Chapter 22: Parental Responsibilities

Lin Guodong looked at her cheerfully: "It seems that I really woke up. I used to think about taking money from my parents and me, but I don't even want to give it to you today."

He said and put the money back into Lin Lan's hand, "This money is for Douzi to buy food, not for you."

Lin Lan held onto the ten yuan and looked at the warm nose in his heart: "Brother, there will be a day when I grow up. I can't let Xiaodouzi feel that his mother is embarrassing him when he grows up!"

With such good parents and elder brother, the original owner still insists on not getting in touch with them. He is really born in the blessing and does not know the blessing.

It is also unfilial to let her parents worry about her after becoming a mother.

Since she has taken her body, she will be filial to her parents and not let the elders worry.

Lin Guodong nodded: "As a parent, you should take on your responsibilities."

Wu Shufen walked to the door of the kitchen and looked at the two siblings who were standing in the yard talking: "Come back, wash your face, wash your feet, go to bed early, and you have to catch an early train back tomorrow morning."

Lin Lan entered the room: "Mom, it's rare for you and your eldest brother and second brother to come here, why don't you stay for two more days?"

She wanted them to stay and play for a few more days, but she was also afraid that Wu Shufen and the two brothers would find out that the person they loved had changed their core.

Wu Shufen hugged Xiaodouzi and sat down: "Your brother and the others go back first. I'll help you feed the piglets for a few days. I'm afraid you won't be able to raise the piglets just after changing litters."

Lin Lan nodded and looked at her: "Brother and the others are in a hurry to go back, haven't the brigade's seedlings been planted yet?"

Wu Shufen nodded: "It's over, your father and your brother Ting Guocai set up a pig farm, and the two pig sons were born from the family's breeding pigs."

Lin Lan looked at them in surprise, she didn't expect them to be so open-minded, and they started a pig farm now.

Lin Guoliang took over the conversation: "The youngest is working in the cooking team of the army, and because he raises pigs well, he is rewarded for his work.

At the end of last year, he began to encourage farmers to raise pigs and chickens. He wrote down his experience in raising pigs, as well as the breeding technical books issued by the army, and sent them home for us to start a pig farm.

Dad used the allowance he sent back in the past few years to buy breeding pigs. We approved a piece of land to build a pig farm at the foot of the mountain behind the house a few years ago.

The mulberry leaves and ramie leaves from the mountain are harvested and added with rice bran to prepare according to the proportion, and after fermentation, it becomes pig feed.

We went to the grain and oil station to buy bran, and we also went to the slaughterhouse to get the bones, ground the bone meal and mixed it together to feed the pigs.

The chaff in the sack is mixed with bone meal. If you feed those two pigs well, you will be able to pay back the money owed by the end of the year. "

Lin Guodong also looked at her, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Xiaolan, dad is worried that you will sell the pig to pay back the money, and he plans to let mom watch you here for a while. He also said that as long as you dare to sell the pig, I won't recognize you from now on."

Lin Lan's nose was sour and tears flowed down her face: "Mom, don't worry, big brother and second brother, I will feed the pigs well and won't sell them."

"Mom, don't cry!" Seeing her crying, Xiaodouzi struggled to get off Wu Shufen and threw herself into Lin Lan's arms: "Grandma, mother is obedient, and cooking should be done with less oil. Xiaodouzi can mow grass to feed piglets, Will catch worms and feed them to chickens."

Wu Shufen looked at her grandson heartily: "Grandma knows that your mother is obedient."

"My nephew is smart." Lin Guodong stepped forward to rub his hairy head with a smile, picked him up and threw him up and caught him again. Xiaodouzi laughed happily.

Wu Shufen looked at her daughter lovingly: "I will help you here for a few days, and when I leave, I will take Xiaodouzi home to play with Xiaojun and the others.

The little baby still has to play with the little baby, go out and run around to grow fast.Also, can your orchid beans really make money? "

"Yeah!" Lin Lan took out the money in her trouser pocket with a smile: "One catty of dried soybeans is more than two catties after being soaked, and three catties of soybeans contains 23 bags.

