Someone's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, but Lin Yuan laughed loudly.

The atmosphere was strange, and the three of them lowered their heads to eat the rice in their bowls.

After finishing the meal, Lin Yuan took the initiative to put away the dishes and chopsticks and took them into the kitchen. Ji Hanchen and Pei Yi went to the study to continue their discussion.

Lin Yuan put away the dishes and came out, washed up and changed into her nightgown. After everything was settled, she sat on the bedside and read the script. She was still holding a marker in her hand and scribbling on the script. The page was blank. The places are densely filled with comments and personal understanding of the characters.

She doesn't have many roles in this role, and it was completed within a month. Lin Yuan's plan this year is to seamlessly join the filming.

There is no other reason. The involution of this circle is too serious. Newcomers are like leeks in the field. They grow one after another. Dynasties change very quickly. Without a representative work and strong strength outside the circle, they lose the little traffic they have. They may be abandoned by capital at any time.

After changing jobs and leaving Chaohe, she cherished every opportunity she got. Even if it was a small role, she would carefully analyze, polish and portray the character and perform it perfectly.

After reading for about an hour, Lin Yuan put down the script in his hand and looked into the distance to give his eyes a short rest.

The wall clock on the wall was already pointing to twelve o'clock. Seeing that the lights in Pei Yi's study were still bright, Lin Yuan picked up a yoga mat and spread it out on the balcony to stretch.

Under the soft light, the girl's figure was soft and slender, and she did a super difficult one-piece horse. Her light and agile body was like a butterfly flapping its wings. Her movements were very standard, and she was beautiful and eye-catching.

Lin Yuan's figure can be said to be very well-proportioned and beautiful. Her body curves are so perfect that people can't help but marvel. The flesh is all where it should be. If one point is too fat and one point is too short, it's just right. .

It can be said that the perfect posture is inseparable from years of self-discipline management.

When Pei Yi pushed the door open and came in, he happened to see Lin Yuan, who was wearing light clothes, sitting on the yoga mat on the balcony, doing stretching exercises. Due to the range of movements, the loose clothes had been somewhat displaced, especially the open chest. There is a risk of exposure if you are not careful.

Lin Yuan caught a glimpse of Pei Yi coming in from the corner of her eye, but she only had the last set of movements left, so she simply ignored the person.

Half an hour of stretching and difficult movements made her sweat a little, and the few strands of hair on her forehead stuck tightly to her skin, making her feel very uncomfortable.

Lin Yuan kept the same movement and did not dare to move at all. She could only call him: "Pei Yi, get me a tissue."

Probably because he was a little tired, Lin Yuan's voice was breathless when he spoke, his face was red, and his wet eyes were irresistible to anyone who looked at him.

Pei Yi hummed, turned around and went out, then came in with a tissue.

Lin Yuan obviously noticed that he took off his coat and untied the two buttons at the collar, revealing a delicate and beautiful collarbone.

"Wipe my sweat, I can't move."

Lin Yuan could feel a drop of sweat about to flow into her eyes, and her vision also blurred.

Pei Yi walked over, squatted down and carefully wiped the sweat from Lin Yuan's forehead.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Yuan suddenly said: "Why are you staring at me? My hairline shouldn't be bald, right?"

Pei Yi's eyes twitched obviously, "No, I'm staring at you because you are beautiful."

"Did you know about it on the first day?" Lin Yuan was quite proud, "So you are lucky. No one else can marry such a beautiful wife."

Pei Yi's eyes unconsciously fell on Lin Yuan somewhere, he quickly looked away, and then fumbled to straighten the clothes a little for him.

The moment the slightly cool fingertips touched Lin Yuan's skin, it became hotter and hotter. Lin Yuan clearly felt a tingling sensation spread throughout his body and spread to his limbs.

Perhaps sensing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Lin Yuan was at a loss for words and asked, "Is Ji Hanchen gone?"

Pei Yi kept a certain distance from her and said in a hoarse voice, "Yeah."

The atmosphere once again fell into an embarrassing situation.

"Pei Yi!" Lin Yuan called him, "I seem to be a little unable to move."

After stretching for so long, when Lin Yuan stood up, she almost knelt down and knelt down on Pei Yi because of the numbness in her legs.Fortunately, Pei Yi quickly picked her up, carried her to the bed, and laid her down.

Lin Yuan hugged his neck and kept nuzzling into his arms. Her other hand restlessly squeezed his arm and touched his hand.

Pei Yi's Adam's apple rolled, and he finally couldn't bear it and grabbed Lin Yuan's hand that was wandering around his body, "Don't move."

There were faint blue veins popping up on his forehead, as if he was trying his best to suppress something.

Lin Yuan, who was caught, showed no guilt at all and said confidently: "What's wrong with me just moving? You are my boyfriend!"

Pei Yi had no idea what to do with her, so he finally said helplessly, "I'm going to take a shower."

As he said that, he was about to stand up, but was pulled back by Lin Yuan.

"Then sleep with me?" Lin Yuan took the initiative to make room for him and patted his side: "Lie here."

Unable to defeat her, Pei Yi had no choice but to stay. Lin Yuan got out of bed and lit the incense. The pink crystal diffuser stone was full of girlishness. As it was heated, a faint but very strange fragrance was emitted. She poured it for herself again. Got a glass of milk and drank it.

Pei Yi changed his clothes, and the two of them lay on the same bed. After a while, Pei Yi quickly fell asleep.

Lin Yuan opened her eyes, pushed Pei Yi next to her, and confirmed that the other party didn't respond. Then she openly grabbed his hand and felt his pulse.

It has to be said that Pei Yi is really vigilant now, even she has to guard against herself.

She originally wanted to use seduction to detect her pulse, but he blocked her back, forcing her to resort to this last resort.

The aromatherapy was full of good things to help you sleep, but it was a pity that she drank the medicine in advance just now.

Pei Yi's pulse was slow and weak, giving people a feeling of being old. It was obviously the pulse of a dying person, but he usually acted like nothing serious was wrong.

This point puzzled Lin Yuan.

She took a deep look at Pei Yi, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, picked up her cell phone and walked to the balcony to send a message to Mr. Shi.

It was now past one o'clock in the morning. Lin Yuan had already fallen asleep thinking that Yao Lao would have to reply to the message tomorrow morning. Unexpectedly, he received his reply not long after the message was sent.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't judge the patient's true condition just by relying on other people's descriptions. Yao Lao meant to ask Lin Yuan to find a reason to bring Pei Yi over for investigation.

This month was so busy that she could only find time to bring people over.

She always felt that Pei Yi had noticed something, and he had always avoided her touch intentionally or unintentionally when they got along recently, for fear of discovering something.

Lin Yuan was uneasy. A woman's intuition and sixth sense would not lie to her.


At dawn the next day, Pei Yi woke up and opened his eyes, turning his head to look at Lin Yuan beside him.

She wasn't awake yet, so she was leaning in his arms, as small as a cat.

He had no idea how he fell asleep last night.

His eyes fell on the incense stick on the bedside before he could put it away. Pei Yi stretched out his hand, and Lin Yuan, who was still sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.

"what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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