Sweeping the Infinity from Apprenticeship to Chen You

Chapter 183 Miss, You Don’t Want This To Be Known By Others, Do You?

Chapter 183 Miss, You Don’t Want This To Be Known By Others, Do You?

Suzuki Real Estate.

That is to say, real estate agencies that can be seen everywhere in Datianchaoman Street.

Chen Qing looked up at the door plate, wondering why Lin Ge asked the driver to go around and return to the intermediary store at the entrance of the block.

Rent a house?buy a house?
But according to Lin Ge's plan, he would choose to live in 4-4 every night, not to mention that reincarnators have a six-hour time limit every day, whether it is renting or buying a house, it seems unnecessary.

In fact, when Lin Ge saw this store in the taxi, he had no reaction at first, but after driving for a while, he suddenly thought of his favorite version of "The Grudge", which is the earliest "Video version of Curse" "The Upper and Lower Parts of the Grudge" tells the story of the origin of the "Grudge".

The origin of the "Grudge" is fully described in the movie. If we look at the timeline, the first victim who died of the Grudge was Kayako's love object "Mr. Kobayashi", and the second round of victims moved into the cursed house The Murakami family, and the third round of victims, is Suzuki Tatsuya who runs Suzuki Real Estate.

After the tragic death of the Murakami family, Suzuki Tatsuya bought the cursed house because it was close to the station, the surrounding facilities were complete, and the environment was good. If you bought it at a low price for a haunted house, you would surely make a fortune selling it to someone who didn’t know it.

Then, the whole family was taken away by the curse.

After Lin Ge entered the world of reincarnation and confirmed the main mission, what he most wanted to find out was the timeline of the world of curses he was in now.

Because the "grudge" is a curse that becomes more powerful the more dead it is.

If the timeline can be clarified, it might be possible to prevent some "grudge" events from happening, thereby achieving the effect of "relieving" the grievance.

So when Lin Ge saw this "Suzuki Real Estate", Lin Ge wanted to go in and see if it had anything to do with the plot character Suzuki Tatsuya.

As soon as he entered the door, a young and beautiful salesperson in formal attire greeted him: "Hello, sir, what can I do for you?"

A place that focuses on services is obviously much better than some chain stores, where customers don’t even bother to lift their heads when they enter the door, and just say "rent a house or buy a house, we don't rent a house".

Lin Ge also said politely: "Hello, a manager named Tatsuya Suzuki contacted me before and said that there is a house for sale at a cheap price. Is it sold?"

Hearing the words "Suzuki Tatsuya", the female salesperson's face froze, but then returned to normal: "Excuse me, sir, which apartment are you looking at?"

Lin Ge picked up the advertisement leaflet on the table and asked casually, "Is Manager Suzuki not in the store?"

The female salesperson was silent for a while, her face was pale, she seemed to recall some terrible memories, and then said: "Sir, I'm sorry, the boss... passed away three months ago."

three months?
So, the "Grudge" of the cursed house has just reached the end of the fourth round of the timeline?

"Death...how could it be so sudden?" Lin Ge asked pretending to be surprised.

The female salesperson said with embarrassment: "I don't know the specific situation, I only know that her sister informed us that the boss passed away."

Tatsuya Suzuki's sister?
Hearing this, Lin Ge frowned slightly, concluding that the female salesperson was probably lying.

Lin Ge was holding a water glass and pretending to be drinking, but he was actually quickly recalling the plot of "The Grudge" about "Tatsuya Suzuki" in his mind.

In the movie, Tatsumi Suzuki is also a very superstitious person. Although he wants to make money from the cursed house, he still feels a little uneasy when he thinks of the Murakami family who died tragically in the house.

So before selling the house, he invited his younger sister "Kyoko Suzuki", who is a psychic, to help him look at the house.And Xiangzi is also a person with real skills. As soon as he entered the cursed house, he found something wrong with the house, and warned his brother that the Murakami family was not the only one who died here, so he had better not think about this house.

