Sweeping the Infinity from Apprenticeship to Chen You

Chapter 138 Fierce massacre bureau, 1v100 battle!

Chapter 138 Fierce massacre bureau, 1v100 battle!

Skeleton sat in the shadow under the mountain wall, set up a tracker, and was controlling the drone for investigation.

Sitting next to him drinking water, Li asked, "Are we really going to make him an enemy? Although it's embarrassing to say it, I have to admit that in the nightmare reincarnation of "Sweet Home", if he didn't go all the way Please God, I'm afraid we're long gone."

The skeleton fiddled with the instrument and said without looking up: "So guess why he was rewarded with 100W reincarnation points and an S-level equipment exchange coupon by the Lord God?"

"Huh?" Li obviously didn't understand what the skeleton meant.

The skeleton looked up at Li, and said in a serious tone: "From that reincarnation, I have come to a conclusion that if all the gods and Buddhas we know really exist, then there are only two possibilities for the appearance of the main god space: one, the product of the upper realm First, choose people with godheads to go up, just like the list of gods back then; second, the main god space is something outside the realm, and the upper realm can't do anything about it."

"Judging from the clues given back by Grandma Sanniang, I think the second possibility is more likely. Coupled with the emergence of this reward mission, I even think that the main god space and the above are in a state of hostility. It is true that Brother Dao is very powerful, But where are we? The Dimension of the Lord God!"

"Don't forget our samsara status. Since we can't get rid of the main god's space, we can only be used by the main god honestly. 100W reincarnation points, if we can get this bounty, our team can rebuild!"

After hearing what the skeleton said, Li had to admit that this was indeed the most suitable choice for their identities, and immediately sighed: "You have to fight the gods."

At this time, those reincarnators who chased and killed Zhiqiu Yiye came back.

"Have you found anyone?" Skeleton asked.

A samsara person sighed: "Oh, it's so easy to find. When I was watching a movie, I didn't realize that guy is so good at drilling. It's like a mouse. It's too difficult to catch. After a long time, people didn't catch it. Losing one person, this 'extremely difficult' reincarnation is disgusting."

The skeleton said: "Actually, we should thank Zhiqiu Yiye for stopping us."

"What do you mean?" the man asked puzzled.

The skeleton said in a deep voice: "Look at the task bar yourself... There are only 88 reincarnations left now, and I guess those ten people died in the hands of the bounty target."

When those people looked at the task panel, they suddenly realized that it had only been a few hours since the start of the game, and there were actually more than a dozen reincarnations killed.

A reincarnation person swallowed: "Is there any mistake, the extremely difficult reincarnation is nothing more, the target of the bounty is so difficult to find, so the difficulty is all on him, right?"

The skeleton smiled and said, "If you switch the objectives of the main mission and the bounty mission, it will not be extremely difficult, but a nightmare."

"Is it that exaggerated?" A reincarnated person didn't believe it.

Another reincarnation person said: "Brother Skeleton, you said that you have cooperated with the reward target in a nightmare reincarnation before, can you tell me the specific situation?"

Skeleton explained the general situation of "Sweet Home", and said in a deep voice: "In addition to asking God, if I remember correctly, he also has such a thing as a red-clothed ghost. Although I have never seen the intensity, the red-clothed ghost Everyone must have heard of his strength."

"As long as the main line and the target of the bounty are exchanged, I have already planned to deduct the reincarnation point. Fortunately, it is an optional bounty, so we have a lot of room for manipulation. According to what I know about him, he is cheating After knowing Qiu Yiye, it is very likely to go back and fool the hardest thigh of the film, 'Yan Chixia', I suggest giving up the pursuit and going directly to Lanruo Temple to set up an ambush."

"After all, our main task is to protect 'Ning Caichen' for 30 days. At this time, Ning Caichen should have just escaped from prison. Some reincarnated people have found him. Take him to Lanruo Temple to wait for a rabbit, and use the free reward task reasonably. The rules are the safest way.”

Two reincarnated people immediately expressed their opinions: "Is that an exaggeration? You guys are going to go back and take care of you. I'm going to get rich overnight."

The two left after speaking.

The remaining reincarnation chose to believe in the skeleton, so the skeleton took out the modified jeep and rushed towards Lanruo Temple in the direction of the previous positioning.

Some gave up and continued the pursuit, and naturally there were also those who chose to continue the pursuit.

After Lin Ge replaced the horse with a jeep, although the speed increased a lot, it also meant that he could no longer drill into the woods.

From being chased during the day to dusk, although Lin Ge had a headache for these pursuers, there were only six heads left in his hand, so it was not easy to continue killing.

Before the sun set, Lin Ge was overtaken by a convoy again.

This time the "convoy" only has a black Batmobile and a motorcycle with burning wheels.

"Good guy, Batman teamed up with Ghost Rider." Lin Ge glanced in the rearview mirror and couldn't help complaining.

boom! boom! boom!
After three shells, the hood of the Batmobile was opened, a Gatling was raised, and it fired at Lin Ge.

Lin Ge turned the steering wheel quickly, swaying left and right, narrowly avoiding the explosion of two shells, but the explosion of the third shell almost knocked the jeep into the air.

If this jeep hadn't undergone various modifications, it might have overturned.

Lin Ge sighed, and said to the Three Ghosts in the back seat who were still concentrating on watching the TV series: "If you don't want to find a way to deal with the firepower behind, I'll just use the TV to block the bullets, and there are not many left. "

As soon as the words fell, three thick puffs of black smoke flew out from the jeep, two of which quickly rolled towards the Batmobile.I saw the accountant in the driver's seat, pressing a button on the steering wheel.

