Mythical big man, champion soldier saint

Chapter 75 Testimonials, dry content and updates

Chapter 75 Testimonials, dry content and updates
When it was time to put it on the shelves again, I was still very nervous.

The success of a book on the shelf will determine its fate, length, and whether the author can write the book with peace of mind. All of these are the most intuitive manifestations.

How important is the first order on the shelves? Everyone is an old reader, so I don’t need to go into details.Please support this book and let me finish it well.

As long as possible.

At midnight tonight, it will be available at zero o'clock on February [-]st! !

Speaking of adding more, [-] subscriptions is my expectation.

If it is less than [-], I feel quite depressed. If it is more than [-], for every [-] additional orders, a new chapter will be added.

That is, if there are four thousand first orders, five more chapters will be added.It's not that I don't want to do more, but we must first do what we can.

If it is [-] first order, I feel that it can be changed three times every other day. This is my limit. No matter how much quality it is, it may be a pit.

I never thought about more than [-].

There must be [-]D updates on the first day of release. After release, three chapters will be updated first. At noon tomorrow, there will be at least two updates in the evening. Depending on the results, it may be added.

After it is put on the shelves, most of the time there is a guarantee of [-] characters.

If there is more than [-] characters from the leader, three to five more.

The ally has never thought about it.

Please ask for the first order again, it is really important.

【Talk about the plot】:
The way this book is written, some readers feel that the early stage is not exciting enough, this is a matter of opinion.I want to make the cool points in the book as different as possible, so as to avoid repeated overlapping and repetition.

Everyone may wish to recall, from the initial raid on the Zonghengdao, a small display of the front, including discussing military affairs, then sabotaging the plans of the Huns envoys, to riding back and killing the Huns to ambush them.

Now that it is officially on the battlefield, the link is constantly upgrading.

And every time the refreshing point is different, not obtrusive, not repetitive, keeping novel and interesting is the goal.

The same is true for plot clues, let them out first, and then gather them together to one point, not scattered, and have a clear main line.

I really put a lot of effort into writing this book, thinking about the plot.

Well, boast about it.

Of course, hard work does not mean popularity, and it has not met the expectations of some book lovers, but I have tried my best, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

Besides cheating, many book friends felt that Huo Qubing was underrated.

The book will soon reveal part of the secrets of cheating. It is also a process of change and explosion, which will be very turbulent.

Then let's talk about the characters. The hero of Huo Qubing is that he is a "giant" in the military. He is invincible. At the age of 17, he has already made history.

Some book friends do not allow women's dramas, and even extremely do not require to have a family, thinking that national heroes should not be like this.

I really can't do this.

Requiring him not to approach women, this is no longer the height of a military giant, or even the level of a saint.

Just look at how many great people there are in ancient and modern times... right?There must be a combination of yin and yang.

Besides, you can't stop women from liking him, right?

He may not be lecherous, but he has to be close to women, otherwise how to solve the problem of human reproduction, and how to be sharper with treasures in his body?

Finally, please ask for the first order again, this is really important.

Please give me a first order.At midnight tonight, it will be available at zero o'clock on February [-]st, thank you!
Best of luck to all book friends.

Thanks to everyone who rewarded, voted, commented and supported, and the editor Qilin, I am really grateful.

Old teller!

(End of this chapter)

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