It turns out that this invisible flame is actually called void karma fire?
Lin Xixue learned the flame's real name from Tianzun's mouth, and soon thought of the karma mentioned by the incomplete sword spirit on the top of Qingyu Mountain.

I don't know what is the connection between this karma and the void karma.

But now is not the time to ponder these questions.

She quickly took the jade book hanging in front of Tianzun's body, folded it, and put it back into the sleeve robe.Then he turned the knife backhand, protecting his neck and facing the door, holding the scabbard in front of his chest with his left hand.A knife and a scabbard spread out obliquely like a "eight" character, covering the upper body.

She looked warily at the beheaded head of Tianzun, and saw that the head, which was stitched together by countless facial features, was burning and withering while falling downward.

If it weren't for the strange screams that humans could not make continuously from this head, it would be no different from a meteor passing through the atmosphere from a distance.

However, the flame not only stained the head, but also ignited the body of Tianzun.

The headless body of Tianzun seems to be trying hard to grow new heads, but every time a new head grows, it will be burned by the flames and shrink again, turning into something similar to dried octopus on the beach.

Naturally, Lin Xixue would not forget to make up the knife, and seized the opportunity to slash diagonally.

The blade slashed across the space, swaying the space ripples, and it was about to cut Tianzun's body completely in two.

However, at this moment, the gray ball in Tianzun's hand suddenly spun rapidly, making a sharp and piercing noise like an airplane passing overhead.

Lin Xixue's right hand that swung the saber was subjected to an unparalleled force, but this force was actually generated from the inside out.

It felt like the five fingers of my right hand were like ignited rockets, each of which was about to fly in different directions.

That feeling is not the same as being divided into five horses, it is more like the right hand spontaneously wants to tear itself apart.

Thunder arcs flashed on the surface of her right hand, and she tried her best to resist the tearing force of this huge force, but the ball in Tianzun's palm turned faster and faster, and there was only a "bang", and her right hand was torn abruptly into several pieces.

Separating Light Duanye lost control and began to fall downwards. Lin Xixue caught the scabbard with his left hand, and put Separating Light Duanye into the scabbard at the critical moment.

After failing to make up the knife, Lin Xixue immediately gave up the idea of ​​beheading Tianzun, and immediately tried to use the magical power to escape again.

Where are you going to escape?Lin Xixue quickly thought about the answer in her heart.

Wu Zeng Temple ruled out that Empress Dowager Embroidery could not beat Tianzun now, even Tianzun who was burned by Liuding Shenhuo and void karma fire.

Lixin Academy?It's not right, the academy is located in Jingyun City, the capital of Yunzhou, if Lu Er loses to the enemy, I'm afraid it will lead to disaster.

However, since Tianzun, Lei Zu and the monster holding the umbrella are robbing me, doesn't it mean that I may be able to borrow the conflicts and contradictions between the three monsters?

But I have never been to the Jubao Temple where the umbrella-holding monster is enshrined, so I can't go there with the magic foot.Sanyuan Temple enshrines the fake Leizu created by Lu Er.

Wait, Lu Er once said that he met Lei Zu after that sacrifice to Lichuan, and I have seen the scene of that sacrifice to the river!
Maybe, I should lure Tianzun to Lichuan?

She tried hard to recall the scene of the river sacrifice ceremony in her mind, and even down to the details of every splash, and then she took a step forward in her heart.

She felt as if she had bumped into something, Tianling seemed to have been slammed by a huge hammer, her eyes suddenly went dark, she fell on her back, and her nosebleeds kept dripping.

She only felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was filled with a dazzling white light, and it took her a long time to barely recover her ability to think.

How is this going?

Is it because the magical powers cannot be activated continuously? Or is it because the river sacrifice scene is a memory from the past, so you can't come in and out at will?
She couldn't think anymore, she felt her head hurt like a big bump, although she didn't have any scars on her forehead, but she just felt a bump on her head, and she could even feel the bruises s position.

However, although she lost her right hand and was unable to move due to a splitting headache, fortunately Tianzun was not feeling well at the moment.

On Tianzun's body, the cyan Liuding Divine Fire gradually extinguished, but the void karma fire seemed to have got half of the fuel, and it burned more and more vigorously, completely engulfing Tianzun's entire body.

Under the scorching of these two kinds of flames, His skin gradually melted, revealing the things under His skin for the first time.

Lin Xixue also saw Tianzun's true appearance for the first time.

"Hey hey hey hey, ah ha ha ha ha ha ha, what is this, woo, cough woo woo woo woo - what is this!!!"

She tilted her head, first smirked a few times, then couldn't stop laughing wildly, and then she started crying again, but she didn't understand why she was crying.

All kinds of emotions flowed from the bottom of her heart for no reason, and her thinking was once again stagnant due to the impact of this weird flow of emotions.

Her brain couldn't process the emotional flow properly, so her body didn't know what state to respond to.

Of course this is also normal.

After all, this kind of emotion should not be observed by humans, let alone experienced by humans. This kind of emotional expression itself does not take humans into consideration.

She opened her mouth slightly like this, letting the nosebleed run across her lips dully.

But it wasn't long before she seemed to understand why she was crying—she couldn't comprehend what was in front of her.

She searched her stomach and tried her best to find some adjectives that were as appropriate as possible from her lack of cognition to describe the existence in front of her.

For example——a group of roundworms and iron nematodes knotted together, surrounded by an indescribable thing composed of khaki mucus.

Fist-sized eyeballs are attached to the bodies of the roundworms and iron nematodes, like the eyeballs of a goat that suddenly appeared in the noodles.

Even though it has no mouth, it can still make weird calls.

She heard this group of beings lamely imitating human beings, and said in an extremely low voice: "Xiaoxue, wake up, I am Wanyun."

Could it be that Wan Yun is also a fake?
So what happened in the past and present life, what else is true?

"Hahahahahahaha, it's fake, it's all fake, it's fake in previous lives, it's fake in time travel, it's fake in cultivating immortals, and it's fake in conversion!"

"It's all fake, it's all fake, it's all fake, it's all fake" Lin Xixue kept repeating this sentence as if she was in a daze.

Strange, where does the corner of the galaxy come from?She was momentarily confused, but then laughed with relief.

Hahahahahahaha, because it’s fake, everything is fake, this world is fake, and it’s not surprising what happens.

She seemed to feel that someone was hugging her from behind, and her fingers trembled regularly again.

But she suddenly broke away from the person behind her who was hugging her, and said angrily: "I don't believe it, I don't believe you. Fake, you are all fake!"

Hehehe, I'm in good shape today (ω)

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