Chapter 26: Chapter 26

After going back to have lunch, Lin Lan rested at home for a while before going to work.

When I got to the foot of the mountain, I saw piles of cow grass neatly piled up there.

"Could it be that Lao Chen cut it for me?"

Lin Lan turned her head and glanced at the thatched shed not far away, but she didn't see Lao Chen's person. She took a scythe and looked around, but found nothing, so she had to go back and put the cow grass into the back sling and walk back.

When she came back from the drying yard, she saw Lao Chen standing by the fish pond, as if he was waiting for her.

As soon as Lin Lan walked to the fish pond, Lao Chen stopped her and said in a low voice: "Xiao Lin, you left at noon, and a man came to mow the grass, and I told him that there is a large group of cow grass here.

He said he knew, that you were his friend, and he thought you were too hard when he saw you alone, so he came to help you. "

After Lao Chen finished speaking, he glanced at Lin Lan and stopped talking.

Lin Lan looked at him: "I have no friends here."

Only then did Old Chen say: "He said you were his girlfriend. I don't think that person is a good person. You have to be careful."

"Thank you, Uncle Chen."

Lao Chen waved his hand and walked over to the fish pond.

Lin Lan bit her back teeth and said, "Girlfriend, my aunt will catch you and not tear your mouth apart. Write the word Lin upside down."

She walked a few times before finishing loading the cattle grass, and then mowed for a while, and the cattle grass carried back filled the brigade's drying yard.

When I went home and saw my third uncle at her house, I thought about telling her about the pasture at the foot of the mountain.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll go and have a look with you." Wu Shufen looked at her worriedly.

The daughter is good-looking and widowed at a young age, so she must have tried every means to take advantage of it with malicious intentions.

The old lady patted Wu Shufen's hand: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, wait for Lin Lan to come back from selling the beans to find Liying, and ask her and Lin Lan to go to Niubei Mountain early tomorrow to find out who the ghosts and snakes are?"

Wu Shufen nodded after hearing this: "Yes, with her aunt testifying, people won't say that Youngest Yang just left Xiaolan and found someone."

"Okay, after selling the orchid beans, I'll go to Sister Liying's house."

Lin Lan took the orchid beans they had cut, washed them, and poured them into the Shak Kei, and saw Xiaodouzi walking in through the back door holding a rotten earthen jar: "Mom, I caught a lot of earthworms and fed them to the chickens."

Lin Lan closed her eyes and shook her head: "Mom doesn't dare to look at it, it's disgusting to have so many earthworms twisted together." She felt goose bumps all over her body when she thought about it.

Seeing her frightened look, Xiaodouzi smiled triumphantly: "Xiaodouzi is not afraid."

Lin Lan pretended to be angry: "Little rascal, mom is ignoring you."

Xiaodouzi looked at her and hesitated for a moment: "Mom doesn't like it, so Xiaodouzi poured them to the chicks."

Lin Lan pinched his little cheek: "Yes, go back, the earthworms loosen the soil for us, so the taro and vegetables grow big." Seeing him stepping over the threshold with the door frame, she urged, "Remember not to Go to the well!"

Xiaodouzi turned around with a smile: "Understood."

The old lady came in to help Lin Lan light the fire, and Lin Lan started to fry the orchid beans.

Today's soybeans are fried in two pots. After packing, there are nearly eighty bags, and the urea bag is almost full.

Lin Lan hurried to the eucalyptus forest, Zhou Xiaohong saw her coming, smiled at her and continued to work.

Lin Lan turned her head and saw the butcher selling meat in the vegetable field, so she opened the tasting bag and stood under a tree not far from the handsome man.

He whispered to the people who came to buy vegetables: "Orchid beans, delicious and inexpensive orchid beans."

The man who bought the meat brought up the meat wrapped in ginger and taro, tasted two pieces and nodded: "Well, it's not bad with wine. I'll order five bags."

"Orchid beans are best served with wine."

