluctantly:
"Even so, is it useful to give this trash? It's so weak..."

"Yeah... I'm too weak, it's a waste to hold it..." Xiao Bailong also nodded in agreement.

"Now that you recognize your weakness, you should work harder to become stronger! Learn and study spells more!

Although the white dragon is weak, the entire star world is not without some powerful existences that surpass their own limits and defeat other powerful dragons!

Allen!I keep you by my side all the time, just believe!You too can be this kind of existence! "

While Xi Luo was talking, he had already come to Xiao Bailong's side, and patted his forelegs with his paw condescendingly.

This attitude is exactly like a leader encouraging his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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