Shenhao with a learning panel

Chapter 289 Art Teaching Resources

Chapter 289 Art Teaching Resources (Please Subscribe!)
"I'm going to take the train to visit Lao Tzu's hometown at night."

Chen Muling blinked: "I?"

Li Shi nodded: "Lao Dan, the author of "Tao Te Ching", the ancestor of Taoism, the Taishang Laojun in the myths, the Taiqing Daode Tianzun, according to "Historical Records", he was from Chen Guoku County in the Spring and Autumn Period, which is now Luyi County of Nanhe Province. I am going there tonight."

Chen Muling immediately said: "I know, the Taoist ancestor in Xianxia novels, after hearing what you said, I really want to go too. Is it far from the capital?"

"It will take one night by ordinary train, and four or five hours by high-speed train."

"Unfortunately, I don't have that much time."

Li Shi invited Chen Muling to eat at a government restaurant. The restaurant he found on the Internet, except for the high price, was very good. Dishes such as red oil loin slices, crispy beef brisket, and sea cucumber tofu were all delicious.

After dinner, the two took a taxi back to the hotel.

It was only when they arrived that they realized that Chen Muling had already left the room in the morning, and Li Shi looked at her in surprise.

Chen Muling blushed when Li Shi looked at her, and quickly explained: "I have to watch another ballet performance of Dream of the Red Chamber at the National Center for the Performing Arts tonight. This place is very close. Can I rest here?"

As he said that, he seemed afraid that Li Shi would not believe him, so he called out the e-ticket she bought on his mobile phone and showed it to him.

Li Shi asked curiously, "You seemed to be watching this too last night?"

Chen Muling nodded: "Well, this is it. The National Ballet of China's original national style classical dance is very beautiful. It has only been performed for three days. I want to watch it again. You don't know, I also learned ballet when I was young, but unfortunately I didn't stick to it later."

Li Shi couldn't help looking at her figure: "You should look good dancing."

Chen Muling said with a smile: "I do a house dance once in a while, and I posted it on my station b account."

Li Shi also looked at him politely for 1.8 seconds, and then looked away: "Then you rest here, anyway, I have to go to the train station at night."

When they arrived at the room, after entering the room, Li Shi walked in front, and Chen Muling walked behind. After entering, she didn't close the door, and Li Shi didn't close it either.

The two chatted for a while, and then began to do their own things.

Li Shi first summed up the harvest of today's visit, and then began to read.

Chen Muling seemed to be using her mobile phone to edit the video, probably playing with her vlog.

The performance at the National Center for the Performing Arts started at seven o'clock in the evening, and it was almost five o'clock when they returned to the hotel, so Chen Muling stayed in the room for more than an hour before saying goodbye and leaving.

Li Shi sent her to the door, and after they left, he immersed himself in the sea of ​​books again.

It wasn't until 07:30 in the evening that the alarm clock sounded that he checked out of the room and took a taxi to the bus station.

He sat on a soft sleeper this trip.

After getting on the bus, I first observed the other three people in the same compartment, an elderly couple, and a man in his 40s. There was nothing special about him. He quickly lost interest in observing, lay down on his own bunk, took out a Bluetooth headset, opened station B with his mobile phone, and began to watch "Peking University Open Class: Ancient Chinese History".

There are a total of 172 lectures in this series of videos, which are jointly composed of several professors from the history department of Peking University.

The first lecture is "The Ancient Origin of the Chinese Nation".

The lecturer is Professor Yan Buke.

Li Shi checked the information of this professor, he is a professor of the History Department of BJ University, a doctoral supervisor, the chairman of the Academic Committee of the History Department, and a member of the Academic Degree Subcommittee.

This is a master of history and academics.

Watching the teaching video of a university teacher, Li Shi is experienced. After clicking on the video, he immediately turned on "1.25 times speed".

However, 1 minute later, he adjusted the double speed to "1.5".

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Muling suddenly sent a WeChat message: "After watching the show, even though it's the second time, I still think it's too beautiful. Are you on the train?"

Li Shi was taken aback, and read the sentence twice to make sure that what she said was not the same thing.

The corners of his mouth turned up, and he smiled.

Holding the phone with both hands, zooming in on the WeChat interface to full screen, typing: "I'm already in the car, is it really so beautiful?"

Chen Muling replied quickly: "There really is! If it wasn't for tomorrow night, I would like to watch it for the third time!"

When Li Shi said this, she was also very curious about what it would be like to combine the dance genre of ballet with Chinese classical literary stories like Dream of the Red Chamber.

