Chapter 260 Containers of the 260 System

The room that Qi Qing, Miao Xue and Yu Xiaohua broke through the wall to enter looked like an empty stone room.The walls, ground, and ceiling here are all made of huge stone blocks.Without any decoration, the stone wall was polished so smooth that people could be seen.

The huge stone here does not make people feel rough, but there is a kind of extreme simplicity that returns to nature.The gap between the stone and the stone is so small that ordinary daggers can't be inserted so tight that they ignore why these gaps are left.

"Leaving a gap is probably to allow these liquids to flow out faster to fill this room, and there may be other things overflowing." Qi Qing thought of her precognitive dream and told everyone, "If we are separated or trapped In unknown materials, you can’t perceive others, so don’t panic. Our combat uniforms can last for a while. I see that nothing will happen to Mo Xun.”

Qi Qing's words gave everyone a lot of confidence. After receiving the materials she gave, the three began to try to dig new passages in the stone, and they couldn't stay in a room that would be flooded.

Since liquid can seep out of these gaps, there must be an area where the liquid is stored. Find there and close the mechanism, and everything will stop.

Qi Qing is fortunate to have Yu Xiaohua in her group. With the improvement of his ability level, his ability to control rock and soil has reached a miraculous level.

It wasn't too strenuous to get through the tunnel in the dungeon back then. In this kind of place surrounded by rocks, he decided to use his skills in one direction, allowing everyone to run "through" the hard stone at the fastest speed.

Qi Qing is also thinking about a question, where will the system of this huge energy facility be stored, and what form will it be in.

At present, in addition to conventional silicon-based chip computers, quantum computers have already been developed in China, and biological DNA storage technology has also advanced by leaps and bounds due to the inspiration of special items.In the future, maybe you see an aquarium, and the jellyfish floating in it may actually be the core components of a quantum computer.

In ancient times, the energy facilities were so huge, was it because the human beings in that era were tall?Or is it because the size of the building is directly related to the amount of energy that can be collected?In such a huge pyramid, if the original control system is not big, if it is casually embedded in a huge stone, they will easily miss it.

Wait, the scenes she foresees, those viscous liquids, those unknown materials that trap her, are those the carriers of the system?Even if those are not, you have to figure out the reminder about your own life.

"Yu Xiaohua, can you find a place where the density of the stone is relatively low, or where it is covered with viscous liquid?" Qi Qing asked Yu Xiaohua.

After level 6, Yu Xiaohua's perception of rock and soil has a very large and very clear range. Where there is a lot of rock and soil, the hardness of rock and soil and its surrounding materials can be quickly distinguished, which is equivalent to humanoid exploration equipment.The question did not bother him.

Under Qi Qing's command, they quickly discovered several non-stone cavities.

Qi Qing asked Yu Xiaohua to drill holes with supernatural powers, and asked Miao Xue to observe through the holes, looking for unconventional liquids.That sticky paste-like thing, she tends to have something to do with the carrier of the original system.

What would something like that be afraid of?Burn with fire?Dilute with water?Or something else.Anyway, artificial intelligence or computers currently researched by humans are afraid of fire.She intends to use fire.

She was caught in it in a dream, and this time she came prepared and had two pairs of teammates by her side, so she wouldn't risk falling into it so much.There are so many materials in her space, and there are many opportunities to display them one by one.

Find the room where the lump of viscous liquid is located. Within 100 meters around, Mo Xun and Luo Xufei are in a stone room on the upper floor.She imitated Luo Xufei's fire control ability.

The flame produced by the ability is very special after high level, and cannot be extinguished with ordinary fire extinguishing materials.Borrowing from the ancient mythology, it is "three flavors of real fire", and even demons and ghosts can be burned without hiding.

She asked Yu Xiaohua to drill holes, and controlled the flames to enter through the wall and burn those substances.

It did burn at first, but it soon went out.

Miao Xue could see clearly, and said: "Those substances can be regenerated, and those that were burnt were absorbed by the surrounding substances, and quickly filled up to the previous volume, but I found the direction of the flow of those substances. Their source should be in ..."

While talking, Miao Xue drew a simple diagram with a pen and paper, and told Yu Xiaohua that there was probably an interlayer in the stone wall there, and spare materials gushed out from there to fill up the lost part.

The carriers needed for a system that has been in operation for more than 2 years should theoretically be able to repair itself.As for the material, it has sunk to the bottom of the sea for tens of thousands of years. Could it be that it has been dormant for a long time without much loss?So there are not many carrier backup materials, which cannot withstand consumption?In short, matter is conserved, and these strange viscous liquids must be resolved before they are at ease.

Qi Qing fiddled with the high-tech detection equipment to scan the possible sandwich location, nodded and said: "There is indeed a problem there, there are many bone substances that have been compressed."

Yu Xiaohua made a detour from the other side, broke through the interlayer stone wall, and what everyone saw was a space filled with bones and other inclusions.

This space is very large, and the bones filled inside are like frozen amber, wrapped in some kind of special material, tens of thousands of them, and most of them look like human bones.

Rough analysis with instruments shows that the further inward the bone amber is, the older it is, and near the entrance of a certain tunnel, the bones there are as fresh as if they were just made.

Reminiscent of what the three people who escaped from the base said, it is very likely that the living people in the Clover base have been slaughtered and used to fill this hole.

As for how to control so many chosen ones to commit suicide or be massacred at once, it depends on the skill of the system.

Maybe it was to instigate internal strife among the high-level Clover, maybe it was finally able to control a certain high-level spiritual system, and hypnotized others, or it might be the use of something that can mutate living people.In order to survive, the living can only massacre the infected, and they themselves will not escape bad luck in the end?
If it is really the Pyramid's original system that planned and manipulated all of this, then as Mo Xun said, it is powerful enough to disdain to cover it up, and it has a way to control human beings.

At this moment, the ground shook.

It's like shaking during an earthquake, there are several waves vertically and vertically, and ordinary people can't stand still at all.Qi Qing and the others have greatly improved their physical fitness, but they can barely stand up straight.

Was it an undersea earthquake?In the buffer stage of the next round of natural disasters, did they catch up with the local earthquake by such an inch?
Although the device Qi Qing was holding could not communicate, it could measure the intensity of the transmitted waves and the location of the epicenter when placed on the ground, and the device quickly gave a conclusion.The area where they are located is the center of the shaking, and the range of 1000 meters around them is rapidly rising.Due to other resistances in the range, during the overall elevation of the area, it is shaking to adjust its speed and position.

"It's the pyramid on the bottom of the sea that went up by itself." Qi Qing said seriously, "If I follow my dream, then the energy shield that encloses this great pyramid will expand outwards and envelop many people."

(End of this chapter)

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