As soon as they entered the living room, they were ready to make tea for them.

Xi Zhicai was still anxious to look at the bicycle, so he winked at Xi Yu.

Xi Yu said: "Since my brother is here, it's not too late to watch after drinking tea."

Only then did Ouyang Fu realize that they had come here for bicycles.

"Yes, it's not too late to have some tea first and then look at the bicycle."

At this moment, Ouyang Linlin walked in.

She was looking for something to do with her father.

But seeing Xi Yu here, he saluted Xi Yu respectfully.

After learning Wuqinxi for a few days, her feeling towards Xiyu seems to have changed a little.

Xi Yu naturally also saw this change.

Ouyang Fu asked, "Daughter, what can you do?"

"Father, can you come out?"

"Nonsense, didn't you see that I was accompanying the actor?"

Xi Yu waved: "Okay, let's go out now."

So Ouyang Fu walked out.

Xi Zhicai asked Xi Yu in a low voice.

"Brother, why do I see that this woman seems to be interested in you?"

Xi Yu laughed.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

It turned out that the girl had some prejudice against herself.

Now I have let go of my prejudices, but where do I start with interesting words?

But Xi Zhicai felt that he had a piercing eye, and he couldn't be mistaken.

After a while, Ouyang Fu walked in.

Ouyang Linlin went back to her room.

After returning to the room, Ouyang Linlin's face was extremely red.

Xiaohong asked her.

"Miss, what's the matter with you? Are you a little uncomfortable?"

"No, why do you think I'm uncomfortable?"

"But I saw your flushed face."

After hearing this, her heart beat even more violently.

"By the way, Xiaohong, I saw Xi Yu again in the room just now."

Xiaohong asked her to lower her voice, can the actor's name be called casually?
"Of course I know, I'm not outside, so what's the point of telling you?"

Seeing her like this, Xiaohong felt that she must be in love with Xi Yu.

"Xiaohong, what are you talking about? How could such a thing happen?"
But Xiaohong knows that the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. When the young lady passed by, she seemed to hate Xi Yu, but unconsciously, something has changed, and she doesn't even know it.

"Well, let's not talk about that any more, miss, and talk about something else."

Ouyang Linlin nodded, and asked Xiaohong to go out for a walk with her.

But walking, Ouyang Linlin accidentally walked near Ouyang Fu's hall.

Xiao Hong laughed again, he still wanted to get close to Xi Yu.

Xi Zhicai said, the tea is almost done, so let's hurry up and look at the bicycle.

Ouyang Fu is leading the way, and now Liu Xiaoer is at his home.

He specially opened up several rooms, just to produce bicycles.

And here, Liu Xiaoer and several employees are working.

Even if Ouyang Fu and others came, they didn't notice.

Xi Yu likes this kind of spirit.

Only by being meticulous can we make a good product.

"Okay, don't do it now, the actor has already arrived."Ouyang Fu said.

Liu Xiaoer and the others were taken aback for a moment.

Liu Xiaoer immediately told the brothers to stop.

Xi Yu said: "You have worked hard during this period, and you have done a very good job."

After that, he took a new bicycle and told Xi Zhicai.

"Brother, have you seen it? This is a bicycle."

Xi Zhicai was very happy.

He was ready to ride right away, but he fell a somersault right away.

Everyone present smiled.

Xi Zhicai said, "Am I being too hasty?"

The letter clearly stated that this thing needs to be learned.

Xi Yu said: "Don't worry, if you want to learn, I can teach you."

Xi Zhicai couldn't ask for it, so Xi Yu took a bicycle and prepared to go outside to find an open space.

Ouyang Linlin became curious when she saw two or two people pushing a bicycle out.

She asked Xiaohong: "Are they going outside to learn how to bike? I want to learn too, so we have to follow secretly."

Xiaohong also agreed, she knew that Ouyang Linlin actually wanted to be with Xi Yu very much.

Finally came to the wilderness, Xi Yu was going to teach Xi Zhi talent.

Xi Zhicai said seriously: "Brother, wait a minute, I want to ask you a question, are the drawings and letters from you?"

Xi Yu nodded.

He knew that his brother would ask such a question sooner or later.

"Also, who put that in my place?"

Xi Yu then said something comforting.

Xi Zhicai was taken aback.

"Don't worry, brother, just put these things, and it won't hurt you."

"Then you told Cao Pi by my hand, what is the purpose?"

Facing such a sharp question, Xi Yu didn't answer.

Anyway, my brother can guess it.

Some things don't have to be so straightforward.

"Okay, brother, let's learn how to drive."

Xi Yu then took the initiative to talk about some essentials.

At the same time, he said that generally speaking, there is no one who learns to ride a bicycle without falling over, so brother must be prepared.

"Then how many somersaults do I need to learn?"

"This varies from person to person. How can there be any standard?"

Xi Yu felt that what his brother said was too funny.

After he finished teaching, he asked Xi Zhicai to start practicing.

But don't ride all at once, but go up with one foot first.

