After being broken up and unemployed, natural disasters came

Chapter 243 Chapter 243 Yin Xiu's Confusion

Chapter 243 Chapter 243 Yin Xiu's Confusion

The giant beast easily peeled away a few raised boulders covering the towering mountain wall, and the plants attached to it seemed to suddenly come alive, with their teeth and claws and branches growing everywhere, but after being bitten by the giant beast a few times, they dared not move again.

Yin Xiu saw the huge triangular stone gate revealed, and her face showed excitement, but she was not the only one, Mo Xun and Qi Qing also saw some fresh traces at this entrance.

Yin Xiuhu questioned: "The people you sent before seem to have found this place, but Xiaohua said that she has never seen them. They may still be alive, and I don't know where they went."

"Some of them can control small animals. Maybe they can follow the clues provided by other animals to find this place. But is it possible for them to enter by themselves?" Mo Xun has superb acting skills. Even though he is full of doubts about Yin Xiu, he still looks sincere on the surface The attitude of seeking cooperation and exchanging information.

Yin Xiu said a few words with the beast, and said regretfully: "Xiaohua said that only it or its owner can open the entrance. Even if others find the door, they can't enter."

"However, our teammates may still be alive, they went in." The secret note left by the comrades told Mo Xun.

Qi Qing whispered to Mo Xun: "I suspect that other creatures opened the door. In the mural I saw, there is a sacrificial place. Before entering the formal sacrifice, there are warehouses and space for offering sacrifices. We should be able to See the hints of those murals. Let’s go to those preparation spaces and look for them, maybe we can find something.”

Next, they entered a triangular channel more than [-] meters high. This is a triangle that is close to an equilateral triangle, and the top of the channel is the apex of the triangle.

Yin Xiu had already got off Xiaohua's head, and Xiaohua was walking in the front, as if she had returned to her own home.However, this passage is already a bit narrow for its body.It can be seen that Xiaohua also feels a little uncomfortable.Perhaps when it left this passage, its size was not so large?
The exquisite murals that Qi Qing saw in the illusion also appeared one after another on both sides of the passage, closer to the ground.As added by later generations, compared with the original triangular tunnel that was as smooth and flat as a mirror, the level of craftsmanship of these murals is more cumbersome, and there is no such nearly perfect flat details.

Presumably the tools used to carve the murals, not the ones used to build the pyramids.

Of course, this cannot be the pattern that modern mainstream scientists believe can be carved and drawn with backward bronze tools.

The strokes of these carvings are very delicate, and they are colorful paintings, which are closer to the accurate depiction of human body proportions than the freehand brushwork of later generations.If there is any style similar to it in later generations, it is probably the three-dimensional sculpture of the terracotta warriors, or the realistic sculpture of the Roman style.

Yin Xiu can understand the ancient rune spells on the murals, and the records here are basically consistent with the content handed down by the people of the Yin clan.

She thought that Mo Xun and Qi Qing didn't understand the true meaning of these words and pictures, they were only marveling at those exquisite patterns, and seemed to be guessing the meaning of these pictures.Those two people did not show a look of fear, but calmly walked towards the preparation room for the sacrifice.

Xiaohua said before that its owner may have returned. Someone woke it up and told it that the sacrifice broke in here by itself, and was sent to the warehouse after being stunned by the automatic guard mechanism.But it has not seen its owner, and it also wants to go to the sacrificial hall to eat delicious sacrifices.

Xiaohua also said a lot, but Yin Xiu could understand very little.

The Yin clan has maintained the oldest language and tradition as much as possible, and even in order not to be assimilated by the influence of the Z language, they did not popularize the modern Z language among the clan.There is a special person in the clan who is responsible for continuing to write the following history with ancient rune spells, recording the migration and development of the ethnic group.Everyone with the surname Yin in the clan knew about their relationship with the undead clan.

Of course she would not tell Mo Xun and Qi Qing about these confidential contents.She doesn't hate the descendants of the eight major surnames in ancient times, but when it comes to the survival of the Yin clan, she will sacrifice others without hesitation.

If someone from the undead really came back this time, she would definitely have to pay a price if she wanted to take something away.It is the oldest and most effective method to strike a deal with the undead's favorite delicious offerings.

They need sacrifices.The bloodline heirs of the eight ancient surnames who once dominated the Central Plains are the best sacrifices for the undead.

The natural disaster trial began, and the bloodline heirs of the eight ancient surnames became the selected ones. This undoubtedly narrowed the scope of screening, and also allowed the Yin family to get more sacrifices to choose from, so that they could open more ancient facilities.In addition to the eight major surnames in ancient times, there are also awakened people among the foreign races in Ozhou, and those people seem to have some effect.

She flew near the Arctic Sea of ​​Ozhou to rescue those alien survivors, and gave them some help because there were chosen ones among them.She can easily gain their trust, and let them go to the altar by themselves when needed.

"What kind of room is this? There seems to be a similar scene on the mural." Qi Qing asked Yin Xiu with a smile.

Yin Xiu opened her eyes and said nonsense: "It looks like a very important room. I don't understand a lot of what Xiao Hua said. Maybe this is the sacrificial preparation office?"

"Does this kind of high-tech energy facility need a sacrifice to activate it?" Mo Xun asked in a deep voice in M ​​language, "Or, did the undead just borrow this ancient facility? Can the program be triggered?"

Yin Xiu's heart trembled, she looked at Mo Xun, trying to see through his deep eyes, he must know something to ask this question that is very close to the truth.

Has Country Z's research on historical sites been so in-depth?

"I don't know, our Yin clan is also a concept of ethnic groups after the end of the age of mythology. According to my understanding, the undead is a kind of god in the age of mythology." Yin Xiu told some facts and expressed enough sincerity.The art of lying lies in the fact that a few truths are mixed with some lies, so that they are more believable.

Yin Xiu had to cover up the truth she knew, pretending to be as confused as the two of the special forces team, so that it would be easier to coax them to where they needed to be.

The murals at the entrance don't show much more.It seems that we can only count on the existence of "wisdom spirit" here.

Yin Xiu also didn't fully believe what the beast Xiaohua said.Are the undead really back?Then why didn't they summon the Yin clan?It is difficult for the undead to reproduce and their population is sparse. They need the Yin family to help them complete those chores that may be dangerous or cumbersome.

That's why the Yin family has mastered the use of time and space gates and other magical facilities left over from the age of mythology.However, is sacrifice really necessary?Yin Xiu has been thinking about Mo Xun's question.

Many ancient traditions are known only to the patriarchs.Yin Xiu and other people of the same generation, as the successors of the patriarch, still know very little.She didn't know why those facilities would not be activated after other human groups performed the same sacrifice.She also didn't understand, apart from the undead and Yin's method of using living sacrifices, is there any other way to control these ancient energy facilities.

 Double update and second update.

(End of this chapter)

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