He replied: "I'm curious about what you said, why don't you pay attention to it for me, and I will go with you to watch it again when we perform again next time?"

Chen Muling: "Okay!"

After chatting for a few words, before the end, the Treasure Island girl said again: "Even if there is no performance, next time you come to the capital, remember to play with me."


He continued to watch the video for a while, and after five or six minutes, he stopped suddenly.

Going back to the home page, I searched with a combination of the words "Chen Muling" and "Treasure Island", and soon found an up master named "Mulin-cc". Looking at the profile picture, it was Chen Muling.

After clicking on it, she has posted more than 90 videos, with 12.6 fans, and is certified as a "well-known vlog up host" by the b-station platform.

Let’s look at the most recent video. It was the video of her going to the National Expo to see the exhibition. It was released at 1.3:[-] in the evening, and it has [-] views so far.

Li Shi clicked in and watched it for a while, then quit, scrolled down the videos she had posted before, and clicked in one more at random.

Well, it just so happens to be a dance video.

She was wearing a white T-shirt and ultra-short light blue jeans, showing her slender legs and small waist. She stood in an open space and danced to the music.

This kind of dance is not very professional, but it is quite beautiful. Li Shi has seen some of it before. After all, he has always appreciated beautiful things with an open mind.

After reading it, Li Shi liked it and voted two coins.

The past two minutes and 20 seconds have been more than two minutes pleasing to the eye, and there is no reason for whoring in vain.

Putting down his hands temporarily, Li Shi changed from a lying position to a sitting position. He was on the lower berth and sat to the right, so he could see the scenery outside the car window very well.

But it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and it was pitch black outside, and nothing could be seen.

Everyone else in the carriage was asleep. Looking at the occasional light flashing past the window, Li Shi thought about his study plan for the next period of time.

It must be admitted that the capital city is a great treasure. This city has gathered the best resources in the country.

For example, museum resources, such as library resources.

"In the future, if you want to complete the "Pre-Qin Cultural History Map" with high quality, you may have to come to the capital again."


According to the "Book of the Later Han" and "Luyi County Chronicles", the Laozi Temple was built in the eighth year of Yanxi in the Eastern Han Dynasty, that is, in 165 AD.

Since then, in Tang, Song, Jin, Yuan, Qing and other dynasties, the emperors paid homage or sent ministers to Laozi Temple to worship.

Especially in the Tang Dynasty, Lao Tzu was respected even more. In Luyi County, large-scale construction was carried out to expand the Lao Tzu Temple to the Lao Jun Temple, and later an edict was issued to change the Lao Jun Temple to the Taiqing Palace.

Since the Jingkang Rebellion, the Taiqing Palace was repeatedly destroyed and then rebuilt several times. The existing buildings today are repaired on the main body left in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Li Shi stayed in Luyi County for two days, mainly visiting Taiqinggong Town.

Among them, the cultural relics that cost him the most time are not the palaces and statues, but a stone tablet—the Tao Te Ching Annotation Stele.

The full name of this monument is: "Tang Kaiyuan Shenwu Emperor Tao Te Ching Annotated Monument".

It is a precious cultural relic left over from the period of Tang Xuanzong, and its inscription is Tang Xuanzong's interpretation of the Tao Te Ching.

During the visit, Li Shi suddenly thought of the online novels he had read in his mind for some reason. He thought, such a stone tablet engraved with the classics of the Taiqing sages, annotated by the Emperor, and blessed with incense for thousands of years, in the novels of Xianxia, ​​no matter what, it must be a meritorious treasure.

Two days later, Li Shi took the high-speed train to Qufu again.

Qufu Confucian Temple, also known as "Queli Zhisheng Temple", is now a 5a-level scenic spot, and Li Shi also stayed here for two days.

Two days later, take the high-speed train to Jiangcheng City, Beihu Province.

This is the last stop of this study tour.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, he got on the train at Qufu East Station. As usual, after getting on the train, he observed the passengers around him first, and then began to read.

After Shangqiu passed eleven o'clock, he put down the "50 Years of Discussion of Ancient Chinese History in Phases" in his hand.

This is a typical book with inconclusive conclusions and opinions from different books.

"Although history has become something approved in the past, there is no standard answer to historical questions."

"In this world, there is no absolutely objective eye to look after thousands or even millions of years of history."

He was a little emotional and was about to record some thoughts when his little assistant Zhang Huijing sent a message.

"Boss, is it convenient to answer the phone? The final finishing project of the house has been accepted today, and I want to report to you."

