Shenhao with a learning panel

Chapter 140 Fusion of Skills

Chapter 140 Fusion of Skills

Li Shi pressed the excitement in his heart and wanted to find other books he hadn't read. Looking around, he found that he had read a few books in the bedroom at least once, so he stood up and walked outside. Before he reached the door, he suddenly turned Come back and pick up your phone.

"Stupid, why bother looking for books, just search for a press release on the Internet!"

Open the browser, and click on a push article on the homepage——"Why Liu Tianxian didn't take part in the Qing Dynasty drama? After she changed her appearance in the Qing Dynasty, netizens: She has already appeared on stage..."

After glancing at it first, Li Shi immediately knew that this was a slobbery article.

But it doesn't matter, he just wanted to find an article he hadn't read at all to test his memory!
Take a deep breath twice, and begin to recite seriously: "Why didn't Liu Tianxian pick up... Speaking of Liu Tianxian, everyone is familiar with it. When she first debuted, she was called a 'sister fairy' by netizens..."

This article is about [-] words. Li Shi memorized it quickly, and then tried to recite it directly. He recited the first six sentences, then gave up and memorized it from the beginning.

After earnestly memorizing it five times, he felt that it was almost done. He took out his mobile phone and turned on the recording function, and began to recite.

This time the recitation went smoothly.

A few minutes later, he began to check the recitation result against the original text, and found that there was basically no problem, only a few words were wrong or missing!
"Such an unfamiliar article of 17.9 words, before the physical attribute is [-], you have to memorize it at least eight or nine times before you can recite it to this level."

Li Shi couldn't help but smile.

Although it is still far from the level of photographic memory, it is much stronger than when I had the best memory in the past 20 years.

After enjoying himself for a while, he turned his attention to the article he had just recited.

"This young lady is really pretty. The first time I watched her version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was when I was a freshman. At that time, I was still YYing her role as the little dragon girl. I fantasized about transmigrating into a TV series. I must accept it. Xiaolongnv and Huang...five years have passed in a blink of an eye, and when she filmed this movie, it was even more than ten years ago."

Li Shi glanced at the picture in the middle of the article. Liu Tianxian was lying on the sofa wearing a blue gauze skirt. She still looks as beautiful as her character in the play more than ten years ago, but her temperament has matured a lot. , After all, it still faded away, and I couldn't help but sigh that time flies.

"I must have lived longer than the average person, even... But today is past, and it will forever become a yesterday that cannot be had again. Even if I live longer, I will only have more tomorrows, and yesterday will never be repeated again. Past tense."

"In addition to learning, other aspects should also speed up the progress."

"It's definitely possible to transmigrate into a TV series, but if I have a chance in the future, I can get to know this actress. Although her acting skills are average, she is really good-looking...Acting skills?"

Li suddenly smiled, speaking of acting is also a skill.

Next, Li Shi tested his memory by memorizing random numbers.

In the morning, I still went to the activity base to train for three hours. After eating at noon, I went to the study to think about what to learn in the next stage.

"The middle-distance running study will be over in two days, so it's time to think about it."

Li Shi thought over and over again, and finally wrote two choices on paper: swimming and sketching.

If he continues to study sports, he plans to choose swimming.

Some people learn to swim for fun, some for exercise, and some for the opportunity to meet many beauties in swimsuits. Li Shi considers learning to swim more from the perspective of "safety"-running fast on land, running fast in water Good water quality and fast swimming can increase a person's chances of surviving a sudden danger.

Although there is a saying that "everyone who drowns will be able to swim", this only emphasizes that paralysis is easy to cause danger. In fact, in case of a situation where you have to wade into water, the better the water quality, the safer you are. of.

If he does not continue to learn sports-oriented skills, he thinks, as a person who loves beauty, he can continue to learn photography in the next stage, which is the accumulation of aesthetics, and continue to learn art skills.

After a little research, he set his sights on "sketch".

"It's easy to choose one of the two. After the middle-distance running is promoted, just toss a coin to decide."

After sorting out his thoughts, Li Shi was in a happy mood, and came to the activity base for training early in the afternoon.

From 02:30 to three o'clock, I called out the learning panel to "look" at it, and couldn't help raising my eyebrows—it appeared!The feeling of impending breakthrough reappeared!

"Don't be in a hurry to go back today, let's break through in one go!"

Li Shi ran to the desks placed on the basketball court, picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Wang Yuelan, telling her that he would go back later, and then rested for 10 minutes, drank some water, added some electrolytes, and went back to school again. A new box of electrolyte drinks was brought from the trunk of the car, opened, placed on the table, and continued training with high spirits.

Stand up!
One lap, two laps, three laps... Every time he ran a lap, he slightly adjusted his running posture, feeling the running efficiency of this subtle change in running posture.

Ten laps, twenty laps, thirty laps... When Li Shi finished fifty laps, he felt very prepared. After the circle, put the kettle back on.

Sixty laps, seventy laps... one hundred laps, 110 laps...

When I ran more than 20 kilometers, my whole body was soaked in sweat.

But he didn't feel tired at all, and even the more he ran, the better he felt, as if every muscle in his body had been fully warmed up!
Stay hydrated and keep going!
150 laps, 160 laps... two hundred laps!

After running two hundred laps, a full forty kilometers, Li Shi finally felt a little tired.

"It's been so many laps, why haven't you been promoted yet?"

Li Shi called out the learning panel and "looked" at it. This time, the feeling that he was about to be promoted was particularly strong, so strong that two-thirds of the thin window paper seemed to have been pierced!

He immediately cheered up, lowered the pace, added some electrolyte drinks again, and accelerated again, 210, [-]... [-]...

When he finished the 210th lap, and the 210th lap was not yet finished, the familiar feeling finally came to his mind.

Li Shi wiped the sweat off his face and grinned.

"Finally pierced!"

He slowed down and ran for another few tens of meters before coming to a slow stop.

Instead of checking the learning panel in a hurry, I walked slowly to the desk, replenished some water and electrolytes, walked slowly for 3 minutes, and then stopped to do five sets of stretching.

At this time, Li Shi couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly called out the learning panel to check.

"Hey, the two learned skills can still be combined!"

Looking at it, Li Shi discovered something new about the learning panel.

(End of this chapter)

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