After the contract was terminated, I owed the funder 3000 million

Chapter 335 It's okay now, but it will be soon

Chapter 335 It's okay now, but it will be soon
"What are you going to do with these people?"

Xiao Chi rested lazily against the wall with arms folded, looked at Lin Yuan who had just come out of the prison, straightened up and spoke.

Lin Yuan has arrested many people in the past few days, Xie Wugui is not a fool, the Tiangui League has already found them.

When Lin Yuan came out, she had a strong smell of blood on her body, and her white clothes were stained with blood. Her voice sounded very cold, just like her: "Are you scared?"

Xiao Chi snorted disdainfully upon hearing this.

Strange, he has never been afraid of anything since he grew up so big.

"It doesn't matter if you kill another ten or a hundred more, but you have attracted the attention of many organizations recently. In order to cause unnecessary trouble, it is better to be careful."

Xiao Chi yawned lazily, as if he didn't take this matter to heart.

Lin Yuan said seriously, "I know."

The other party put away his foolish smile, and he glanced into the dark prison through the small window outside the door. A long corridor leads to the end of darkness, and screams can be heard from inside from time to time.

Xiao Chi did not know where to find a cigarette and lit it. He took a big puff of smoke with an expression of enjoyment and greed, and then exhaled circles of smoke from his mouth.

Nicotine paralyzes his brain and nerves, allowing him to relax for a moment, which is also a rare pleasure for him.

Lin Yuan didn't like the smell of smoke, she choked on it a few times and moved away from Xiao Chi, she covered her nose and frowned: "Stop smoking, it's not good for your health."

Xiao Chi paused the hand holding the cigarette, and then laughed, "Are you happy in China?"

Lin Yuan blurted out without hesitation: "Very happy."

She was telling the truth, tired of this kind of machine-like killing days that only obeyed orders, and just wanted to live a normal life.

No matter what the intrigues and intrigues in the entertainment industry are, it is much better than the days of being in dire straits and licking blood every day.

"After I finish this job, how about I follow you back to China?" Xiao Chi asked, taking another deep puff of cigarette.

Lin Yuan seemed to have heard something funny: "Wash your hands with me?"

Xiao Chi raised his eyebrows: "Do you have an opinion?"

"You grew up abroad, and your friends are all in country M. Let's not talk about whether you can get used to the domestic lifestyle. Let me ask you, with your ability, what will you do in the future if you don't become a killer? Are you moving bricks?"

Xiao Chi offended so many people in country M, Jinpen washed his hands and left the organization, without the protection of the organization, his former enemies would definitely come to him for questioning, so the country is safe enough for him.

But there was another disadvantage in this way. He wanted to cut off all contact abroad, conceal his identity and start over from scratch in China.

Lin Yuan was afraid that he would be impulsive, "You should think carefully about what you are going to do when you return to China and how you will survive. These are all problems."

Xiao Chi stared at Lin Yuan with a very strange look: "The money I earn as a killer is enough for me to be chic all my life."

Lin Yuan: "..."

"Aren't you afraid that if you transfer the money to a domestic account, someone will find out and chase you?" Lin Yuan spoke with difficulty and asked sincerely.

Now it was Xiao Chi's turn to be silent.

Who can bear the fact that the money earned cannot be brought back.

Suddenly, Xiao Chi stared at Lin Yuan with piercing eyes, an ominous premonition rose in Lin Yuan's heart, she quickly hugged herself: "What do you want?"

Xiao Chi was confident: "I'll be your bodyguard, and you will pay me."

Lin Yuan: "???"

Is he sick?

Lin Yuan: "I don't need it."

Xiao Chi: "No, you need it."

Lin Yuan met his dejected eyes, and immediately changed her words: "All right, all right, the salary is two thousand, otherwise there is no talk."

Xiao Chi: "It's true."

Lin Yuan clenched her fist angrily to resist the urge to hit someone.

It's good that she can pay him a salary, but she's still picking and choosing here.

"Sister Yuan!"

Mu Li didn't know when she came in, she trotted to Lin Yuan and stopped, panting heavily.

Lin Yuan turned her head and helped Mu Li: "Slow down, what's wrong with you in such a hurry?"

"According to the gossip just now, the Tiangui League has advanced the time. They will deliver the goods to the pier tomorrow afternoon to trade with the other side!"

Lin Yuan's expression changed: "Are you sure?"

Mu Li nodded quickly: "Sure, this is the news our people got from the staff in charge of the warehouse. The attic where the medicines are stored has been evacuated."

Lin Yuan cursed secretly in her heart, the news she got was obviously at the end of the month, why was it so long in advance.

This old bastard Xie Wugui is really full of tricks!

"How many people are there on the darknet side in Licheng?" Lin Yuan asked.

Mu Li: "82 people."

"Mu Li, you and Xiao Chi go find Ji Hanchen and tell him to meet you in the meeting room in an hour."

As Lin Yuan was about to get up and leave, Mu Li hurriedly stopped her, "Where are you going?"

"I have something to do, you go first, and I will come later."

Lin Yuan is about to die of anxiety now, and Pei Yi is still in Licheng, so he has to find a way to get him out of here as soon as possible.

After leaving the prison, Lin Yuan found a secluded place and dialed Pei Yi's phone number.

After the phone rang twice, a cold and hoarse male voice rang out: "Hey, what's wrong, Yuan?"

The other party's voice was very low, and Lin Yuan guessed that there should be outsiders around him.

Seeing that there was no time left, Lin Yuan cut straight to the point: "Listen to me now, leave Licheng before tomorrow afternoon, okay?"

The other party was obviously silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, "Is something wrong?"

Lin Yuan was dying of anxiety, and she didn't have time to talk to him in detail, "It's fine now, but it will happen soon."

Tiangui League, the training ground.

There were hundreds of people standing underneath, Xie Wugui had just finished speaking when he saw Pei Yi talking on the phone in an inconspicuous corner.

He deliberately lowered his voice a little, and then quietly waited for the other party to finish the call.

Pei Yi: "Are you in a hurry?"

Of course Lin Yuan was anxious, but she still tried her best to calmly say, "I'll probably be back in a few days, why don't you go back to China and wait for me."

Pei Yi was silent for a moment: "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Xie Wugui came over, "Mr. Pei, do you want to say a few words?"

The hundreds of people below looked towards the stage, all looking up at the legendary leader of the Heavenly Murder League.

Pei Yi sat on the side and said indifferently: "No need."

Xie Wugui cupped his hands and saluted, "Thank you President Pei for your help this time, I, Xie, will do my best to cooperate with President Pei from now on, and I have hundreds of people at your disposal."

Pei Yi transferred a small elite team from Tianshi to escort tomorrow's goods, which also made Xie Wugui's heart calm again.

You must know that the elite detachment of Tianshi is a legendary existence, and it is not inferior to another top organization in the dark net.

The Tianshi team sent this time is Tianshi's trump card. This team also participated in the fight between the dark net and Tianshi three years ago.

"After this incident, I thank the lord for finding some people for me in this city."

Xie Wugui immediately agreed: "No problem, leave it to me, I don't know who the leader Pei is looking for..."

Pei Yi thought of what Lin Yuan said before, and said, "The enemy."

(End of this chapter)

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