The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 690 Conquering This Thing

At this moment, Xiao Miao seemed to be reborn as a human being.He let out a deep breath, only four words lingering in his mind.

It's not easy!
Really survived!

The problem that has troubled me for so long, was actually solved easily under Yun Ying's strange power!

Who the hell is this!
Respect and fear emerged in his heart at the same time, mixed with the great ecstasy of his escape from death, making Xiao Miao's mind go blank.

Yun Ying, whom he respected and feared, was now in trouble.

Don't look at how easy it seemed to pull the dust out of Xiao Miao's chest just now, in fact, only I know that the reason why I moved so quickly and used all my strength is because it threatened me.

Like a suction cup, the dust was tightly attached to Xiao Miao's bones, even if it was surrounded by the power of Xuanrong, it would not be moved, and even released a strange heat, trying to melt the power of Xuanrong Take it as your own.

The most terrifying thing is that it really did.

The power of Xuanrong, which has always been invincible, was actually almost melted by this strange dust!
What the hell is this!

Yunying pulled it out in panic, trying to destroy it with spiritual energy.

However, that heat is a strange force, no matter what kind of aura, it can't do anything about it.What's even weirder is that the weird blade in the dantian actually reacted with this little dust and started to move again.

Every time this blade wants to rebel, she has to suffer.

Yunying gritted her teeth and thought, seeing that the power of Xuanrong melted almost one-third, and if it melted again, she would have the risk of falling to the realm of the legal body. Live this guy's action.

But even Dao Gang doesn't seem to be its opponent.

At this moment, Feng Jing suddenly said: "Don't move!"

Yun Ying immediately stopped the hand that swung the knife, but saw Feng Jing raised a bottle of unknown water on the grain of dust that could not be seen by a wrong eye.

The dust was actually restrained by the water, and it no longer melted Yunying's mysterious power.

Seeing this, Feng Jing's eyes lighted up slightly, and while she kept sprinkling water, she steered the Qiongying fire that had just been subdued, and burned it on the glacier. Combine them into a box that is two inches long, two inches wide, and one cent high.

Feng Jing covered the grain of dust with an ice box. At that time, this weird thing had begun to adapt to the cold air in the water, and it had a tendency to move again, but the water that trapped the tower just now was glacier melt water, and the box made of glaciers now Cover it, and it will naturally be even more unable to resist.

Feng Jing carefully closed the box, sealed it tightly, and then used Qiong Yinghuo to draw a simple seal symbol and pasted it on the outside of the box, and finally solved the dust that made Yun Ying burnt out.

As for what exactly is this thing?Both he and Yun Ying had no clue.

The reason why he knew this solution was because his special pupil technique could clearly see the nature of the fire attribute of this thing at that moment, so he immediately thought of the method of using ice to counter fire, but he didn't expect it to be very effective.

Yun Ying asked Cui Zun with spiritual knowledge, but Cui Zun said that he didn't know, he just thought it was "evil and evil, not like something that should exist in this world".


Just when the two of them were thinking about it, Sui Shan, who had always been a transparent person, suddenly said, "I seem to have seen that grain of sand just now."

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