Chapter 107
"Dongzao, I'll think of a way these two days." Wang Hao said.

"Hehe, just kidding, it's summer now, where can I get winter dates!" Ding Qiunan said.

"I'm not teasing you, I'll try to find a solution in the past two days." Wang Hao said.

"Actually, I don't want to eat that much, but when you mentioned this topic, I suddenly thought of that." Ding Qiunan said.

"Okay, you two don't get bored. I'm so disgusted!" Yu Li said aloud from the side.

"Sister Li, you are jealous! It's okay, I can still occupy him for a while now, and he will become yours in the evening. I am young now, so I will definitely not be able to accompany him in the intercourse, so I have to work hard You!" Ding Qiunan teased Yu Li.

"I don't want it! He is an animal who doesn't know how to love anyone." Yu Li muttered.

The next day, Wang Hao went to the factory and started to fiddle with his own space.

When making winter jujube before, Wang Hao threw the seeds of winter jujube into the space, and they germinated into jujube trees, but they never produced fruit.

Wang Hao didn't care about it before, after all, it doesn't bear fruit, and there are other kinds of vegetables and fruits that can be eaten, which is not bad.

When he entered the space today, Wang Hao discovered a problem, not only the winter jujube, which was put in together with the winter jujube, but also the seeds that were put in later, such as cherries, lychees, etc., all just germinated and turned into trees, without any fruit.

What is the reason for this, Wang Hao belongs to Monk Zhanger, and he is at a loss, after all, this thing has not given any explanation!

After studying for a day, Wang Hao didn't find out why.

Anyway, in the current space, the previous things are still being produced automatically, and those things that were put in later are purely landscapes.

Since he couldn't find the reason, Wang Hao wanted to see if he could find winter jujube in the market or other places.

The next day, Wang Hao went out to search around by himself, but found that there was none.

In this era, there is no "greenhouse" technology of later generations. Not only are materials scarce, but also the varieties are not rich enough, and the patterns are not enough.

However, Lao Xu from the Vegetable Trading Company in Sijiu City gave Wang Hao an idea. In Sijiu City, it is impossible to have winter jujube on the market. Ninetowns ice store!
There are fresh meat, fresh eggs, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and other non-staple foods.

But the supplies there are not for the common people, most of them are used for entertainment, or for...

It is impossible for ordinary people to get the supplies there!Old Xu advised Wang Hao not to think about it.

These days, it's good to eat something, so I don't have the time to think about those tricks.

Until Wang Hao said yes, he wanted to say that when his daughter-in-law was pregnant.Old Xu immediately expressed his understanding, man!It doesn't matter whether you eat or not, but if it's a wife and child, then you must use your own strength to get it.

But Lao Xu just promised Wang Hao to find a way for him. No one can say whether he can find it, and whether he can succeed if he finds it. rise.

Even so, Wang Hao is already very grateful!Wang Hao brought Lao Xu some supplies he had on hand, and after a while of pleasantries, the two finally made an agreement.

In the past two days, Wang Hao has been a little haggarded by Dongzao.

At the same time, Wang Hao also felt a headache about the rules of space, why didn't the following things no longer be derived?
What's the problem?Is it the same as chicken and duck eggs?Do you have to match the male and female?
In the next few days, Wang Hao also sought out several experts one after another, and found that some plants do need male and female trees to pollinate each other, but some don't, and none of them have any results.

That means the problem is not here.

I searched through the space rules in my mind, but I didn't find out how to deal with this situation.

Now my space is level 4, will there be a solution if I upgrade again? !

Do it as soon as you think of it, the upgrade of the space depends on the quantity and frequency of space materials taken out.

There is still a long way to go before upgrading, but Wang Hao wants to upgrade as soon as possible, and his heart is too dry.

So he piled up the spare space in his home and the small courtyard where Chen Xueshi and the others lived, wherever he could think of, he piled up supplies.

But still almost.

Just when Wang Hao was at his wit's end, a piece of good news came that Wang Hao entrusted Qin Sanbao to set up the small courtyard, and everything was settled.

On the day he received the news, Wang Hao rushed to the countryside.

Qin Jingru was very surprised by Wang Hao's arrival: "Brother Hao, why are you here now? Don't you have to go to work?"

"I don't go to work today, so I'll take a look at our courtyard first!" Wang Hao said.

"Okay, then I'll take you to see it first." Qin Jingru said, holding Wang Hao, and walked to the small courtyard at the west end of the village.

There is a distance between this courtyard and other residents in the village. It was built by a very lonely family in Qin Jingru's village. Later, because of several rebellions, they entered, and the house became a commune.

Qin Sanbao bought it for Wang Hao from the commune again. Apart from being a little far away from other people, other aspects are remarkable!

And this house is a red brick house!In this day and age, this is considered the top mansion in the countryside!

After all, the vast majority of houses now still have adobe walls.

When Wang Hao and Qin Jingru entered the courtyard, all the furniture was still left by the previous family, untouched, and the dust that fell during the previous confinement had also been cleaned by Qin Jingru.

Wang Hao asked Qin Jingru to call Qin Sanbao and her brothers to have dinner here tonight.

Qin Jingru listened to Wang Hao very much. After Wang Hao finished speaking, she trotted out.

In fact, Wang Hao let Qin Jingru go out now, purely to spend her, otherwise how could he free up the supplies from the space.

After Wang Hao waited for Qin Jingru to leave, he started dumping supplies from room to room.

When it was moved to the second room, the space was just upgraded.

After the upgrade, the space became larger, and those fruit trees that did not bear fruit began to bloom and bear fruit slowly.

Although the rules haven't been figured out yet, Wang Hao probably has figured out the routine.

It should be that the materials carried by each level of the space have an upper limit. If the upper limit is exceeded, it will no longer produce it. It just puts that kind of thing aside and will continue to produce it when it is capable.

Probably the energy supporting it, or something else.

Wang Hao hasn't figured out the joints in this, but the most urgent matter has been satisfactorily resolved!

When Qin Jingru came back, she was stunned when she saw the supplies in those rooms. What's going on? !

Before she left, she remembered that the house was still empty. After going out for a trip, why did so many supplies suddenly appear when she came back! ?

(End of this chapter)

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