Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Xiaodouzi nodded happily: "Grandmother and mother also eat. The grandma said that children should not eat alone, otherwise they will not grow taller."

Lin Lan nodded with a smile: "Yes! Mom and grandma eat both, and the little beans will grow taller soon."

The three generations of grandparents and grandchildren had eaten, and Wu Shufen took the soles of her shoes to the eaves of the corridor to collect the soles.

Lin Lan washed the pots and dishes, opened the cupboard, and saw a bag of sugar and pepper noodles inside.

I don't know where she got the industrial certificate, and she also bought an aluminum thermos bottle with big red peonies printed on it, and there were soap and white cat laundry detergent on the cupboard.

She put away the bowl and went to the room, and saw a flashlight, toilet paper on the cabinet, and a pair of rubber shoes on a thick stack of kraft paper.

Looking at these, Lin Lan felt heavy in her heart, and walked to the door: "Mom! Why are you spending money to buy things for me again?"

Wu Shufen turned her head and glanced at her: "The industrial coupons sent by your brother are not expensive. You see, you don't even have a thermos bottle, and it's inconvenient to use hot water with beans. With a flashlight, there is a noise at night, you get up and look." Don't be afraid to look."

"Mom!" Lin Lan moved forward and hugged her arm: "It's good to have a baby with a mother!"

Wu Shufen lovingly stroked her daughter's braids: "Pretend to be weird, such a grown-up man, his mouth is sweeter than when he was a child."

Xiaodouzi ran over and hugged the legs of the two, and looked at them with his millet teeth showing, "Mom, grandma, I also have a mother."

Lin Lan touched his smiling face: "Well! Our little Douzi is also a baby with a mother. Go play in the yard for a while, and go to bed with grandma."

Wu Shufen looked at her grandson, and then at her daughter's smiling eyes, all narrowed.

Xiaolan is finally sensible, if only she has been so sensible all the time.

"Grandma, let's go play in the yard!" Xiaodouzi pulled Wu Shufen out.

Lin Lan went back to the room and found the switchblade at the bottom of the cabinet, and put it in her trouser pocket.I found another rag and cut off a small rectangular piece of cloth, and sewed it to the inner layer of the trouser waist.

At this time, the trousers did not have zippers, and the buttonhole was left on the right side. The cloth was sewn to the front, and the bag was just right there.

After the purse was sewed, a whistle sounded from the tweeter.Lin Lan and Wu Shufen greeted each other, and went out with the sash on their backs, crossed the stone bridge, and walked towards Niubei Mountain on the opposite side.

Not long after she walked, Sun Xiuhua came out from Zhang Yazhen's house. When she saw Lin Lan who was walking briskly on the ridge, her eyes suddenly became vicious as if she had been poisoned.

Seeing Sun Xiuhua's eyes, Zhang Yazhen was a little scared: "Sister Sun, I still have to go to work, come and play later!"

Sun Xiuhua turned her head and grinned, her smile was uglier than crying: "I will come to you when the time comes."

Zhang Yazhen hesitated for a moment, nodded, and walked towards the field where the seedlings were planted.She thought in her heart that the seedlings would be planted in four or five days, and the vegetables in the field could be sold, so she would steal some vegetables and sell them in the eucalyptus forest.

In the afternoon, Lin Lan finished mowing the cattle grass, picked manure and watered the cut cattle grass, and then drove home carrying the mulberry leaves and wormwood.As soon as I entered the yard, I saw that the courtyard dam was full of mulberry leaves.

When Wu Shufen came out and saw her panting, she said distressedly, "You're sweating profusely from running. We've already cut the peas."

Lin Lan put down the strap with a smile: "I'm still worried that I'm going to be late, so you all cut it for me!"

Wu Shufen nodded: "My uncle and uncle helped me cut it together."

The old lady smiled and said, "My eyes can't tell if the work is slow or the mother-in-law is doing the work neatly."

"Uncle, your eyes are presbyopic. It will be convenient to buy a pair of reading glasses and carry them with you when doing things."

The old lady said with a smile: "There are flower glasses at home, and they are only worn when doing needlework."

Lin Lan looked around: "Where did Xiaodouzi go?"

"Xiao Kai from Meihua's family took him to play."

"Oh!" Lin Lan nodded, and started to fry the orchid beans in a frying pan, and put them into bags after frying.

The fried orchid beans this time were more than ten bags more than last time. Lin Lan packed the orchid beans and took the change to go out.

Lin Lan carried the bag and looked around cautiously, seeing no one, so she quickly walked towards the eucalyptus forest with the bag.

When I arrived at the eucalyptus forest, I saw that Zhou Xiaohong had already arrived, and the butcher was still squatting under the tree.

Zhou Xiaohong smiled and waved to her. Lin Lan walked over, and she whispered, "Have you prepared enough beans? I heard that the silk factory gave out bonuses today."

Lin Lan whispered: "A few bags more than yesterday. I just started making it, so I dare not make more."

Zhou Xiaohong nodded: "Be careful."

While talking, someone came to ask Zhou Xiaohong to buy white noodles, and she took out a d bag from her backpack, and the person paid the money and left, it seemed that it was an old business.

More and more people came over one after another. Zhou Xiaohong looked around vigilantly while doing business.

Lin Lan also carefully observed the surrounding situation, when the decent man from yesterday came: "Give me two bags of orchid beans!"

Lin Lan happily took out orchid beans and put them in his vegetable basket, and asked with a smile while looking for money: "Are you satisfied with the taste?"

The decent man glanced at her: "It's not bad!" He thought that the orchid beans that cost two cents a bag tasted pretty good.

Lin Lan handed him the money: "Thank you!"

The decent man nodded, turned and left.

It may be because of the bonus, there are a lot of people buying things, and Lin Lan's more than 40 packs of Orchid Beans are sold out quickly.Seeing Zhou Xiaohong still wandering around, she knew she had prepared a lot, so she left first.

When Lin Lan returned home, she saw that the old lady had already left. Wu Shufen's heart sank when she saw her come back.

"Sold out so fast!"

Lin Lan nodded with a smile: "Yes! There are a lot of people shopping today. Has Douzi come back?"

Wu Shufen smiled and said, "You came back right after you left, rolling like a mud monkey."

Xiaodouzi ran back from the backyard when she heard Lin Lan's voice, and looked at her with a smile: "Mom, I'm back."

Seeing that he took a shower and changed into clean clothes, Lin Lan touched his cheek with a smile: "Is it fun, baby?"

Xiaodouzi nodded and shook his head again, "It's not fun!" He looked up at Lin Lan, "Mom, they say I'm the son of an alcoholic and gambler."

Lin Lan's heart sank, she took a deep breath, picked him up, and kissed him with a smile: "They are bad boys, and father is also a bad boy. We Douzi are mother's good babies. The police catch the bad guys."

Xiaodouzi put her arms around her neck and said sullenly, "They also said that mother is a lazy woman. Mom has changed, and she is no longer a lazy woman. Doudou hit them with stones."

Lin Lan nodded sadly: "Yes! Mom has changed, she's not a slob."

Wu Shufen looked at the mother and son who were hugging each other with red eyes, and turned her head to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "It's time to eat, grandma steamed egg custard for my grandson."

(End of this chapter)

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