Suddenly, Xi Yu found that two women had arrived.

They hid in a nearby jungle.

Xi Yu clearly saw them, but deliberately pretended not to see them.

Xi Zhicai did not know how many somersaults he fell next.

feel special pain.

Xi Yu said, "You can't learn this in a day or two, so don't be discouraged, and don't despair."

But Xi Zhicai didn't know how long he could stay here.

But Xi Yu also encouraged Xi Zhicai, saying that he is much better than most people.

At least it's a bit decent to be able to ride on one leg today.

When the two brothers were about to leave, Ouyang Linlin pulled Xiaohong out.

"Don't go, I want to learn to drive too."

Xi Yu smiled.

"You two have been hiding for so long, and finally came out."

The two of them blushed a little, but they didn't expect that Xi Yu would have discovered it long ago.

Xiaohong thought to herself, anyway, what the master meant was that she hoped that Miss could marry Xi Yu.

The young lady also has this idea now, so she doesn't know if Xigong is hot here, so she should promote this matter.

"Xigong, I beg you, it's rare for my young lady to be willing to learn how to ride a bicycle, please teach her, okay?"
When Xi Zhicai saw Ouyang Linlin's reaction, he laughed inwardly.

This girl has indeed taken a fancy to his younger brother, but it's a pity that the younger brother is like a piece of wood, so she doesn't know.

Xi Yu finally agreed, so he took the time to teach Ouyang Linlin a lesson.

In the evening, Xi Yu didn't accompany Xi Zhicai, but called Wang Cuicui into the room.

"Xiao Gong, what do you want the little girl to do?"
"Remember what I told you? There will be a plan that you will complete for me soon."

"Of course the little girl has not forgotten, she has been thinking about it all the time, please give me an order."

So, Xi Yu explained the relevant plans.

She was startled, with a trembling look on her face.

"Why, aren't you happy?"

"No, I feel that this is too bloody and a little scary."

"You don't have to be afraid, there is comfort to accompany you through the past."

Wang Cuicui was a little overwhelmed, but Xi Yu forgave herself when she thought about it.

It can be regarded as a great grace to myself.

How can I not cherish it?

She eventually agreed.

"Okay, go back to sleep today, and do this right away tomorrow."

In the early morning of the next day, there was an additional iron box in Xi Yu's room.

Inside the iron box was a bloody human head.

The blood is real, and so is the human head.

But the appearance of the person above is fake.

That look is exactly what Xi Yu looks like.

And Xi Yu just made a fake head, so that Wang Cuicui could go back to work.

Let Cao Ren mistakenly think that he is dead.

As for the head, it was a prisoner who was found in the prison.

And this face was also designed by Zhou Yu who found an expert according to Xi Yu's order.

Zhou Yu received such an order a few days ago, and he was puzzled at the time, wondering what Xi Yu was going to do?
It was only later that I found out that there was a woman who wanted to hurt Xi Yu, but Xi Yu instigated her to turn her back.

Wang Cuicui finally started on the road, and he first came to a ruined temple and got in touch with a few men. These were the men who were chasing him that day, and naturally they were also from Cao Ren's side.

"Several big brothers, I finally succeeded."

She put the iron box down, and a man opened it and found that it was Xi Yu's head.

"My God, you really succeeded."

But other people became suspicious, how could she, a weak woman, kill Xi Yu?
"What do you mean? I have already killed him, and you have seen it clearly, so why do you still doubt me?"
She struggled to shed some tears.

"We're not suspicious, but how did you kill him, can you tell us?"

But she said that it is better to hurry, and said while hurrying.

The news of Xi Yu's death has not yet spread. If they find out, the city may be closed, and they will not be able to leave even if they want to.

A few people thought that this was indeed the case, so they hurried to hire a carriage and left.

After finally leaving Youzhou, they felt a little safer, so Wang Cuicui began to lie to them.

I finally succeeded in seducing Xi Yu, but I've been embarrassing myself recently, always stalking me.

Finally made the opponent take the bait.

One night, Xi Yu possessed herself.

And she assassinated him while he was asleep, and then cut off his head.

She was still shivering while describing it. She said that it was the first time in her life that she did such a thing.

It is estimated that there will be nightmares in the future, and I hope I will never do it again.

Seeing what she said seemed logical.

"Okay, this time is your great credit."

Wang Cuicui and several others finally came to Cao Ren's side.

When the head was placed in front of Cao Ren, he laughed out loud.

"Wang Cuicui, I didn't expect you to be so capable."

And he also asked Wang Cuicui to explain the details.

Wang Cuicui repeated the details.

"Well done, I didn't expect you, a little girl, to be able to do this."

In order to act, Wang Cuicui immediately knelt down.

She said that she would never dare again in the future, and hoped that Cao Ren would never give herself such a task.

"Don't worry, as long as Xi Yu is dead, I basically have no enemies."

And Wang Cuicui asked her parents if they were safe.

"Okay, you go home now, they are really safe."