Later, Xiangzi saw the ghost of Kayako upstairs. She asked her brother to find a bottle of sake and tasted it, but found that the sake made her spit it out in disgust.

There is a saying in their profession of psychics, that is to drink a sip of sake in a haunted house. If there is no abnormal taste, it proves that you are not rejected by the haunted house. Otherwise, it means that this haunted house does not "welcome" your arrival and you are forced to live in it. Very likely to be cursed.

According to his sister's request, Tatsuya Suzuki sold the house to the "Kitada" family who drank sake without any abnormality, and told his sister about it.

At the same time, Suzuki Tatsu also invited Xiangzi to come to his house, because he felt that something was wrong with his son during this time.

In fact, Suzuki Tatsuya was already "cursed" at this time.

When Xiangzi heard about his nephew being bewitched by an evil spirit, he thought of the house where the ghost was seen. He felt uneasy, and ran outside the cursed house to have a look.

At this glance, Xiangzi, who is a psychic, immediately concluded that the Beitian family had been cursed. She knew that the problem was very serious, so a friend who entrusted the police station to find information about the house, and after seeing what happened in the house, All kinds of tragedies happened, so I hurried to find my brother Tatsuya.

At this time, Tatsuya was not in the company, so she asked someone to pass the information to her brother, and there was a detail in the movie at this time, that is, the woman who was a salesperson opened the document.

After that, Xiangzi went to Tatsuya's house and found that Tatsuya's new house happened to be the home of the deceased in the "curse incident", Mr. Kobayashi.

Xiangzi felt that something was wrong in the house, and wanted to find something from the shoe cabinet to defend herself, and found the spell to exorcise evil spirits at the door of the house. Obviously, Tatsuya had already realized that something was wrong and had already taken measures.

Entering Tatsuya's house, Xiangzi saw her nephew staring at the snow-covered TV in a daze. She woke up the dazed nephew. At this time, the neighbor next door knocked on the door and said that he heard the sound of a baby crying.

Xiangzi persuaded the neighbors to leave, and as soon as he returned to the house, he saw his nephew staring at the light in the bedroom door in a daze. Xiangzi stepped forward to open the door, only to see that the scene of Kayako's husband brutally murdering Teacher Xiaolin's pregnant wife was reproduced inside. .

Seeing the scene of Takeo Saeki cutting open the belly of Teacher Kobayashi's wife and taking out the child, Xiangzi felt the "curse" from the owner of this room, couldn't hold it anymore, and fainted from fright.

After returning to the store, Tatsuya saw the information sent by his sister, and only then did he know that he lived in a haunted house, and happened to have a lot to do with the cursed house of the Beitian family.

Tatsuya hurried back home, found his unconscious sister and son who was possessed by evil spirits, and took him back to his parents' house for a temporary stay. Let her take care of it.

Unexpectedly, Tatsuya's "belt" directly brought the "curse" back to his parents' house.In order to appease the "curse", he came to the cursed house to find a way. At this time, the hostess had already been possessed by Kayako. After killing him, he killed the Suzuki family with the curse.

In the movie, the scene ends with Tatsuya's son sitting in a daze at the gate of the courtyard.

This is the plot of the "Suzuki Tatsuya Chapter" in the videotape version of "The Grudge", which takes up a lot of space. Lin Ge recalled the details of the plot and came to a conclusion——

The female salesperson knew the truth about the "curse house", and also knew that Suzuki Tatsu returned to live in his hometown because of his sister's accident, and the whole family was wiped out.

In other words, it was impossible for Kyoko Suzuki, who had an accident before Tatsuya Suzuki, to "inform" the female salesperson that Tatsuya Suzuki had an accident.

Combining the understanding and analysis of the plot, Lin Ge concluded that the female salesperson might want to "occupy the magpie's nest" after learning that the Suzuki family was wiped out.

"You are lying. Da is also my close friend. Before the accident, he told me that he needed to go back to his hometown to live temporarily because of his sister's accident, and the store's affairs were taken care of by the staff. You just learned that his whole family had an accident and wanted to put this Take this store for yourself!" Lin Ge glanced coldly at the female salesperson.

