The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 407 Spiritual Consciousness

The 9000 people had just landed, and before they had time to get used to the dizziness, they heard the elder's long breath shout: "The competition begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, some disciples who had reacted quickly began to attack the rest of the surrounding people.

There are 1000 people in each area, fighting with each other, even if they are only disciples of the Meridian Realm, it looks very chaotic.

Yunying felt that this was really an excellent opportunity to exercise her spiritual knowledge, so she ignored the slight pain in her head and divided her spiritual knowledge into 270 parts, paying attention to the competition in each nine-square grid.

Ever since she got the Qingling Clan's Spiritual Consciousness Cultivation Technique left by her mother, Yunying has been practicing hard all the time, and the spiritual consciousness in the Sea of ​​Consciousness has already grown to a veritable vast ocean, but because of her mother's unfortunate words, she only translated the first half of it. She hasn't had time to translate the knowledge-enhancing chapter and the later forging knowledge chapter, and Yunying's knowledge of the Qingling language has not yet reached the point where she can independently understand the profound texts of the forging knowledge chapter, so her spiritual knowledge is actually is bloated and fragile.

It's like a big ball of cotton, it's okay to tear them into balls, but it's loose in the end, and you can't control it delicately.

And the thousand-armed-thousand-eyed formula that Peng Qing gave was born to require a very high quality of spiritual consciousness. Forcibly dividing so many spiritual consciousnesses from the sea of ​​consciousness, more than half of it was lost in the process.

Fortunately, the amount of supplements can barely make up the amount.

These spiritual senses of the driver are scattered into the martial arts arena, and [-] strands are thrown into each nine-square grid, so as to see everyone's movements clearly.

In an instant, a large number of images were sent back to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, swinging back like a giant pendulum, almost knocking Yun Ying into a daze.

It was Cui Zun who controlled Mu Xin and sent her a stream of wood energy that cleared the heart and made her return to normal.

"Calm down, don't be too greedy." After taking Mu Xin back, Cui Zun felt different to others, indeed he had a little taste of an elder who had lived for tens of thousands of years and lived in mysterious vicissitudes.

Yun Ying took a deep breath, mobilized all the remaining spiritual consciousness, and disassembled those pictures.

270 strands of spiritual consciousness were distributed, and 270 strands of spiritual consciousness were also separated from the Sea of ​​Consciousness for comparison. They were dismantled and analyzed one-on-one, and the essence was extracted for absorption.

Even though the work was very jerky at first, it was inevitable that he lost sight of the other, and even had a terrible headache, all relying on the wooden energy given by Cui Zun to keep from passing out.

But after cupping tea, Yunying gradually found the beauty in it.

It was indeed very strange, she felt that she really had a thousand hands and a thousand eyes out of thin air, hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at different people and things, and hundreds of hands made different records.

In fact, ordinary monks can have a panoramic view of the results of the struggle on the field if they shroud their spiritual consciousness.However, it is not so easy for a monk at the level of the Hole Light Realm to be able to see all the auras brought up by the movements of nine thousand monks like Yunying, who can see every detail and every detail.

Of course, Yunying can only "see" clearly now, and it is too difficult to complete the disassembly and analysis while watching.

She can only do the most common screening, that is, this monk's whip technique is very good, and she can focus on it later; the monk's saber technique is quite close to the Moon Breaking Saber technique, but was caught by the long sword technique of the opposite cultivator. Pick it up, it shows that this sword technique is very worth noting...

Such a simple separation of levels, more work can only be left to be done in the future, and this is still under the circumstances that Yun Ying can understand the martial arts foundation of many disciples at a glance.

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