After Li Shi saw it, he got up and walked between the two carriages with his mobile phone.

When he arrived, a woman was already on the phone. He found Zhang Huijing's number and dialed it.

"Hey, tell me."

Because there were still people around, Li Shi deliberately lowered the volume, but he mainly listened to the report from the little assistant on the phone.

"That's about it, sir."

"Well, you did a good job. The main reason is that the third-party test is also qualified, so you transfer the money. You have worked hard during this period. Take a good rest for a few days. I won't arrange other jobs for you for the time being. You can take a five-day long vacation."

When she heard that the boss would give herself a five-day vacation, Zhang Huijing immediately said happily, "Okay, thank you boss!"

After finishing speaking, she remembered something, and quickly added: "Boss, there is one more thing. In the middle of January, you asked me to remind you in two months that the date of the teaching qualification examination is approaching, and you have to prepare for study."

Li Shi was taken aback, remembering that today is already March [-]th, he immediately said: "Well, yes, thank you."

I hung up the phone, returned to my seat, and looked at the calendar again.

"This year's teaching qualification examination is on April [-]th, and there is only a little more than a month left. It is time to start preparing."

"Time flies so fast! I was busy and forgot, but fortunately Zhang Huijing reminded me in advance."

Li Shi's "Art Teaching Qualification Examination" was registered in mid-January, and two months passed in a flash.

The reason for taking the art teacher qualification certificate is to prepare for the road of calligraphy master.

Teachers, preaching and karma dispel doubts.

In today's society ruled by law, all occupations must hold a certificate. If you want to go to school to teach calligraphy, you must have a teacher qualification certificate.

Although I am not sure how to preach in the future, I should prepare in advance in case of emergencies.

This is also part of the pre-planning.

"I applied for high school art teaching qualifications, and I had to take three exams, "Comprehensive Quality", "Educational Knowledge and Ability", and "Subject Knowledge and Teaching Ability".

"When I get back to Tanzhou, let's put aside the study of history for now, and study the books for the teaching qualification test in the study first."

Although there is only one month left, and Li Shi hasn't read the reference books he bought for two months, he is not in a hurry.

For one thing, the previous comprehensive knowledge accumulation is deep enough, including the art history that he learned when he was studying painting, which will help him in the exam.

Secondly, his memory is getting better and better now, and he is full of energy. If he studies to the limit, he can even study efficiently for [-] hours!

Thirdly, in the teaching qualification examination, each subject counts as 120 points, and as long as [-] points are considered qualified.

"The written test is still very sure, the key is the interview later."

"At that time, if I can find a teacher to teach me experience."

Among Li Shi's college classmates, several of them went to become teachers after graduation, but the first thing he thought of was the "white" teacher Bai who had been "hot" recently.

Because they often chat about historical issues, the two have recently had thousands of chat records every day.

He had never chatted with anyone of the opposite sex at such a high frequency.

Li Shi picked up his phone, clicked on QQ, and was about to send a message to mention this matter to her, before he typed a few words, and suddenly remembered that Ailan and Aiya would take Teacher Bai to Tanzhou to find him after a while.

"For the interview, it is better to ask for experience in person."

"If you ask for advice face-to-face, you can't mention it on QQ, otherwise there is a risk of exposure."

Li Shi deleted the text, held up his mobile phone and took a picture outside the car window, and sent it: "Mangmang, I will arrive in Zhengzhou immediately, and I will be able to reach Jiangcheng at 02:30 noon. This is the last stop of my study tour."

Bai Mangmang has already resigned and stayed at home, spending every day on the Internet, replying very quickly: "How is it, how do you feel?"


Li Shi thought for a while, and typed: "I'm looking forward to it, but also disappointed. I have gained a lot from this study tour, and I have a fulfilling life. I am looking forward to the end, but I am a little reluctant to end it."

After sending it, he pondered for a moment, and then typed: "You have helped me a lot during this time, thank you!"

Bai Mangmang was indeed of great help to him. From giving advice at the beginning, to communicating with him online all day long, and finally Li Shi asked some difficult questions, she also often helped to search for information, and even asked several history professors from universities in Guangdong Province through her contacts for their opinions, and then relayed them to Li Shi.

Bai Mangmang: "(Playful) Why are you being polite to me? Besides, let's agree. When I go to Xijing to do the theme of 'Exploring the Mysteries of Ancient Capitals of Many Dynasties' in the future, you have to help me too. Well, it's best to go with me. To be honest, I'm curious what kind of person he is in reality!"

(End of this chapter)

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