Shenhao with a learning panel

Chapter 170 Touching the Bone?

Chapter 170 Touching the Bone?

Buy me a drink alone?

Li Shi has always wanted to be wary and cautious. He suddenly remembered that Han Qian had sent him a message last time. In addition, the two of them were actually not familiar with each other, at least not among high school classmates. Immediately speculated that Han Qian might be approaching her on purpose.

"What's her purpose?"

Li Shi has already entered the studio now, this morning's class is very important, he quickly typed back: "It's really okay, just drink at night, I have something to do now, I can talk when I have time."

Li Shi turned his phone to vibrate, and when he came to the second bedroom, Gao Mei was already sorting out his lesson plans. When he saw him come in, he started the class without any unnecessary nonsense.

There is an old saying in the painting circle, which is "drawing a person first draws the bone", and there is also a saying that "painting a tiger's skin is difficult to draw a bone". Whether it is painting a portrait or an animal, if you can first understand the skeleton and draw the skeleton well, then It will be very beneficial for you to draw the demeanor of people and the momentum of animals in the future. "

"Let's talk about the skull first..."

Next, Gao Mei and Li Shi explained in detail the structure of the skull and the painting methods of each part.

The pace of her teaching is very fast, and all of them are dry goods.

Li Shi listened, understood and memorized, without daring to be distracted at all.

The phone in the middle pocket vibrated twice, but it didn't matter.

"You first touch your head with your hand to feel it."

"Some people's facial features are not well-shaped, because they can't grasp the structure and proportion of the frontal bone, eyebrow arch, lacrimal bone, orbital bone...mandible bone and other parts of the skull."

As Gao Mei said, seeing Li Shi touch his own face, she said again: "Come over and touch my face again. After all, the observation is a bit meaningless. It's better to feel it with your hands."

Li Shi was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at the door.

It suddenly occurred to me that Gao Mei's boyfriend, Guo Ying, had taken his students to the capital for a short-term training camp. In the last two days, Gao Mei had been teaching alone in the studio.

He didn't think much about it, walked up to Gao Mei, stretched out his hands, and began to feel her face.

"Bones are hidden in the flesh, which is the support for the flesh."

"You carefully feel the relationship between the bone and the skin..."

"Pay special attention to the position of the bone point."

Gao Mei is a good teacher, so excited to talk, she actually used her own body as a teaching specimen.

The two were too close, and the breath of her speaking directly hit Li Shi's neck, itching.

Li Shi touched her mandible, feeling the difference between the touch on his hand and the curve of the mandible observed by his eyes, and quickly let go.

I thought to myself, although Mr. Gao looks average, his skin condition is quite good.

Thoughts are fleeting.

He quickly calmed down and continued to study.

"Next let's talk about the trunk bones."

"Pay special attention to the understanding and description of the shoulder bones and rib bones... You can look in the mirror yourself, and if you have the conditions, you can also observe the people around you more."

"Many people think that the hand is the most difficult to draw in the human body. In fact, in my opinion, it is not difficult to draw a good hand, as long as you can draw the hand bone well."

As Gao Mei said, she stretched out her left hand again, rolled up her sleeves, and compared with the printed hand bone picture, she taught on her own hand.

"All the lines, light and shade, and depiction of the hand are closely related to the hand bones. Pay more attention to the shape of the hand bones, and the turning and interspersed changes at the joints..."

Li Shi touched his own hand bones while listening, and wanted to touch Gao Mei's hand bones to compare the relationship between different hand bones and muscle skin, but this time Gao Mei didn't ask him to touch it, and he was not good. Bring it up yourself.

The class lasted for three hours, and at the end of the class, Li Shi copied a photo of the old man's hands.

These hands are very thin, skinny, and the bones are particularly obvious.

When he came out of the studio at noon, Li Shi felt that he couldn't get enough of it. This class was too important, and he gained a lot, but he felt that it was not enough.

After thinking about it all the way, I took out my phone to look at it when I was eating.

Han Qian sent two more messages later, but he, Li Shi, didn't reply after reading it—the two are actually not familiar with each other, so there is no need to be confused.

His appetite was "raised" by Chen Qiuye, Wu Yuan and Wang Yuelan.

Although Han Qian could be regarded as a beautiful woman, in the eyes of Li Shi today, she was just so-so, far from being able to distract him from his studies.

Li Shi didn't take a nap at noon, so he reviewed what he learned in the morning from beginning to end, and continued to talk about "Painting Bones" in the afternoon. After dinner in the evening, Li Shi came to the study, reviewed the content in the afternoon, and then practiced two skulls in succession .

After finishing the painting, he took a closer look and found that it was not bad.

For the next two days, the teaching at the studio was carried out step by step. In addition to reviewing at night, Li Shi began to study the structure of the human body by himself.

The teaching material was recommended by Gao Mei, which was originally what art students were required to study.

"When we first took this course, the school also arranged for us to go to the anatomy room of the medical school to take a human anatomy course. The scene at that time was unforgettable for a lifetime... The general teacher was used for teaching."

"This course is very demanding, and it's not easy to learn. During the exam, some questions require you to draw the corresponding muscle structure according to the skeleton picture, and to restore the original appearance according to the skull..."

Gao Mei finally smiled and said to Li Shi: "With your talent and current level, it is actually easy to draw bones alone. The difficulty is to straighten out the relationship between bones, muscles and skin. Of course, there is no need to learn some things so deeply. , for you, it’s just a hobby after all.”

Li Shi smiled when he heard the words, but he was thinking in his heart: Actually, I don't want to learn so deeply, but the requirements for learning panels have never been low.

When he got home at night, he thought about it. From a long-term perspective, if he only learned (proficiency +), then there is no need to go deep, but in the end he wants to learn (proficiency-), he must master a deep foundation, and the human body Structural science is one of the most important foundations in sketching.

If you want to draw the human body well, you must understand the structure of the human body.

"It's best to match people with different appearances and body shapes with bones and muscles."

A few days later, at nine o'clock in the evening, in the study.

On the desk are professional books such as "Art and Human Structure", "Dynamic Sketch" and so on.

Li Shi put together "Berryman Body Painting Teaching", frowning slightly.

"Just reading and copying, without the most intuitive experience, what you learn is specious, alas, you still have to..."

After thinking for a long time, Li Shi felt that it was obviously unrealistic to dissect the human body according to his actual situation. If he wanted to learn better in this area, he had to find more models to "touch the skin", "feel the flesh" and "feel the bones".

Through a certain amount of vision, touch, and this kind of intuitive experience, one can deepen one's understanding of the relationship between human bones, muscles and skin.

"However, how can I touch others openly?"

"Ordinary models, I'm afraid they can't accept it."

Li Shi thought for a while, came out of the study, saw Wang Yuelan sitting on the sofa watching TV, and walked over.

 One of the fat man's prototypes was cut.

(End of this chapter)

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