Rapeseed oil, sugar and pepper are expensive, selling for two cents a bag, in addition to the cost, there is a little more than half of the profit. "

When the mother and son saw that she had really made money, they were relieved.

Lin Guodong smiled and said, "That's right, after a month, he earns more than those who hold an iron job."

Lin Guoliang glared at him: "You said it lightly, if you are caught by the joint defense team, the things will be confiscated, and you will be fined."

Wu Shufen nodded worriedly: "That's right, if you were caught a few years ago, you would hang up a sign and parade through the streets, and you would be sent to a labor camp."

Lin Guodong comforted Wu Shufen: "Mom, it's okay. If you catch him, just give him the things. You'll earn more than you lose."

He turned his head to look at Lin Lan, "Xiao Lan, let's go back and collect soybeans and rapeseed oil for you. Stone Lotus is cheaper than here."

The people in the mountains are industrious and there is a lot of land in the mountains, and every family has opened their own plots in the mountains.

Every household planted rapeseed oil to secretly exchange money to subsidize the family, as well as beans, peas, and white beans.

Lin Lan thought that the soybeans would not be sold for a few days, so she blushed and said to Liang Guodong: "Second brother, you go back and help me collect the soybeans, white beans, red beans, and buy a few dozen catties each, and another twenty catties of rapeseed oil.

I'll go back and get them after I sell out the beans at home, and I'll give them money when the time comes.Then help me make a few cake molds like tofu boxes, weave a basket, and a few thin bamboo curtains, I will be useful. "

Lin Guodong saw the appearance of Lin Lan's painting, and nodded cheerfully after noting it down: "Okay, you don't need to go back to get it, I will pick up Mom and Douzi in a few days and send it to you by the way.

You remember that if you are caught by the joint defense team, give him the things and pay the fine and you will be fine. "

Lin Lan nodded: "I know, you have to work at home and manage the pig farm, don't be too tired."

Lin Guodong smiled and shook his head: "I'm not tired. With the help of your two sister-in-laws, Xiaodong and Xiaoxia will also help mow the grass and feed the pigs and clean the pigsty when they come home from school."

Lin Guoliang hugged Douzi and interjected: "Since you were disobedient, parents have not been used to Xiaobin and Xiaohong. Xiaohong is only five years old and has to cut a back of pigweed one day to go home."

Lin Lan bowed her head: "I've changed it now."

Wu Shufen nodded in relief: "Just change it! Guodong, you guys have to go back tomorrow, go to sleep."

"I'll make the bed for eldest brother and the others." Lin Lan went to the wing room to make the bed for the two brothers to sleep.

She returned to the kitchen with a spoonful of Hudouzi, and saw that Wu Shufen had washed Xiaodouzi's face and feet, and took him to bed.

After soaking the peas, Lin Lan went into the room after washing, and saw Wu Shufen leaning against the bed, patting Xiaodouzi and waiting for her.

Suppressing the tension in my heart, I went to bed: "Mom, it's cold at night, please lie down quickly so you don't catch a cold."

Wu Shufen glanced at her, moved to her side, lay down beside her and gently stroked her head, persuading her earnestly: "Xiaolan, you really want to change! Parents are old and can't control you for the rest of your life.

Your brother and the others have a heavy burden to raise children. The third child has to start a family after returning from the army, and the fifth child will follow.Parents only care about you and they will feel chilling.

You still have Xiaodouzi, you have to save face for him, don't wait until he grows up to hate you, then it will be too late to regret. "

She still couldn't believe that her daughter, who had been fooling around for more than ten years, really changed immediately.

Little did they know that her daughter's shell was still there and the core had been replaced.

Lin Lan felt her uneasiness and worry, and nodded with tears: "Mom, you go back and tell Dad that I have really changed. You wait for me to make money to honor you."

(End of this chapter)

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