Chapter 49 Me!
The day is empty.

After Weiyang Palace, Hu Yanye, the envoy of the Huns and others left, Fan Xi, Li Xi, and veteran Shi Jian came to report to Liu Che:

"The Xiongnu's support should be to incite Qiang, Di and other western herdsmen to attack our big Han."

"I don't think what the Huns said may be true. The Qiang people used to be active on the grasslands and were expelled and killed by the Huns. They have a deep hatred. How could they be easily used by the Huns?"

Taichang Zhouping was also in the study, and several people expressed their opinions on the situation in turn:

"The old general's words are wrong. For the continuation of the race, what is the hatred in the past? As long as it has the benefit of impressing them, it is not surprising that the Qiang people are used by the Xiongnu."

"If the Qiang and Di people really attack from the west, the situation will be very unfavorable."

"This is the purpose of the Xiongnu, to speak out, to muddy the water, and avoid my big man's spring offensive."

Zhou Ping and Fan Xi had worried expressions on their faces, and what the Xiongnu said was probably true.

Both of them are civil servants. When encountering such a situation, the first thing they think of is to be steady, find out the truth of what the Huns said, and then make a decision.

Shi Jian and Li Xi believed that they must not be intimidated by the Huns.If they are really sure, there is no reason to tell the big man about the matter, because it is a joke to adjust the big man's offensive just because an envoy of the Huns said a few words.

"If it's false, why would the Huns tell the truth tonight? What's the point of such a lie?"

Zhou Ping and the Fan family quickly agreed.

The two planned to use their skills of verbal war against the officials to argue with Shi Jian and Li Xi, and even persuade His Majesty not to send troops on the northern front.

Liu Che sat at the head and never said a word, so that people could not see what was in his mind.

The Huns envoys on the other side quickly returned to the embassy.

Subna was laughing all the way, and when he came back, he sat on the ground and mocked: "What did I say? The Han people don't have a real warrior, they are as timid as cattle and sheep, and they only hide behind high walls.

Those officials are cowardly and stupid. "

Hu Yanye's ferocious gaze also carried a little relaxed emotion: "It seems that it is not difficult to achieve the Da Shanyu's confession during this mission."

"Just wait for news from my elder brother to come and talk to the Han people at that time, and then we can press on step by step.

If they don't want to go to war this year, besides the clan women, they have to bring out other things, such as fertile women, livestock, property and ironware. "

Subna said fiercely.

Timan thought about it and said: "The Han people will not give in so easily, the final result of this matter still depends on your brother Xu Buhui.

If he passes through the Western Regions smoothly, joins forces with the Qiang, Di and other tribes, and harasses the Han people on the western front, then the Han people will not only dare not attack the Xiongnu, but will also deploy troops to defend the western front.

If your brother can unite more tribes and win a few victories in the collision with the Han Chinese western frontier army, then the Great Chanyu will also consider sending troops directly to form a pincer attack on the Han Chinese.

At that time, it will be difficult for the Han people to take care of both sides, and they will be defeated! "

"But if your brother Xu Buhui's plan doesn't go well, we have to retreat..."

The real plan of the Huns was actually to use a small number of elites to enter the Qiang and Di tribes in the west of China through the Western Regions, and promised to make a lot of money to pull the power of these nomadic tribes to join.

Including small countries in the Western Regions such as Loulan and Gushi, they jointly created pressure on the Western Front of the Han Dynasty.

Doing so would allow the Xiongnu to achieve the goal of containing the big man with a small amount of power.In the worst case, Han could take care of the western front and had to delay or even give up the spring offensive against the Huns.

For the Xiongnu, this plan had almost no loss, and they used their small strengths to attack the Han.

They just promised that the Di and Qiang would disturb the Han people on the western front, and that all the proceeds from the plunder would belong to them. They also promised that the Qiang, Di and other tribes would jointly sweep up a few small countries in the Western Regions that had changed their minds and did business with the Han people secretly. They are also owned by the Di and Qiang people.

In this way, the Xiongnu can gain the power to disrupt the western border of the Han Dynasty with the minimum consumption.

This was a plan that Yu Yizhixie, the great Shan of the Xiongnu, was quite proud of.

If Xu Buhui, who is in charge of carrying out the task, progresses smoothly and can bring in more Qiang and Di tribes to expand the results of the battle, then the Huns will also rush up and bite the big man from the north.

Judging from the time, they are no longer afraid to speak out at this time and create pressure on the Han people.