Wang Cuicui also got up immediately, and when she returned home, she saw that her parents were indeed safe.

But the parents feel very strange.

How did she come back?
"You don't know at all, right? General Cao just asked me to do one thing. Now that I'm done, I will naturally come back."

But her parents didn't believe her words at all, thinking that she must have offended others who ran out, and asked to tie her up.

"If you don't believe it, forget it, then tie me up."

Wang Cuicui also became angry. After this incident, she was really disappointed with her parents.

Seeing that her daughter didn't seem to be lying, the father of the king asked, so what task did Cao Ren give her?Did you get the money?

Wang Cuicui also told the truth, she wanted to take a person's head, and now it has been taken.

The parents were taken aback.

"What? How could such a thing happen?"
But Wang Cuicui said that if she did well, she would have no money at all, but if she did not do well, she would take her parents' lives.

And the soldier who came home that day was actually Cao Ren himself.

"Okay, I've finished my words. If you don't believe me, just tie me up, and then you will know that what I said is true."

She returned to the room, and the parents were still dumbfounded.

Cao Ren looked at the head and felt very excited.

Xi Yu, you are finally dead.

I think I just followed Cao Cao, saved Cao Cao, and invented Quyuanli.

Later, he was commended by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

Later, he became brothers with Cao Cao and created legends one after another, but what happened in the end?
He actually died at the hands of a little woman.

No, all of this is the result of my own strategizing.

That being the case, why not attack Youzhou yourself and occupy Youzhou.

He immediately began to gather people and marched towards Youzhou.

Some subordinates advised him to send a letter to Cao Pi Feige as soon as possible, and listen to Cao Pi's opinion.

"Why bother? After finishing the work, Mr. Cao will only be happier when he learns what we have done."

He is completely immersed in the joy now, and he can't listen to the opinions of his subordinates at all.

And after Wang Cuicui returned home, the secret guard who protected her parents also returned to Xi Yu's side.

At the same time, the dark guard who was in charge of escorting Wang Cuicui also came back.

When Xi Yu knew Cao Ren's reaction, he laughed.

Because everything was in his expectation.

This time it will be exciting.

And Xi Yu decided that he would be missing for a few days.

Because his own death may cause a lot of rumors.

So for now, let the people of Youzhou know that they are dead.

Or it could be said that Xigong disappeared on the surface, but he died in secret.

So don't let others see you recently.

The next day, he told Xi Zhicai that he would take his brother to learn cycling.

And live a life of seclusion.

Until the other party finishes learning the bicycle, otherwise he will not come back.

"Brother, how can this be? You can't just stay with me, you still have a lot of important things to do."

"Don't worry, brother, my place has become a system. If I need to do everything myself, then why do I need others?"
Seeing what he said, Xi Zhicai had no choice but to agree.

Xi Yu is already in a mountain villa, and has an extra house, and the altitude here is very high, and the air is very fresh.

This was originally a village, but the conditions were so poor that many young people had already moved away.

Only a few old people are here.

Because it is not easy to go down the mountain and come back up again, these old people basically live here all year round, but there is a large field on the high mountain, Xi Yu thinks it is the best place to learn to drive.

Xi Zhicai was particularly moved.

"Brother, you have worked so hard to let me learn to bike."

"Brother, what you said is too much. This is what I should do."

In fact, according to Xi Zhicai's intention, he hoped that Ouyang Linlin could also come over.

But Xi Yu refused, saying that he might teach her again in the future, but not this time.

Because Xi Yu had to avoid unnecessary people.

There is another problem, this Ouyang Linlin is a lady from a rich family, she cannot adapt to living in this poor mountain valley.

But after seeing the living environment here, Xi Zhicai also found that Ouyang Linlin was very right in not coming.

This afternoon, Xi Yu stood on a high mountain looking at the setting sun in the west.

He suddenly discovered that a life similar to this kind of seclusion is also very good, and it has not been so quiet for a long time.

But he remembered his responsibility again.

He must work for the welfare of the people of the world.

Cao Ren should arrive in about three days from the calculated date.

But then again, if he dares to come, he really has a lot of courage. Even if he really dies, does it mean that Youzhou will perish immediately?

Could it be that his subordinates, as well as black and white cavalry, would give up resistance?
It can only show that when people face exciting things, their IQ will decrease.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed, and Xi Yu really wanted to go down the mountain to see what was going on.

But in the end, after thinking about it, let's forget it. Anyway, if there is any situation, the dark guard will report to himself.

And that night, Xi Zhicai finally realized that something was wrong.

Xi Yu came here not just to teach himself how to ride a bicycle.

He must have another purpose.

He wanted to ask very much, but he knew that his younger brother might not tell him the truth.

Another day came, and Xi Zhi was finally able to ride the bicycle smoothly.

He was so excited, like a child getting a toy.

"Okay, brother, since you have learned it, we can go down the mountain today."

"Great, brother, I haven't been this happy in a long time." (end of this chapter)

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