Shenhao with a learning panel

Chapter 279 Isn't Teacher Bai Teaching Chinese?

Chapter 279 Isn't Teacher Bai Teaching Chinese?
I clicked on the profile picture and looked at the "source", only to remember that this is the person who joined the young painters exchange activity last time and added it in the parking lot after the end.

I remember when he introduced himself, he said that he opened a matchmaking company.

Li Shi typed back: "Sorry, I don't need a blind date, so I won't go."

Then got up and stretched.

For the past three days and three nights, he studied alone, without a woman around him, and it seemed like he was obsessed with studying, forgetting to eat and sleep, forgetting about himself, and the time passed in the blink of an eye...

"My current state of study is simply amazing!"

"It's also thanks to my good health and enough energy."

Li Shi took the previous question and searched it on his mobile phone.

"The earliest written record of using bamboo as a fishing rod is in the Shang Dynasty. In the first anthology of poetry in my country, "The Book of Songs·Wei Feng Pian", there is a sentence like 'Huohuo bamboo poles, to fish in Qi'."

"In "Fishing Alone on the Cold River" painted by Ma Yuan, a famous painter in the Song Dynasty, the fishing rod held by the fisherman is a fishing rod with a reel, which is very similar to the cart fishing rod used for fishing today."


""Yi Xici" (6th century BC) said: Bao Xi's 'made knotted ropes to make nets, and used tenants to fish'."

Li Shi returned to his desk and began to sort out the results he found, and then recorded them one by one in the large notebook he bought specially.

This two-centimeter-thick black soft leather hard-shell notebook is now about one-third used, most of which are homework completed these days.

Just halfway through writing, the phone rang again.

Li Shi thought it was the same person as before, but when he picked it up, it turned out to be an account information from ICBC.

He immediately smiled.

After counting, yes, more than 900 million, which matches the number Chen Yao said on the phone at noon yesterday.

He was enjoying himself when Chen Yao called.

After chatting for a few words, after hanging up, Li Shi began to calculate and organize the deposits of his several accounts as usual——

CCB 3222 million, Bank of China 2230 million, Agricultural Bank of China 2210 million, ICBC 5256 million, WeChat wallet 8, Alipay 9, totaling 12935 million.

"We have more than 900 million in cash, hehe."

A small amount of less than 2000 million yuan is enough for Li Shile for a few minutes now. After five or six minutes, he picked up his pen again and continued his previous study.

Soon, the phone rang again. He glanced at it. This time it was a message from the WeChat account. He ignored it and continued to sort out the knowledge of ancient fishing tools.

After finishing writing, he put down his pen and picked up his phone to check.

Tanzhou Small Boss Circle: "Mr. Li, our event is not a blind date event, but a gathering of our Tanzhou Small Boss Circle Club."

Li Shi was a little curious, so he typed and asked, "What is the circle of small bosses?"

Small Boss Circle in Tanzhou: "Boss Li, our club is a high-end human resources club. The threshold is an annual income of 120 million before tax or assets of 2000 million, which is not worth mentioning to you. This is our promotional video. If you If you are interested, you can also join us."

Followed by a video.

Li Shi clicked on it and looked at it.

First up in the video are some footage of the action, along with a background introduction:

"In fact, we are more like an interest club. Everyone put aside their identities and turmoil, and play and laugh with like-minded people who share common interests. In fact, we entrepreneurial bosses are usually quite boring, and we are either surrounded by partners. Either it's an employee, and they can't be particularly heart-to-heart..."

"As I get older, I yearn for the simple and pure happiness of my childhood."

"What we want is down-to-earth, neither high-end nor high-end promotion, just a very ordinary small circle."


After reading it, Li Shi felt a little emotional. This is essentially the beggar’s version of the "Taishan Club" and "Jiangnan Club", but the packaging is very good, which is in line with the small taste of the younger generation, and the small circle culture has been played out. novelty.

He is a little curious about the people and activities in this kind of circle, and he has not had much contact with them before, and from a long-term perspective, his own learning situation is unpredictable, and he may not know when there will be a need to contact people from different circles in the future.

Then he typed and asked, "How much do you charge for joining the membership?"

Tanzhou Small Boss Circle: "Mr. Li, our membership fee is [-], but we need to verify the threshold qualifications. If you are interested, we will send someone over to handle membership for you immediately."