Lin Ge has "died" once, and there is a red-clothed ghost on his body. How can ordinary people be able to resist the evil aura emitted by him invisibly.

The female salesperson was just stared at by the cold gaze, her legs suddenly became weak, her face was terrified, and she was holding on to the counter, almost unable to stand still.

"I. I... I. I don't, I don't."

Lin Ge said straight to the point: "Miss, you don't want other people to know about your dove occupying the magpie's nest, do you?"

"You, what do you want to do?" The female salesperson held the neckline tightly with both hands, and looked at Lin Ge nervously.

Lin Ge:?
Miss, have you watched too many dramas?

Lin Ge said: "Suzuki Tatsuya's younger sister sent a document to the store for you to pass on to Suzuki Tatsuya. I want that document, you give it to me, and I won't bother with this store anymore. "

The female salesperson was stunned, that's all?

"Do you want a document?"

"So what are you expecting?"

The female salesperson wants to cry, but you want a piece of worthless information. Do you need such a vicious look, with a vicious expression that wants to treat her like this or that?
Knowing that Lin Ge only wanted that information, the female salesperson was relieved, and hurried to the place where the house files were stored, and took out the cursed house information that Suzuki Kyoko asked a friend to find.

Lin Ge took out the file and looked through it. Looking at it by himself obviously got more clues than from the perspective of the protagonist in the movie. In this file, in addition to the three "murder cases" of Jiaye, Xiaolin and Murakami's family in detail, There is even information about the residents who moved into the cursed house before the Murakami family.

It’s just that some of these residents quickly moved out when they noticed something was wrong with the house, and some of them had problems when they bought the house, and they failed to buy it in the end.

In the end, only the Murakami family and later the Kita family were wiped out.

Lin Ge read the information of the cursed house, and then checked the information of Xiaolin's family in detail. Strictly speaking, Lin Ge felt that the most "unjust" people in the movie "The Grudge" were Xiaolin's family.

A serious and responsible teacher was secretly in love with the "stalker" Gayoko since his student days, and his family ended up tragically. From this point of view, the "grudge" formed by this family may be the biggest.

After all, when a good old man is blackened in a state of complete despair, it is much more ruthless than a character who was a villain from the beginning.

However, what Lin Ge is most curious about now is, where is the diary that is the "carrier of the curse" of Kayako?Find that diary, maybe you can find the key to solving the "Grudge".

"Gayako has been withdrawn and eccentric since he was a child because of family reasons. Because of his crush on Xiaolin, he followed him for a long time and wrote the 'Diary of a Crazy Girl'. Only then was his husband found out, thinking that Kayako was cheating on her, so he tortured and killed her." Lin Ge tried to continue Find clues from the plot, but what is certain now is that there is no diary in the cursed house.

In theory, this kind of thing should be stored in the police station as "evidence", but in the movie, as a carrier of curses, it is often sent to the dead inexplicably.

Regarding this, Lin Ge had a bold guess.

One is a relatively normal route. This erratic diary may appear in any area related to Kayako, such as Kobayashi's home, school, and so on.


The main task prompts that if you don't stay in the cursed house for 6 hours a day, you will be targeted by the curse... Then, will you send this diary, which is the carrier of the curse, out of thin air?
Conjectures are conjectures, the diary is the key, Lin Ge thinks it is necessary to find it.

After putting away the materials, Lin Ge and Chen Qing left the store and took a taxi to the police station that was recorded as being responsible for the murder at Jiaye's house.

Lin Ge asked Chen Qing to wait outside the police station, and used the little girl's evil spirit space and the holding spell to sneak into the evidence room smoothly.

However, after some searching, it was found that the evidence related to Gayako had long been missing.

Lin Ge had no choice but to go to the school where Xiao Lin worked to find clues. However, not long after arriving at the school to investigate, it was noon.

Lin Ge, who had just fooled the principal out of the principal's office, was thinking about where to go next when suddenly there was an earthquake.

