The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 482 Xiangguo Barbecue

When the sound of the flute stopped, Yunying also slowly opened his eyes, and there was still an ethereal feeling in his eyes that was flowing to the distance.

Luo Roujin could see it clearly, and said with a smile: "Little Junior Sister is actually a very perceptive and spiritual person, but she has too much murderous intentions, which sometimes blocks the agility in her nature."

Yunying remained silent, she was thinking about the emptiness she felt from the sound of senior sister Luo's flute, and she also understood that she had indeed lacked that emptiness in her life of more than ten years.

Use everything to live, and life will seem heavy.

"Junior sister, can you tell me why you want to learn the flute?"

"Because my mother left me a sheet music."

"Is it just the sheet music?"

"No, there are many more..."

Her only love and happiness, her only carefree, are preserved in that score.

Luo Roujin reached out and stroked Yunying's temple hair: "Since it's for those, little junior sister should not face them with the mentality of cultivation, relax and think carefully."

Yunying nodded slightly, but suddenly moved again.

She didn't deliberately use the power of Xuanrong to spy on Senior Sister Luo, but when Senior Sister Luo touched her hand, the power of Xuanrong automatically captured her breath.

Yun Ying seems to have seen her dantian, there are two sources of spirits shining dimly in the dantian, don't worry about the golden blue one, but the one that belongs to Luo Roujin alone, why is the shape so familiar.

The goose-yellow wintersweet is half full and half missing, like a half-bright and half-dark moon.

Yun Ying subconsciously looked at her own dantian, the Chi Feng spiritual source that has not yet been replenished, is exactly half full, half missing, half bright and half dark...

"Senior Sister!" Yun Ying couldn't help but ask, "How is your health recently?"

Luo Roujin smiled and said: "It's still the same as usual, I was born like this, I've already got used to it, so don't worry, Junior Sister."

"On the Martial Arts Stage before, Senior Sister wasn't injured, right?"

"No, Maojia always stood in front of me, and I escaped in time without any injuries."

When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, when the two talked about Su Maojia, Su Maojia just came back, and bowed to Luo Roujin without looking sideways: "Princess."

Yunying was a little surprised, Su Maojia also called Senior Sister Luo the princess in front of everyone on weekdays, Yunying thought it was to protect Senior Sister Luo's dignity, but she didn't expect the two of them to be like this in private.

Luo Roujin smiled helplessly, and asked, "What did you hunt for?"

"Two orchid deer." Su Maojia said as he took out the two bloody demon deer and began to clean them up.

He deftly peeled off the deer skins, cleaned them up and threw them aside, and then used a dagger that cut iron like mud to replace the venison cleanly, completely separating it from Google.

Yunying was fascinated by it, and Luo Roujin took the opportunity to say: "You know that I was born in the country of Xiang, and the people of the country lived as nomads on the eastern grasslands, and most of their food was roasted meat with milk wine. Think about it every now and then.”

Yun Ying asked: "So this venison is for roasting?"

Linyang City is to the west of Mingyue Sect, and the diet is sweet and light. She has never seen the way of eating it with a fire.

Won't it be very fishy?
Luo Roujin saw the doubts in her heart, and said: "Maojia is good at this method, he always roasts it just right, and there will never be any fishy smell. If you don't believe me, junior sister, you can stay and taste it together."

Her voice was like broken ice cubes in midsummer plum soup, but it made Su Maojia's ears red. Yunying looked at the venison in his hand, and couldn't help but nodded curiously.

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