The membership fee of 5000 yuan is not high.

"Okay, you send someone over."

At 11:30 noon, Li Shi sent away two staff members, a man and a woman, who came to register for the membership. He immediately received an invitation to the event on WeChat.

Wang Qi (Member Assistant): "Mr. Li, next weekend we will have a member experience sharing event with the theme of 'five consecutive entrepreneurial failures, and finally success'. The members who share are our local entrepreneurs in Nanhu Province. The founder of the brand, Mr. Zhao Qin, Mr. Zhao, I don’t know if you are interested in participating, if so, I will register your name here.”

Just a snack?

Li Shi remembered that he had seen a snack shop with this name on the side of the road before.

He hesitated and declined.

Before the new year, he plans to finish the high school textbooks and the documentary "General History of China", and strive to be promoted to (beginner +), the time is a bit tight.

Before deciding to choose the master of calligraphy, Li Shi originally planned to spend a leisurely life with nothing to do during the end of the year.

But now that he has determined the path to the first grandmaster attack, he becomes impatient.

"This is related to the rewards of the portable space and the upgrade of the learning panel!"

After a meeting, Wang Qi, the member assistant, replied: "Okay Mr. Li, I'll let you know about the next event. Also, do you need to join the WeChat group of our small boss circle? If necessary, I will invite you now." you."

Li Shi typed and asked: "How many members are there in total now, and how many people joined the group?"

Wang Qi (Member Assistant): "You are our 216th member. About 70.00% of the members have joined the WeChat group. Because members are usually busy, the group is not particularly lively, but sometimes everyone will be in the WeChat group. Communicate in the group."

This Wang Qi introduced before when he came to go through the membership procedures. In their club, there are not only people who start businesses and do business, but also top practitioners who can be called "small bosses" in all walks of life. For example, a certain person who often The top producer of Mango Channel's program is one of their members.

Li Shi: "Then add me in."

After a meeting, Wang Qi sent an invitation to join the group, and Li Shi clicked to add.

After entering the group, the introduction to him was: engaged in jade jewelry business, and also a young painter.

These are the things he filled in the membership materials.

The total number of group members is 159, but there are only seven or eight people who came out to welcome the newcomers at the first time, and at least two or three of them are the vests of the club staff. Everyone is really busy.

Li Shi quickly lost interest, and directly set the group to do-not-disturb mode, put down his phone, and continued to study.

"History Optional Compulsory 2 Economy and Social Life" has six units in total, from food production and social life, production tools and working methods, commercial trade and daily life, villages and towns and living environment, transportation and social change, medical treatment and The history of ancient and modern China and foreign countries is explained from the perspective of public health and so on.

"The perspective of Optional Compulsory 1 is essentially a social perspective, and this volume of Optional Compulsory 2, after all, the six major perspectives are all about production relations."

"Historical social changes, at the root, are changes in production relations."

"And changes in production relations generally lie in the progress of productivity and changes in society."


At three o'clock in the afternoon on January 28th, Li Shigan finished the fourth textbook for high school. Looking back on the content of this textbook, he suddenly realized a deeper historical essence.

Open the portable notebook, organize and record your feelings.

Seventeen and eight minutes later, Li Shi pondered and put down his pen. The next moment, a touch came from his mind, and he quickly called out the learning panel to "check".

"Promoted from (entry-) to (entry)."

Although the promotion was only a small stage and did not bring attribute points, Li Shi was still very happy.

I got up and went to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and made a pot of [-] pounds of top-quality Lu'an Guapian to celebrate.

This is the new tea that arrived yesterday, one of the New Year's goods that Chen Qiuye got from Guo Lan.

Although Qiuye and Yuelan are in Yangcheng, they have already started preparing for the new year. Thanks to the highly developed logistics industry, these days, apart from studying, Li Shi is only left to receive express delivery. Now the storage room is almost full. .

Li Shi looked at the greenery and was very fresh. It seemed that the tea leaves had just been picked from the tree. When he smelled it, the fragrance entered his nose, which was very pleasant.

Look at the tea soup again, it is clear and bright, take a sip, it is sweet and mellow.

"Well, this tea is like that pure beauty with a literary and artistic temperament. It is beautiful and clean. It looks seductive. It tastes light, but it is very comfortable to drink."

