Chapter 17
The mother and daughter poured out all the change in the purse, counted each one, and counted back and forth two or three times. Chen Meiyun's eyes lit up, "Here is 14 yuan four! My dear, this small business is too profitable Come on!"

Lin Liqing had a good idea, and said with a smile: "Mom, you haven't counted the cost yet! Two catties of bananas yield one catty of banana slices, the cost is three cents, sugar is ten cents, firewood is five cents, and the cost is only forty and a half cents. Not counting my hard work! But just deducting the money for bananas and sugar, the profit is about [-] yuan, and I am already very satisfied."

This is the first time in her life to earn money by herself, which is of great significance.

Chen Meiyun grinned from ear to ear, "Yes, yes, your elder brother slaughters pigs for about 40 yuan a month, your second brother also costs more than 40 yuan, and your sister-in-law's profit from selling pork at a stall is probably more than two yuan a day, which is not as good as yours! "

Having said that, Chen Meiyun hurriedly reminded: "If your elder brother asks you how much money you earn, don't just say everything stupidly!"

Lin Liqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Mom, I'm not stupid! But big brother and they are really kind to me. If they want to make this, I can also sell it to them wholesale, just like my little brother."

"That's fine!"

Chen Meiyun was really happy, regardless of Lin Liqing's dissuasion, she just killed a rooster to celebrate with the whole family at night, and asked Lin Guoan and Yu Xiaoping to bring the children over to eat together.

Seeing Chen Meiyun's posture, the second room knew that Lin Liqing had made money, so she was happy too.

After the meal, Lin Liqing gave Yu Xiaoping [-] yuan.

Yu Xiaoping's face changed drastically, "What are you doing?"

As she spoke, she pushed the money away.

Lin Liqing explained: "Second sister-in-law, this is the money I bought for your bananas. My brother will settle the score clearly, so you should get it."

This time Yu Xiaoping sent her thirty catties of bananas, how could she take them for nothing.

Yu Xiaoping turned her head to look at Lin Guoan.

Lin Guoan settled down, and asked Lin Liqing, "Have you made money? Won't you lose money?"

"No!" Lin Liqing said firmly, picked up the money again and stuffed it into Yu Xiaoping's arms, "Second sister-in-law, put it away quickly, otherwise I won't be ashamed to ask you for bananas in the future.

Besides, if my business is successful, I will definitely have to buy bananas from you in the future. How can you not charge money every time? "

"That can't be done!" Yu Xiaoping accepted it with a smile, her eyes sparkling, "Sister-in-law, I still have [-] to [-] catties of bananas that can be cut in two days. How much do you want?"

Lin Li hurriedly said: "Give it all to me. The second sister-in-law also helps me to keep an eye on which bananas in the village are sold. You can take it back for [-] cents, and I will charge you [-] cents."

"That's a good idea! I'll go ask tomorrow!" Yu Xiaoping's brows and eyes were frowned with joy, who would think that money is too little!No matter how thin the mosquito legs are, they still have meat.

Lin Guoan saw that the two women were chatting enthusiastically, so he pondered, "Well, I'll buy some for my younger sister and bring it to the factory for everyone to taste. Maybe I can attract some business for my younger sister."

"Then I'll wholesale it to my second brother. I'll sell it for [-] cents a catty outside, and the second brother will sell it for [-] cents. The second brother will sell it for [-] cents. I'll give you a profit of [-] cents. How about it?" Lin Liqing said happily.

Lin Guoan smiled helplessly, but nodded in cooperation. He didn't even want to make money, but just wanted to help Lin Liqing as much as possible.

Lin Guoan and Yu Xiaoping also took the children back after the family had dinner.

Lin Guoye arrived home not long after they left.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked: "Mom, where is my sister?"

Chen Meiyun pointed to the small backyard, "I'm busy! How is it? Today your sister generously gave you a catty of banana slices, did you get her any business?"

"I'm going to talk to her about this!" Lin Guoye was a little anxious, and rushed to the small backyard without thinking about chatting with Chen Meiyun.

"Sister, give me ten catties of banana slices tomorrow!" Lin Guoye arrived before he heard.

Chen Meiyun, who followed, was immediately happy, "Yo! You can do it, kid! Did you really sell it?"

"That's not right! Mom, sister, let me tell you, today I generously distributed some to the whole class and even the two classes next door. Everyone said it was delicious, and several people came to me during the lunch break. I bought it, and some people bought it for a catty at once, saying that it was for their nephews and nieces to eat when they went back.

But most of them are bought for half a catty or two or three cents, anyway, I have collected the money and kept it in the account! "

Lin Guoye dug out his small ledger, which made Lin Liqing giggle.

"Success! I'll give you ten catties tomorrow." Lin Liqing worked harder and harder. With the extra ten catties, she would have to go to bed two hours later tonight.

Lin Guoye was also straightforward, and gave Lin Liqing seven yuan and seven yuan, and the remaining one yuan was the middle price difference he earned. In one day, he earned one yuan. If he did this every day, he could save about 20 yuan in a month. .

The more he counted, the hotter Lin Guoye's heart became, and he ate an extra bowl of dinner than before.

It provoked Chen Meiyun to keep talking about half-children eating poor old people, and it was because of his better life in the past two years that he could do this. Don't even think about it before!
At dawn the next day, Lin Liqing left ten catties of banana slices and rode a tricycle to go out. People in the village would still ask curiously. She only said to go to the city to find her elder brother and sister-in-law, without saying a word, and everyone made up their own minds. She went to sell pork with Xu Hui, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Like yesterday, Lin Liqing set up a stall at the school gate first.

It’s only 06:30 at this moment, there are hardly any students at the gate of the school, but many nearby residents who pass by to buy vegetables come to her to see what’s fresh, and she also gives them a piece of food for free, and someone still pays for it, and she is richer than the students , They are all bought for [-] cents or [-] cents.

She hasn't been idle since she came here.

The stall selling tofu flower next door is also doing good business. Someone asked the owner of tofu flower about Lin Liqing's banana chips, and both of them praised it vigorously, so people who ate tofu flower also came to buy some to eat fresh.

Seeing this, Lin Liqing was naturally very grateful to them. After the school gate closed, their stall became a little deserted.

Lin Liqing left them a bag of banana chips, and it was only during chatting that they realized that the two were residents nearby. The man's name was He Rongguang, and his wife's name was Ye Lan. Both of them were warm-hearted.

When Lin Liqing left the school gate, she still had a lot of feelings. People in this era are relatively simple, and they are not as social as they will be in 30 or [-] years.

Because business was good yesterday, Lin Liqing specially prepared an extra ten catties of banana chips. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when they were sold out, and it would be almost five o'clock when she returned to Jiaonan Village.

The days are short in winter, and it is almost dark at five o'clock.

When Chen Meiyun saw her first sentence, she asked, "Is it all sold out?"

Lin Liqing nodded.

"Three hours later than yesterday." Chen Meiyun said.

Lin Liqing parked the car in the parking shed, and explained: "It's okay to buy ten catties more. From now on, I will sell it at the rate of thirty catties a day. I plan to go to other schools, so that more people will know about it."

(End of this chapter)

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