The teaching building shook violently. Fortunately, the country of cherry blossoms is an earthquake country, and they are quite experienced in earthquakes. Under the orderly organization of the teachers, the students evacuated smoothly.

Seeing the cracks on the teaching building and thinking about the scene of running away just now, Chen Qing still had lingering fears: "Wow, I've always heard that earthquakes occur frequently in Sakura Country, but I didn't expect this to happen?"

Lin Ge frowned and said, "I hope it's just an ordinary earthquake."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Lin Ge looked in the direction of the cursed house and said, "If you look far away, the closer you are to the cursed house, the more severely affected by the earthquake. If I remember correctly, there is a tall building across the street from the cursed house. The building, do you think it still exists now?"

"If it can knock down a building, wouldn't that be a big earthquake?" Chen Qing said in surprise, "But...we don't feel that serious here. Even if the power diminishes, it won't be so severe."

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, this is the crux of the problem. The diminishing power of the earthquake will not be so great, so it is very likely that this is not an ordinary earthquake."

"Ga coconut?"

"She's a ghost, it's okay if you let her fly into the sky and escape from the ground, but it's a bit difficult for a strong ghost to let her create an earthquake. But don't forget, the reincarnated people have all kinds of strange abilities." Lin Ge reminded.

"It's them!"

Lin Ge's face became a little ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "What I am most worried about now is that they went into the cursed house and caused this earthquake. Just imagine, if there were a lot of casualties because of this earthquake, and all of them Counted in the 'Grudge' of the cursed house..."

Hearing this, Chen Qing swallowed nervously: "Then, that, doesn't that mean that Kayako has to become several times stronger?"

"Sigh." Lin Ge sighed, hailed a taxi, and asked the driver to take them back to the block where the cursed house was located.

Because this "earthquake event" is so unimaginable, it is different from the previous earthquakes in Sakura Country. There are no aftershocks, and only one block is the most severely affected. The further you go, the impact of the earthquake is greatly reduced.Therefore, the police only established a blockade outside the block and set about rescue.

But even so, when Lin Ge saw the ruins of the neighborhood, he still had an ugly expression on his face.He thought that these reincarnated people would hold back, but he didn't expect to cause such a big trouble.

Chen Qing said curiously: "Brother Dezhu, tell me...are those reincarnations still alive?"

"There must be. It's just that this kind of situation has caused it. It will not be so easy to 'live' in the future." Lin Ge thought about solving the immediate trouble in his mind.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Lin Ge's mind, and he asked, "Have you seen a movie... called "The Pen Fairy vs. Sadako"?"

Chen Qing has heard of Bixian, and Sadako, Chen Qing has also heard of it.

But the existence of these two eight poles who can't get along with each other, there is actually a linkage?

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Qing asked in surprise.

Lin Ge nodded: "So, the brains of bad domestic movies will never let you down. Tell me, what will happen if we find Sadako's curse video and play it at Kayako's site?"

The corners of Chen Qing's mouth twitched, and she said with disbelief: "This, this, isn't this crazy stacking of debuffs? What if Sadako and Kayako join forces to deal with us? Also, how can you be sure that there is a debuff in this world? Sadako exists? Even if there is, isn't it here? We have to live in the cursed house for 6 hours a day, and we can't just leave!"

Lin Ge took out the information he had obtained before, pulled out the information file of Jiaye, and said with a serious face: "Jiaye and Xiaolin are classmates, but before Jiaye transferred to this school, he studied at Shengqi Women's Academy in Yokohama ...that's where the cursed tape happened at the beginning of the movie "The Ring."

"Ah? You know all of this?" Chen Qing looked surprised. She didn't expect Lin Ge to be able to find such a crucial clue from this little detail.

""Midnight Bell" has changed to a science fiction novel. It was originally a science fiction film disguised as a horror film. There are only a few scenes in the whole movie, Shengqi Women's Center, Izu Pacific Paradise, and Izu Oshima. It’s even more strange if you can’t remember these three places.” Lin Ge said casually.