Meeting a big buyer at the opening, Lin Lan picked up four bags for him with a smile.

Then a few customers who had eaten orchid beans came to buy and leave.

Lin Lan received a ten-yuan one, and quietly hid it in a small bag sewn together.

Half an hour later, the orchid beans were sold out, and Zhou Xiaohong also came over and said in a low voice, "Xiao Lin, there will be fewer people tomorrow, so you should cook less."

Lin Lan put the orchid beans specially reserved for Zhou Xiaohong into her pocket: "Sister Zhou, take it back and give it to the child to taste."

Zhou Xiaohong smiled and said, "Hey! You are too polite, I didn't even give you any."

Lin Lan looked at her gratefully: "Sister Zhou, you have helped me a lot."

Zhou Xiaohong nodded briskly: "Okay, I won't be polite, we sisters take care of each other."

She also saw that she was a widow at a young age, and it was not easy to take care of a child, so she was willing to help her because of winks.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Okay, Sister Zhou, my natal mother is here, I'm going to buy some meat back."

Zhou Xiaohong nodded: "Hurry up, it will be sold out anytime soon."

Lin Lan walked up to the handsome butcher: "Boss, I'll cut a catty of meat."

The handsome man nodded, stood up and turned around to go to the ridge of the field, uncovered the straw mat and cut a piece neatly, took off the steelyard and weighed it: "Give me two yuan!"

Lin Lan nodded and took two yuan from her pocket and handed it to him.The handsome man took the money and handed her the wrapped meat.

Lin Lan took the meat and put it in a bag, bought an egg worth three yuan, and walked back with it.

When I got home, my third uncle had already gone back, Wu Shufen and Xiaodouzi greeted me happily: "Mom is back!"

"Yeah!" Lin Lan took the meat out of the bag and put it on the table: "Mom, I cut a piece of meat and brought it back. You can fry another plate and ask your uncle to eat it with you. I'll go to Liying's house."

Xiaodouzi hurriedly grabbed her hand: "Mom, I'm going to the third aunt's house."

"Okay, go with mom." Lin Lan said with a smile.

Wu Shufen mentioned the meat on the table, and gave her a reproachful look: "This kid, he just ate meat, why buy meat?"

Lin Lan looked at her with a smile, and said in a low voice, "I sold eighty bags today, more than ten yuan!"

Wu Shufen smiled wrinkled all over her face: "Those who have a little money are extravagant, and they don't know how to save at all."

Lin Lan smiled, picked 20 eggs out and put them in a vegetable basket, broke off a few vegetable leaves to cover them, carried the eggs, and led Xiaodouzi to the east for more than [-] minutes, crossing the stone bridge I entered the consignment store of the brigade department.

She plans to buy some fruit candies for Yang Liying's children.

Yang Liying's wife's surname is Zhao, and her name is Zhao Dehai. Except for the only child in the family, most of the families here are separated by their parents after they get married.

She has two daughters, the eldest is Zhao Xiaoyun, who is nine years old this year, and the youngest is Zhao Xiaoli, who is seven years old this year.

Zhao Dehai treated her honestly well, but he was a bit stingy.

At the consignment store, Lin Lan bought two fruit candies for a penny and bought a few more for a dime, and put them in Xiaodouzi's pocket.

"Baby, can you give sister Xiaoyun and sister Xiaoli the rest of the candies?"

"Okay." Xiaodouzi smiled and narrowed his eyes, holding Lin Lan's hand and bouncing forward.

The mother and son arrived at Yang Liying's house. There were five rooms in her house, all with earth walls and straw roofs, without walls. The private plot at the entrance was fenced with bamboo strips, and Yang Liying watered the vegetable field.

Xiaodouzi ran over: "Third aunt, I'm here."

Yang Liying looked up and saw the mother and son were stunned for a moment, and smiled faintly, "You are here!"

Lin Lan walked to the fence: "Sister San, you are busy!"

(End of this chapter)

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