Chapter 59
Lin Baoyue discovered that although Liang Hao's voice was special, his psychological quality seemed to be okay, at least not particularly bad!

Probably got used to it!
So the reason why he did it today may be that the other party said something that shouldn't be said, which touched his back scale!

For example, when parents are involved in ridicule!

Lin Yu also thought of this, but still educating them to do it will not solve the fundamental problem, but will amplify the seriousness of the problem!
"Brother, if soldiers in your army laugh at each other and say bad things, how do you usually deal with it?"

"Fuck him, what else can we do?"

Lin Baoyue and Xiao Yizhou:
So what are you talking about and talking about for a long time here?
"Have you ever heard Yu Xiaogang's song, male singing female voice, it's so nice, it actually suits Liang Hao's voice!"

Suddenly, Lin Baoyue changed the subject suddenly!

"Who is Yu Xiaogang?" Lin Yu doesn't like listening to music very much, but he still knows some well-known singers, but he has never heard of this name!

Lin Baoyue turned her head and asked Xiao Yizhou and Liang Hao, "What about you? You should have heard of it!"

The two shook their heads in unison!

Strange, isn't he famous now?

"Bao Yue, the song you sang on the playground yesterday was very nice. Lu Ke and the others still hummed it when they went back. The lyrics are also quite good. Let me sing it again!"

"Don't talk about that first!"

Lin Baoyue thought of Yu Xiaogang's "A Picture of Shanghe on the Qingming Festival", she said, "This song is sung in two voices, one is a little rougher, the other is thinner, just like this-"

As she spoke, she softly hummed "A Picture of Shanghe on the Qingming Festival"--
"I look around
that curtain of autumn water

falling water droplets

but quietly

Lingluo floats up to cover the sunset

Play a heartbroken ancient song
lift up the picture so beautiful

I don't know whose ink pen

After singing the last female voice with her throat squeezed, she asked Xiao Yizhou and the others, "Haven't you heard of it?"

Xiao Yizhou stared at her closely and slowly shook his head, and Liang Hao did the same. Lin Yu smiled and said, "You wrote this, right? Sing it again, it sounds good!"

Well, it probably hasn't come out yet, she was a little out of time, and thought that Yu Xiaogang had become famous a long time ago!
"The female part in the back, Liang Hao, please sing it again!"

"Ah?" Liang Hao was stunned, and he blushed for a long time before saying, "I, I, I am tone deaf, I can't do it!"

"If you haven't tried it, why not? Try it, starting from 'The Lingluo Floats to Cover the Sunset West', I think your voice is suitable for singing this!"

There was Xiao Yizhou between Lin Baoyue and Liang Hao. When she spoke, she tilted her body and tilted her head, with almost half of her head resting on Xiao Yizhou's chest. In the end, she leaned on him to save effort!

"Lin Baoyue sit down!"

Lin Yu saw the two of them getting so close from the rearview mirror, and immediately scolded, "Whether a girl is sitting or not, what does she look like? Sit on the side!"

Lin Baoyue pouted, "Do you want to hug your head?"

Xiao Yizhou didn't bother to talk to Lin Yu, he still stared at Lin Baoyue, and asked, "You let Liang Hao sing because you want him to perform at the freshman party? This way the whole school knows what his voice is like, and no one will hear it again in the future." You will find it strange and won't cast strange eyes on him again! Right?"

Lin Baoyue nodded, "Yes, once something special is widely known, it will become very common, and it will no longer make people curious! On the contrary, the more he hides it, the more others want him to speak. If he doesn't speak, they will Keep up the challenge and laugh as soon as you open your mouth! Is that right?"


Since the first half month of school, Liang Hao has been cautious. Whether in the dormitory or in the military training on the playground, he has kept silent, trying to make himself as transparent as possible, and try to make others not notice him!
But how is it possible?
He is a person, not an object, let alone a mute, and once he speaks, he will be noticed, and soon many people will know that there is a boy named Liang Hao with a voice Shriller than a female voice!
"This is a good way. Otherwise, Liang Hao and I will sing this song together. I will sing a male voice, and he will sing a female voice. How about it?"

how about it?
With your deep and magnetic little voice, I'm afraid that all the girls in your school will go crazy for you after singing!

Lin Baoyue cast a sideways glance at him and said, "That's good, but you took away Liang Hao's scenery as soon as you participated, so isn't he singing in vain?"

"Y-yes, it's not a white song," Liang Hao whispered beside him, "If one, one boat doesn't go up, I-I won't dare either!"

Why are you still stuttering?
Lin Baoyue thought of Shen Lanxin inexplicably!
"Then you can do whatever you want. If you want to sing, I will give you the lyrics, and it is best to have a guzheng accompaniment!"

"You can play Guzheng?" Xiao Yizhou asked in surprise.

"What's the fuss, my third uncle can play!" Before Lin Baoyue could speak, Lin Yu glanced at Xiao Yizhou in the rearview mirror and said proudly, "My third uncle learned the Guzheng from my grandma, and my grandma is Guqin master, many professors from the Kyoto Conservatory of Music used to visit home for advice, very famous!"

Yes, very famous, such a talented and well-known music master, but gave up his talents and hobbies, and spent many years in obscurity at home with his husband and children!
But what's even more sad is that even so, he still hasn't been able to protect his most talented son!
So now Mrs. Lin's resistance to Mr. Lin may not be because of her third son, but also because of the years she was wasted!
Lin Yu's original intention was to tell Xiao Yizhou that Bao Yue learned Guzheng from his third uncle, who is very good!
But just after he finished speaking, he realized that the atmosphere in the car was not right, no, to be precise, it was Lin Baoyue's mood that was not right!

The siblings looked at each other through the rearview mirror, and Lin Yu shut up!
Crow's mouth, which pot does not open which pot to lift!
After a while, Xiao Yizhou turned his head and asked Lin Baoyue, "If the two of us sing this song, can you come to the University of Medical Sciences and accompany us with the guzheng?"

"Yes, yes, but what if our freshman party is on the same day as yours?" Lin Baoyue asked, looking at him with his head tilted.

"Are you going to put on a show?"

Lin Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't have such an idea at the moment!"

"That's it. If you don't perform, it's okay if you don't attend your party, right?"

This is true!
Lin Baoyue had no doubt about him, so she simply nodded and agreed!

Having achieved his goal, Xiao Yizhou turned his head and looked forward, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth!
Lin Yu took a deep breath when she saw the toothache. Bao Yue sang in the playground of Beijing University yesterday, which attracted the attention of all the people, but he just mentioned it just now, but this boy set up a freshman party to keep her from attending!
Yes, set it up!

Based on Lin Yu's years of experience in the army, Xiao Yizhou definitely set up a trick for Bao Yue, asking her to accompany him, but he couldn't perform at his school's freshman party!
He found that although his younger sister was smart, in some respects, Xiao Yizhou beat her to death!

The point is that she doesn't know it yet!

Alas, probably this is one thing down one thing!

(End of this chapter)

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