By the time the Han people responded, the first battle on the Western Front was over.

Next, wait for the news of Xu Buhui's launch to come and let the Han army verify the authenticity. Attention will first be shifted to the border gates on the western front. At that time, the initiative will be transferred. If the Han people want to solve the western front, they must suspend their offensive against the Huns. Beware of the Huns taking the opportunity to attack.

At that time, the role of the Xiongnu mission will be reflected. If the Han people want to quell the fighting, they will pay a huge price.

Thinking of the white goat-like tenderness of Han women, Subna scratched his thighs, a little excited: "This time I get women from Han people, and I can use them for fun on the way back. I want at least five.

I haven't seen the appearance of those Han women for a while..."

A group of Hun generals and envoys laughed in unison.

"I don't know what my brother Xu Buhui is like. If he succeeds, Da Shanyu decides to launch an offensive against the Han people, that will be interesting..."

A group of Hun envoys were talking and laughing loudly, and someone outside the embassy came in to announce: "There is news."

It finally came... Before they entered Chang'an, they left the Xiongnu soldiers waiting outside so that they could receive the news in time.

The person who delivered the message rode from the border, and also delivered it all the way at the fastest speed under the supervision of the Han army.In other words, when the Xiongnu mission received the news, the Han people would also receive it simultaneously.

Subna got up excitedly: "Quick, let someone come in."

Soon, a Hun cavalry rushed in, and fell to the ground before speaking.

"Tell me, how many soldiers and horses of the Qiang and Di tribes my brother has drawn..." Subna stared at Tongling with big eyes, looking forward to it.

"I report to Captain Zuo... Guduhou (Wanqichang) Xu Buhui was beheaded by the Han army, and the [-] elite troops under his command were defeated and fled!"

Hu Yanye, Timan, and Subna felt their heads exploded at the same time, turning into chaos.

The blood on the faces of the other envoys and soldiers in the room also faded instantly.

Xu Buhui is dead!
how come?
Hu Yanye, Timan, and Subna reacted at the same time, the message was wrong!

This is impossible, Han army, where did the Han army come from?
After counting the days, they announced part of their plan today to frighten the Han people, because even if the Han people knew it at this time, it would be too late.

But as soon as they said it, the Han army killed Xu Buhui? !
The timing doesn't match up at all.

Speaking of Xu Buhui himself, he was also a famous general of the Xiongnu, and the [-] elite cavalry led by him were all dedicated warriors from various tribes of the Xiongnu.

Where did the Han army not only defeat them, but also kill Xu Buhui? !
Must be fake!

Subna grabbed the Hun soldier who came to deliver the letter, and said frantically, "Where did you hear the news? Have you confirmed it? Tell me!"

The Hun soldier panicked and said: "The ones who sent back the news were the men and horses of Guduhou who were defeated by the Han army. They only said that the Han army was too fast, like an eagle on our prairie. The eagle's talons are sharper, ripping our ranks from the flanks..."

The envoys were completely quiet, everyone's eyes were stunned, only Subna's heavy breathing was left.

"I don't believe... I don't believe that the Han people can kill my brother Xu Buhui!"

At the same moment, the news reached Weiyang Palace.

Fan Xi and others have roughly analyzed the Huns' intentions and plans, and they all feel that the current situation is difficult.

Liu Che was the first to see the secret letter presented by the attendant and delivered by the spy.His expression was calm, but the corners of his mouth were raised, and the smile gradually spread.

He handed over the information from the secret investigation to the next first imperial doctor, Fan Family.

Fan Xi was stunned after seeing it, then opened his mouth slightly, his expression frozen.

Then it was Taichang Zhou Ping's turn: "This... this... is the news true?"

One of the most important key points in the plan of the Huns is that the team led by Xu Buhui needs to be able to advance smoothly and enter the area west of the Qiang, Di and Han, so that the plan can be carried out around him step by step.

Xu Buhui was killed, and the plot of the Xiongnu was equivalent to being hit in the heart with a blow, and the fetus was stillborn.

It's over before it starts!
The briefing sent by the Secret Detective passed to Shi Jian and Li Xi, and when they saw it, they both felt their hairs stand on end, and an indescribable feeling swept over their bodies, and the whole body was comfortable, as if their souls were cheering.

Immediately, everyone had the same thought: Who did it, and where did the Han army cut off the Xiongnu's plan?
 Ask everyone for support. The key is that if you don’t ask, you won’t be on the list.

(End of this chapter)

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