After taking a sip of tea, he somehow thought of the sisters Alan and Aya.

From the perspective of appearance and temperament, this pair of sister flowers is the closest to this tea.

Li Shi turned around and went back to the desk, took his mobile phone and sent a message to the two of them, and then sat in front of the tea table, chatting, drinking tea, and admiring the river view outside the window.

After resting for 10 minutes, he returned to his desk, woke up the screen of the tablet computer, and began to study "History Selective Compulsory 3 Cultural Communication and Communication".

"Unit [-], Chinese culture with a long history."

"In the long history of more than 5000 years, the industrious and intelligent Chinese nation has created a broad and profound culture of planting flowers..."


This is the last textbook for the high school stage, and there are still six units. Because I have to watch a documentary at night, Li Shi didn't finish this textbook until noon on the third day.

In fact, the content of the textbook is not much, and he spends more time on self-in-depth research during study.

For example, when learning about the influence of Chinese culture on the world, the content in the textbook is only three pages in total, including illustrations.But he himself has a deeper understanding of the influence of Chinese culture on ancient dynasty, ancient Japan, Vietnam and other countries and regions.

This kind of in-depth and expanded learning allowed him to thoroughly understand the textbooks and learn solidly, but it also brought many new problems and doubts.

These doubts have nothing to do with history itself, but thinking about why history is going in this direction.

For example, Ma said: Gunpowder, the compass, and printing, these are the three major inventions that herald the arrival of the Western bourgeoisie society.The gunpowder shattered the knightly class, the compass opened the world market and...

All three inventions originated in China.

It was something that was invented early in the Huaxia region.

Why did it spread to Western Europe to produce such great power?

Why didn't the buds of industry in the Song Dynasty bear fruit?
Why is the final trend of history that the West has carried out industrial gaming first?


and many more.

After closing the book, he felt both fulfilled and irritated. Enrichment means that he has learned a lot of knowledge, and he is irritated because this knowledge also brings a lot of doubts.

Regarding these doubts, he has some thoughts on his own, and he has also searched the Internet for the opinions of many netizens related to this, but they are very messy and cannot be clarified.

And he had a lot of doubts, and he listed three full pages in his notebook.

Some questions cannot be found on the Internet.

"It would be great if there is a history student who can discuss with myself."

The first thing Li Shi thought of was Sun Shouwen's colleague who taught history.

He took his mobile phone and found the WeChat ID with the note "Mr. Qin (Shouwen's colleague)", and sent a message: "Mr. Qin, are you busy?"

After a few seconds, the other party replied: "You are?"


Li Shi was stunned for a moment, so he had to introduce himself again.

"It turned out to be you. I'm sorry. I forgot to make a note. Do you have anything to do with me?"

"That's right, Mr. Qin, I have a few questions about history, and I want to ask you for advice. I don't know if it's okay."

"Sorry, I've been too busy recently, especially in the past few days, there are a lot of things at home."

"It's okay, that's bothering you."

Li Shi put down his phone, stretched out his right index finger and scratched his cheek, got up, stretched his waist, and moved his body.

Then he picked up his mobile phone, ready to ask his little assistant Zhang Huijing to help him find a highly educated history professional private teacher - just spend money.

After opening WeChat, he noticed that there were unread messages in several groups. In order to study with peace of mind, he set all the groups except "the three of us" to "Do Not Disturb" mode.

What caught his attention more was the group with twin sisters Alan and Aiya, where they chatted one after another in the past two days.

Click on it, and scroll up to see the chat history.

It turned out that they were discussing Teacher Bai, saying that after her accident, her temperament has changed a lot. Recently, the school is on winter vacation, and she stays at home every day and does not go anywhere.

Li Shi suddenly became curious, and asked by typing: "What is Teacher Bai arguing with people on the post bar?"

Aiya saw his message and immediately replied: "It's all boring things. Yesterday I was arguing with others about who is the number one Confucian general in history, and today I am arguing about who is the number one emperor in history."

Then he said: "But thinking about it, Teacher Bai is quite cute. In order to win the other party, he asked me and my sister to register vests and pretend to be strangers online to help her. (Laughing)"

How is it all about history?

Li Shi became even more curious, and asked, "I remember you said, isn't Teacher Bai teaching high school Chinese?"

 Ask for a monthly ticket with the audacity.

(End of this chapter)

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