"Paradise? Paradise! Paradise is going to Paradise!" Suddenly, a cold voice came out of the travel bag, followed by a puff of black smoke, which condensed into the little girl's head beside Lin Ge.

"Ah!" Chen Qing screamed in fright and jumped aside.

Lin Ge angrily raised his hand to hold the little girl's head, and pushed her back into the travel bag: "Why don't you put your tongue twister here? Direction, there are so many haunted paradises in Sakura Country, I will definitely show you enough to play this time. "

"Okay!" The little girl cheered from the travel bag.

Chen Qing suppressed the fear of the little girl in her heart, and couldn't help asking: "Then...then, do we ignore the 6-hour limit per day?"

Lin Ge looked at the ruins in front of him: "Live? How to live? Camping on the ground? The house is gone, so it's a question of whether it's worth it. Besides, if you live here, you will be watched by Kayako. What's the difference between letting her come to us. Just in time, I also want to verify a conjecture."

Will the missing "Gayako Diary" be sent over as a "carrier of the curse".

If so, it would save a lot of trouble.


Chen Qing couldn't keep up with Lin Ge's brain circuit for a while, but if she knew Lin Ge's mind-blowing method of exorcising ghosts, whether she would choose to follow him so decisively remains to be verified.

Before going to Shengqi Girls' Middle School, there was one place Lin Ge needed to check out, and that was the home of Teacher Kobayashi and later resident Suzuki Tatsuya.

According to the business card that he "walked along" from the Suzuki Real Estate Store, Lin Ge found Suzuki Tatsuya's home. At this time, there was a seal on the door of the house.

Lin Ge wiped his eyes with a formula, first observed with his heavenly eyes, and then released his spiritual detection to confirm that there was no danger "temporarily" in the house, and then pried open the door.

Standing outside the door, Chen Qing looked at the dark and gloomy room, feeling a chill all over her body, and couldn't help asking: "Brother De Zhu, can I wait for you outside?"

"Okay, I just don't know if Kayako will appear in the room directly, or if we have to go through a process and come in from outside the door." As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, he saw a figure rushing towards him from outside the door with a "whoosh" .

"Let me stay together."

Lin Ge shook his head helplessly: "You are a third-nurse woman, so you can be a little bit courageous. If you see your jade pendant, even a ghost will run away from it."

Chen Qing's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it: "So powerful?"

Lin Ge nodded, but he didn't tell Chen Qing that he saw a trace of white light in the "jade pendant". Although it was very faint, it was enough to ward off evil spirits.

Hearing this, Chen Qing was relieved a lot. She no longer hooked her waist, and followed Lin Ge cautiously. Instead, she raised her hand and pinched the jade pendant through a pair of jade pendants, as if she had pinched a talisman that made her feel at ease, and then looked around. look.

"It feels like every haunted house has no lights." Chen Qing pressed the switch on the wall and couldn't help complaining.

Lin Ge laughed and said, "Nonsense, if it's bright here, or in a place with enough light, would you still be afraid of ghosts?"

"Yes." Chen Qing nodded affirmatively.

Lin Ge: ...

For a moment, he didn't know how to answer these words.

The two walked from the entrance to the living room, where Lin Ge felt a similar situation to the cursed house. He couldn't see it with his sky eyes, and couldn't catch it with his spiritual detection, but his sense of smell caught a faint smell of resentment.

"This is somewhat similar to the cursed house. According to the setting of the movie "The Grudge", the place where the dead will die will gather "the grudge". Teacher Kobayashi's pregnant wife was killed by Takeo Saeki here, and the child was also dissected. , This state of tragic death is the most resentful!" Lin Ge reminded.

When Lin Ge said this, Chen Qing lost her courage and subconsciously approached Lin Ge, almost grabbing the hem of his clothes.

Suddenly, the old-fashioned TV in the corner of the living room was turned on with a "snap", and there was no picture on the TV, only "rustling" snowflakes.

Lin Ge felt a little regretful. If there was a videotape of "Midnight Bell" at this time, and if it was played here, Kayako, who likes to look at people, wouldn't there be an opponent who would play "stare" with her?

