i can kill with one punch

Chapter 64 1 All interpretation rights belong to the game party

Chapter 64 All interpretation rights belong to the game party

(Maze of choice.)
(Right or wrong, life or death, going or staying, all in your thoughts, your thoughts determine everything here!)

(So, to find the exit, left or right, your choice will be...)
(ps: The final settlement of this game is based on the level of points, and the game lasts for two days and one night.)
Generally speaking, games in the fair arena don't last too long. After all, games are never permanently online, and there are times when they quit and take a break.

And at this moment in the game arena, including Su Sheng and Xiao Ruge, a total of ten people started the game.

Everyone is in two groups, just like the introduction of the decision maze, there are always two choices.

Immediately, with the start of the game, everyone entered the world dedicated to the game.

The decision maze, as the name suggests, is undoubtedly a huge maze.

Five teams of contestants will be scattered in five different corners of the maze, looking for its exit.

Su Sheng was naturally on the same team as Xiao Ruge.

But right now, Su Cheng couldn't help being startled, because he suddenly couldn't feel the existence of agitation in his body.

When he subconsciously operated the running route of the Exciting Beast and Tiger Fist, a flame shot out from his fist.

"Rely on!"

I'm on fire! ?

Su Cheng thought his hands were on fire!

But in the next second, he immediately realized that the agitation in his body was completely replaced by the flame.

So, this is also a mechanic of the game?
Recalling the "Battle Royale of Beasts", I also became an orange cat.

This surprised Su Sheng.

He felt the intensity of the flames in his body, which was similar to the one he had just started to cultivate.

So, even the strength is limited?
After thinking up to this point, Su Sheng looked at Xiao Ruge who was beside him again.

Xiao Ruge understood and said: "My strength has been suppressed."

After saying that, her hands changed.

In an instant, Su Sheng's eyes widened, and he called out in his heart what a guy!
Because in front of his eyes, Xiao Ruge's hands were covered by a thin layer of ice.

She really became an ice girl!

Su Sheng was shocked.

Originally, Xiao Ruge's temperament was relatively cold, but this time it really became colder!
Wait, Addict?maze?Why does it feel a little inexplicably familiar?
Su Sheng was extremely astonished.

Without waiting for him to continue thinking.

"Let's go!"

Next to him, Xiao Ruge continued: "The game has already started, we must rush ahead of the other teams and collect enough points."

Hearing this, Su Cheng was puzzled: "Shouldn't we find the exit of the maze first?"

After all, the introduction of the decision maze can be said to be to find the exit.

Xiao Ruge replied: "Just looking for the exit is useless, this is a points-based game."

"The higher the score, the more you can be the real winner at the end."


"And what?" Su Sheng asked.

After all, he is a rookie, and Xiao Ruge certainly doesn't have as much contact and knowledge about the games of the fair arena.

Xiao Ruge said slowly: "The game party didn't tell us how to get points."

"All of this needs to be explored by ourselves."

"In this game, our real strength is limited, but relatively speaking, another part of our authority is also opened."

Saying that, Xiao Ruge took out the silver dagger that he carried close to his body.

Obviously, this game does not limit the equipment it carries.

Su Sheng remembered that this was the weapon Xiao Ruge used when fighting the vampire.

And Su Cheng himself only had the ten Qi and Blood Pills that he had brought with him before he left.

After all, he couldn't carry all of the Qi and Blood Pills in a box with hundreds of them.

But Su Sheng didn't panic, for him, having his own pair of iron fists was enough.

Soon, the two hit the road.

At present, Su Sheng and Xiao Ruge are in the deepest part of the labyrinth that can be said. They need to choose a direction to decide the next walking route.

In front of Su Cheng and the two of them, there were two roads on the left and right, without any road signs or message clues.

The first choice, start!
Su Sheng asked: "Xiao Ruge, what do you think?"

Xiao Ruge glanced at Su Sheng, but didn't speak.

But the meaning is obvious, this time it's up to you to choose.

Seeing this, Su Cheng said cautiously: "How about we choose the road on the right?"

Su Sheng's hometown in Jiangshi has a tradition, Youshun, which means smooth sailing.

Whether it is a business or a residential apartment, the door is usually opened from the right, which indicates good luck!

Besides, there is not such a sentence.

Paradise to the right, soldiers to the right.

It’s game over to go to heaven!
So, decisively choose the right side.

The next moment Xiao Ruge didn't hesitate at all, the moment Su Sheng finished speaking, he walked into the passage on the right.

Since it was a team formation, Xiao Ruge definitely believed in Su Sheng without any hesitation.

This is also the basis of cooperation.

Without trust, how can there be cooperation?

Not to mention tacit understanding.

Immediately, Su Sheng also hurriedly followed.

And the moment the two entered the right passage, the left road disappeared directly.

This is a choice with only one chance. If you choose the right, there is no way to go to the left.

As the introduction said, right and wrong are all in one's own mind!
Immediately afterwards, the line of sight came to the passage on the right.

In the brightly lit labyrinth, a glimmer of light appeared in front of Su Sheng and Xiao Ruge.

Seeing this, Su Sheng and Xiao Ruge looked at each other, feeling that they had found a clue.

But just when the two were about to act.


Suddenly, a hysterical roar resounded through the maze passage.

Looking at it, amidst the wind and lightning, a pitch-black figure with blood-red eyes looked at the two of them ferociously and angrily.

This is a black orangutan, fully three meters tall.

But unlike ordinary orangutans, he is huge, and there is no reason at all in his eyes. He is said to be an orangutan, but he is more like an orc with an orangutan head.

Neither Su Sheng nor Xiao Ruge knew how this orc appeared.

As if it was just a blink of an eye, the other party suddenly appeared in place.

Is it a maze game mechanic?
Su Sheng thought.

In the ear, Xiao Ruge's voice resounded impressively.


Suddenly, the orangutan orc in front of him rushed forward baring his teeth. He opened his bloody mouth with a fierce expression.

It was too late to say it, but Su Sheng and Xiao Ruge hurriedly dodged from both sides.

Su Cheng turned sideways, clenched his right fist.

And Xiao Ruge held the dagger in his backhand, and jumped forward.

At this critical moment, the two turned passive into active and attacked the orangutan orc.

Flames burst out from Su Sheng's fist.

Xiao Ruge's dagger was also filled with ice.

In the blink of an eye, the attacks of the two hit the orangutan orc's head and chest respectively.

But at this moment, something happened suddenly!
The moment when the two forces of flame and ice caused damage to the orangutan orc at the same time.

These two forces unexpectedly disappeared without a trace!
In other words, it was as if Su Sheng's fist had become limp at this moment, and Xiao Ruge's dagger had also become scrap metal, posing no threat to the orangutan orcs.

This scene made the pupils of the two shrink, which was beyond their expectations.

Although ice and fire are against each other, this is a game!
Wait, games?
Oh, that's fine!

After all, all interpretation rights belong to the game party.

(End of this chapter)

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