Chapter 13

Duan Lu and Lin Xiu'er stayed at Lin's house for a few days.

During the period, delicious and delicious offerings were provided. Although it was not delicacies from mountains and seas, the combination of eight dishes and one soup for each meal was much richer than that of Du's family.

Duan Lu's spiritual power was almost exhausted, and he needed a lot of food to replenish his body.

But she was still cautious at the dinner table. After eating a roast chicken, five eggs and three bowls of rice, she couldn't reach out her hands no matter what.

Just eat at home, Lin Xiu'er is only worried about whether she will be too full.

When she arrived at the Lin family, she was very afraid that her appetite would be suspicious. If she was asked, her identity as a three-year-old baby would not be so easy to pretend.

But Duane Deer was still too young.

She underestimated the overwhelming favor of the elderly.

Duan Lu licked off the last piece of rice in the bowl, and the servant girl who served beside her looked a little strange.Just pretended to be full and climbed off the chair to leave.

In the end, he was picked up by the powerful Master Lin and placed on the table again.

on the table.

"Kids! How can you grow up after eating so much? Huh? Come and come to the table, make!"

Mrs. Lin also chimed in, calling the servants at home to re-ignite the fire to cook and stir-fry, and at the same time filled Du'an Lu with a sharp bowl full of rice.

"Eat, don't be like your mother when she was a child. She ate less and became thinner. If she went out and was bullied, she would have to help the Du family to vent her anger."

Two pairs of old eyes were fixed on Duan Lu's bulging little face, and every time Duan Lu chewed, a little light shone in the eyes of the two of them.

Duan Lu simply let himself go, and ate a meal for two hours in a row, until the servant yelled to go to the town to buy rice, and then he gave up his job.

Mrs. Lin touched Du'an Lu's ordinary belly, smiling all over her face.

"Oh, my digestion is so fast, I'm going to be a big girl tomorrow."

Master Lin also came to join in the fun, but Mrs. Lin opened her hand.

"Your hand is so strong, don't touch us Lulu."

Master Lin smiled apologetically, "I'll just gently, gently. Just touch it."

Rough big hands rubbed Duan Lu's belly through the clothes, and Master Lin was satisfied all over.

Although I hate the eldest daughter, this granddaughter is really cute!Or just stay at home and raise her, and the old couple will surround her in the future!

Thinking this way in their hearts, the old couple immediately put into action.

Both of them turned to Lin Xiuer and started to do ideological work.

"I said, Xiu'er."

"Look, there are already four boys in your family, and there is an extra little girl. It's not convenient for everyone to live together."

Lin Xiu'er said, "An Lu always sleeps with me, it doesn't matter."

Mrs. Lin: "An Lu will grow up in the future. We have a lot of houses in our house. You can go home tomorrow and leave An Lu behind. We will keep him alive."

Master Lin: "Ah, yes, yes, you should leave quickly. Du Chunsheng is so nice, you two should go live quickly. Immediately, immediately, I will prepare a carriage for you!"

Lin Xiu'er was thinking about her husband and son, seeing that her father had recovered, she didn't want to stay at home for a longer time.But I didn't expect, I didn't expect that, in order to occupy the granddaughter, the parents would throw her, their own daughter, out of the house.

Moreover, he started to praise Lin Chunsheng, whom he had never waited to see, almost...

It made Lin Xiuer dumbfounded.

It was Duan Lu who rescued Lin Xiuer.

She suddenly flapped her long eyelashes, first kissed the two old people on the cheeks, then puckered her small mouth, and the words she said were aggrieved and cute.

"Grandma, grandpa~ Lulu, I like it. Lulu can't bear to part with Niangqi, if Niangqi doesn't hug her at night, Lulu will cry."

"Lu Lu also misses Daddy, Daddy is good, and pots and pans are also good."

After finishing speaking, it seemed as if he really remembered that there would be no mother's hug at night, tears fell down, and the two old people yelled in anxiety.

"Oh my god, my little ancestor, don't cry! What can I do if I break my body from crying!"

"Come on, get a toy for my granddaughter! Why don't you have a toy at home? Go buy it! Now... whoever, if there is any food, quickly bring the rice cooker!"

After some coaxing, Du Anlu tried his best to perform "the little baby laughs through tears after a strong ideological struggle", and finally made the old couple give up the idea of ​​detaining their granddaughter.

Lin Xiuer picked up Du'an Lu and was about to go back to her room to pack her things and go home.

After all, Mrs. Lin said that she was still a little reluctant to see her daughter leaving, so she couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Really no longer live for two days?"

Lin Xiu'er said: "There is a lot of work in the field. I will go back and help with the cooking, so the men can do the work in the field more meticulously. In autumn, we can also get more food."

Mrs. Lin's heart ached. Her daughter, who used to have no fingers in the sun, was now worried about harvesting food from the fields.She looked at Master Lin, and their eyes met.

Lin Xiu'er carried Lu Lu back to the room, she was in a hurry when she came here, and didn't bring any underwear.Packed a small package and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Master Lin and Mrs. Lin pushed the door together and walked in, holding something like a scroll in their hands.

Master Lin said: "Xiu Er, sit down first, I discussed it with your mother, there are some things that should have been given to you earlier."

Lin Xiu'er poured two cups of tea for the elder, and sat beside her with An Lu in her arms.

Master Lin spread out the scroll in his hand, only then did Lin Xiuer see clearly that this thick book was not a scroll at all, but a bound title deed.

Mrs. Lin rubbed the ink beside her and handed the brush to Master Lin. Master Lin tore down a few sheets to write with the pen while explaining to Lin Xiuer.

"Even if it is a daughter, my Lin family has always given preferential treatment. When your younger sister got married, our Lin family also brought her 30 acres of land as a dowry. You are the eldest daughter, so you should bring your share when you get married. But..." Master Lin paused.

However, you and your family broke your face and married someone who was not satisfied with the Lin family, and then sent you out with a dowry, where will the old face of the Lin family be put.

"Now Du Chunsheng treats you very well, you have added four more boys to the Lin family, and you have such a cute little daughter as Lulu, your mother and I really can't bear to make you suffer. The land deed is 50 mu, all of which are in your village. If you grow it yourself, you will definitely be too busy. When you leave, take a few servants back to help you with work."

Master Lin spoke melodiously, but Lin Xiu'er burst into tears.

She broke up with her family because of Du Chunsheng, although personally speaking, it was because of love.But for the two elders of the Lin family, it was a great misfortune for their own daughter to abandon him.Now that her parents can still distribute the family property to her for Lin Xiuer's sake, she suddenly felt that she came home late this time.

She should come back in many years, even if she dies hard and her legs are broken by her parents, she should still be filial to her parents for two years.

Lin Xiu'er began to cry, "Father, why don't I leave, I will serve you..."

Master Lin raised his pen and smiled, "Let's go, the child will grow up. When your mother married me, your father and I were poor too."

Mrs. Lin pushed Master Lin's head, "Not half as rich as Du Chunsheng is now."

Lin Xiuer laughed through tears.

(End of this chapter)

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