"Gayacon vs Sadako", this is much more exciting than Pen Fairy!


At this time, there was a strange noise from the direction of the bedroom, and then, a white light came out from the crack in the door. Seeing this, Chen Qing subconsciously screamed and hid behind Lin Ge.

"De, Brother De Zhu, there is a ghost in the bedroom!" Chen Qing said nervously.

Lin Ge replied, "You didn't even open the door, so you knew it was a ghost?"

As he spoke, he walked towards the bedroom door.Then, take out a big hammer from the [item bar], and smash it directly at the bedroom door!
"Open the door, send warmth!"

That kind of Japanese-style sliding door, Lin Ge smashed a big hole with a hammer one by one, Chen Qing was dumbfounded watching this scene!
What surprised her even more was that the entire bedroom was wrapped by a dark yellow optical fiber like an old movie, giving people the feeling of watching a movie.

In the room, a blood-stained man with a distorted and ferocious face was seen, holding a dagger in his hand, stabbing the abdomen of the dying woman in front of him.


Seeing this bloody scene, Chen Qing immediately cried out.

Lin Ge recalled the complex in the movie, Kyoko Suzuki was so scared that she passed out when she saw this scene, and at the same time she was possessed by a curse.

"Golden light appears quickly, covering real people!"

To be on the safe side, Lin Ge opened a golden body directly.

"Dededededezhu brother, me, me!" Chen Qing looked at Lin Ge expectantly, obviously hoping that he would add a buff to herself.

"Hold the jade pendant in your hand, silently recite the blessings of the third mistress, and stand still." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he walked towards the bedroom.

Chen Qing was about to cry when she heard the words, a close neighbor is not as good as a distant relative, and the third mistress is far away in the sky, how can you, a big boss who is right in front of you, be so helpful?

Although Chen Qing was afraid, Lin Ge had already entered the house, so she had no choice but to follow.

"Takeo Saeki!" Lin Ge shouted coldly, clasped his hands together and pulled them apart, pulling out a bolt of lightning, and struck directly at Takeo Saeki without saying a word!
"Wow!" Chen Qing's eyes were straightened. Although she had seen some of Lin Ge's methods in the cursed house, the golden body + thunder method was useless.

After all, this jumps directly from a ghost movie to a fairy tale movie, and the sense of security is overwhelming!

"Ah, bitch, bitch! It's you, it's all your fault, ah, Mr. Kobayashi, don't you look at this child, isn't he cute?" Obviously at that time, Takeo Saeki's spirit was already abnormal, and he didn't speak before. Afterwards, he mistook the general for Mr. Xiao Lin, and held up the dissected, bloody baby!
Lei Fa directly penetrated Takeo Saeki's body, Lin Ge was a little confused.

It stands to reason that regardless of whether the ghost is strong or the ghost is weak, Lei Fa's attack will definitely get "feedback". After all, even a monster of Pudu Cihang's level will respond to being hacked, so it is impossible that it will be of no use to Saeki Takeo.

Then there is only one possibility, what is here is not the spirit body of Takeo Saiki, but a place similar to an illusion, in other words, what he sees are hallucinations.

"This is not an ordinary obstacle, at least not before you entered the bedroom." At this time, Huang Ni's voice sounded from the back of Lin Ge's right hand.

Chen Qing said in surprise: "Who, who is talking?"

"Where is the source of the confusion?" Lin Ge ignored Chen Qing and asked Huang Ni.

Huang Ni replied, "It's at the door."

Lin Ge looked back, and sure enough, he saw a familiar figure outside the door. Originally, he said a "joke" before, but he didn't expect that Jia Coconut really went through the process and appeared from the direction of the door!



With the sound of the familiar bubbles, the disheveled Kayako slowly raised his head, revealing the terrifying eyes in his hair.

She slowly raised her twisted hands, held her head, and twisted it off with a "click".

Lin Ge:?
"Is this purposely showing off the new skills you've learned? Then, my little girl is half your master. If you attack us, it's considered deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors?"

(End of this chapter)

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