However, these opportunities and benefits are nothing in Si Tian's eyes.

If she was just a 20-year-old girl, maybe she would have been dazzled by victory and achievements.

But she is not.

She lived 30 years in her previous life.

In the past 30 years, she has experienced too much.

Seeing the world is so hot and cold.

In the end, I realized that if I want to live a good life, I only need to guard my own one-third of an acre of land, and guard my heart.

Those other extra factors can make you or break you.

Therefore, she doesn't care much about money.

Just enough to spend.

Looking in front of him again, Si Tian just pulled the corners of his lips slightly when he heard the big cakes that the Man family brothers and sisters had drawn for him.

In the end, I really couldn't listen anymore, and said something expressionless.

"Uncle Zhengcheng, Aunt Xiaoyue, can we talk about something practical? I want to hear the main points."

"The point?"

Man Zhengcheng looked at the girl in front of him suspiciously.

The impatience on the girl's face was clearly visible.

Isn't what I said just now enough?

"Tian Tian, ​​what do you mean..."

"I will not be included, I have my own ideals and things I want to do.

As for my medical skills, they are used to save people. If you have patients who cannot be treated, you can send them over.

I am a doctor, as long as the other party is useful to society, I will not refuse to save him. "

But if it's plagiarizing her method and only serving certain people, Si Tian thinks it's unnecessary.


Si Tian's response obviously exceeded Man Zhengcheng's expectations.

"It means that I can cooperate with you, but I am still me, and you don't need to cooperate with me.

Of course, if you use power to pressure me and force me to compromise,'s not impossible, but I'm a doctor, so there are many ways. "

No one is confident in their own professional field.

Hearing Si Tian's words, the expressions on the faces of the Man family brothers and sisters can be described as wonderful.

Originally, they thought that Leng Chong was difficult to deal with because of the opponent's personality.

Now I know that's not the case at all.

Si Tian is also difficult to deal with, and even more difficult to deal with.

Because she doesn't like money, and she doesn't like power.

"Tian Tian, ​​why don't you think about it?"

"I've thought about it a long time ago, since the day you made things difficult for Brother Leng, I've thought about it.

Although I haven't known Brother Leng for a long time, he is already my family member. If you embarrass him, have you thought about my feelings? "

People who are protected by Si Tian have always been happy.

This was the first time Leng Chong felt it.

Standing at the corner of the second floor, Leng Chong raised his mouth slightly when he heard Si Tian's words.

Seeing his appearance, Qi Jinyao and Jing Cheng rolled their eyes helplessly.

I always find that smile particularly annoying.

Here, the brothers and sisters of the Man family saw that Si Tian didn't spit, so they could only appease him first.

"At this point, we need to call to confirm."

"Okay, call now, we have a phone at home, and we can make long distance calls.

As for me, I am quite busy, and I have to take care of my children, learn to read, and participate in the management of various businesses at home.

So... It's best to finish our business today. "

Si Tian's attitude is strong, and he doesn't give the Man family brothers and sisters any buffer at all.

The full journey is a bit depressed, and he can't make decisions about some things, he can only convey them.

It can be seen that the other party didn't want to give more time at all, and finally had to pick up the phone and dial the phone number of the superior's office.

In the end, it took about half an hour to go around and go around, and the successful docking was completed after the full journey.

"Si Tian, ​​the leader asked you to answer the phone."

Si Tian glanced at Man Zhengcheng, stood up calmly, and walked to the phone.

"Hi, hello, I'm Si Tian."

There was an old voice on the other side of the phone. He heard Si Tian's voice, although he knew it was a young man.

But I was still taken aback.

After that, the two of them didn't talk too much nonsense, and Si Tian directly stated what he could accept.

And also tell the other party their bottom line.

Anyway, just listen to her talk in Barabara all by herself.

When the brothers and sisters of the Man family heard Si Tian's conditions, their foreheads were sweating from nervousness.

I don't know if it's because those who don't know are not guilty, or if Si Tian's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

In short, in the face of such a character, you can still be extremely calm and offer various conditions.

I've only seen one during the whole journey, and that's Si Tian.

After more than 20 minutes, Si Tian hung up the phone.

Then he looked at the Man family brothers and sisters.

"The old man on the phone said that he will send another person to negotiate with me on this matter, and you can leave it alone."

Hearing this, Man Zhengzheng was a little depressed.

This mission is what my father finally asked for from a friend.

I just hope that he can negotiate, and then move up.

After all, being able to bring about such a big event is considered meritorious service.

Unexpectedly, it was cut off in the end.

The full journey has an ugly face.

But since the above has spoken, he can't refuse.

"Okay, Tiantian, you and them are on official business.

Now I have a private matter that needs your help. "

Having said that, Man Xiaoyue took over the topic.

It's still a long story.

"My father's health is indeed a bit bad, the sequelae are very serious, and he has seen many doctors, although it can be relieved.

But as the number of times increased, whether it was the effect of medicine or others, it weakened.

Tian Tian, ​​if you have time, can you come back to Beijing with us and help us take a look? "

In fact, Si Tian asked his grandfather about this in private.

She wants to hear Grandpa's opinion.

After all, grandpa used to be that person's lieutenant and knew that person best.

Nowadays, people have high status and authority, but being involved with such a person is not a good thing.

But in the end, Grandpa gave in.

"Tian Tian, ​​he is a good man, no matter how his children are, he has indeed done a lot of practical things for the common people, and he has made great achievements.

If it's convenient for you to make his old age feel better, that's... just thank him for the common people. "

Man Jinxiang was indeed a very good officer and participated in many wars.

Mr. Chen was only 20 years old when he became a lieutenant for him, but the other party was almost 40 years old.

Mr. Chen has never participated in the wars he participated in, but he has heard others mention it.

Really a Predator.

Desperate to defend the country.

Hearing this, Si Tian didn't want to care about it at first, but in the end he could only listen to his grandfather.

Because of this, he complained to Jing Cheng at night.

"Yes, but I have a child who can't go away. The child is too young to go to Beijing with me. If it is convenient for Grandpa Man, he can come to He County.

We have beautiful mountains and clear waters here, and it is a good place to retire. "

Hearing this, the Man family brothers and sisters looked at each other in surprise.

Originally, they thought that the other party would say a lot of conditions, but they didn't expect to agree so easily?
In order to confirm whether it was true, Man Xiaoyue continued to ask.


"Is it still fake? Grandpa Man is a hero, and each of us should be in awe of heroes.

I have the ability, so of course I want to help. "

Then, Si Tian left.

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