The cover of several key parts of the Batmobile was turned over, and a layer of golden shell was raised from below to replace it, and Sanskrit spells appeared, instantly coating the whole car with a layer of golden light.Immediately afterwards, two large horns were raised at the rear wing, and the Great Compassion Mantra began to be played in a loop.

It has to be said that the accountant was well prepared, and his Sanskrit spell was a bit powerful, which was able to block the resentment of the fierce god.

On Ghost Rider's side, a ring of fire suddenly exploded from his body, directly burning the engulfing resentment.

In a sense, if it is a genuine ghost rider, it is completely the nemesis of ghosts, and it is not surprising that "Hellfire" can burn grievances.

"Tsk. There are so many 'Golden Gates', as long as there are a small number of real ones, that's tricky enough." Lin Ge sighed, shaking the car to avoid the bat's machine gun fire.

The Batmobile and the Ghost Rider are hot on the heels, but basically the Batmobile is attacking, and the Ghost Rider just keeps following.

Lin Ge suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, guessing that this Ghost Rider should have many restrictions, or it might be similar to Xu Ming's trial version of Susano, otherwise those few skills that specialize in defeating negative energy targets would give him a headache.

At this time, unless Lin Ge stopped the car and let the ghost sisters and the little girl take action, otherwise, he really couldn't do anything against the accountant and the ghost rider with just resentment.

"Speaking of which, it seems good to snatch the Batmobile." Lin Ge made a plan, and suddenly slowed down to let both the Batmobile and Ghost Rider go to the front.

But the Batmobile and Ghost Rider also reacted quickly, slowing down at the same time, pressing forward from left to right, trapping Lin Ge in the middle.

Just when Lin Ge was about to make a move, the accountant lowered half of the car window and greeted Lin Ge: "Brother Dao, you can't run away. Since your head is so valuable, you might as well make me cheaper. I promise you, I will study how to revive you later." , let's go back to the space to form a team, think about it?"

"Hey, accountant brother, long time no see, haven't hung up yet? It seems that I was educated by ghosts last time, so I'm well prepared this time?" Lin Ge laughed.

The accountant replied: "Although I don't know what kind of trouble you have caused, Brother Dao, but hundreds of reincarnations have teamed up to hunt down and kill them. I guess they are all Jinmen. Even you can't parry it. Why don't you consider my plan, because you used to be teammates. For your sake, I promise to try my best to revive you."

Lin Ge nodded: "It can be considered."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at the Ghost Rider on the other side, but he didn't expect that there was also an "acquaintance" here.

On the flaming Harley motorcycle, a female rider in a tight black leather jacket leaned over and rode, but she did not turn into a flaming skull like Ghost Rider, but her flowing long hair turned into flames.

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Hei?" Lin Ge greeted with a smile.

Hei Changzhi squinted at him with his cold face, then looked back, and asked in a cold voice: "You are fooling a lot of ghosts and gods, and you ran to fool the Lord God and were arrested?"

"Are you going to take my head too? Don't forget that you still owe me two lives. Why don't you kill yourself, and we won't owe each other any more," Lin Ge said.

Hei Changzhi hummed: "When you asked God for the last time, I helped you block the attack of the evil god, and I have paid you back."

"Oh, that still owes a life." Lin Ge said.

"whispering sound."

Hei Changzhi snorted disdainfully and looked forward.Accelerating suddenly, a flame spewed out from the exhaust port of the motorcycle, passing the jeep by a certain distance in an instant.

I saw Hei Changzhi rushing towards Lin Ge with a flick of his tail. Just as Lin Ge was about to throw the trident he summoned in his hand, he saw Hei Changzhi stepping on the motorcycle, leaping suddenly, and doing a somersault Jumped onto the roof of the Batmobile, pulled out the flaming demon knife, and slashed downward.

The accountant didn't expect that Hei Changzhi and Lin Ge also knew each other, and he turned his face when he said that he turned his back on him. He turned the steering wheel and wanted to throw Hei Changzhi off, but the fiery demon knife had already chopped it off.

The accountant narrowly escaped the driver's seat and was cut, but the knife split a gap from the left wheel to the hood.

After the left wheel was blown off, the car skidded immediately. Hei Changzhi bent his knees and gave a kick, jumping directly to the jeep in the front right, and landed between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat.

The co-pilot was sitting in Ou Yongqi, and three evil spirits were crowded in the back seat. Hei Changzhi simply stepped on the side of the co-pilot, sat on the back of the co-pilot, and put his other foot on the main driver's seat to stabilize his body, and sat down carelessly. down.

"Sister, your sitting posture is a bit 404..." Before Lin Ge finished speaking, Hei Changzhi made a movement of drawing his sword.

"Just kidding, kidding. By the way, Xiao Hei, you're not afraid of being targeted by other reincarnations if you're so clear about helping the enemy?" Lin Ge asked with a smile.

"I'm not called Xiao Hei, don't call me Xiao Hei!" Hei Chang said angrily.

Lin Ge nodded seriously: "Alright Xiao Hei, no problem Xiao Hei."

Hei Chang snorted and said: "If I want to chop you, I must chop your mouth first. First, you are only offering a reward, and you are not an enemy. Second, what do I have to do? Is it up to others? Finally, I am now I don't owe you any more."

"Hey, hey, just rely on the accountant, who only hides in the car and utters harsh words. I don't need my ghost to shoot him. I can raise him with one hand. You don't really think that he can threaten my life Right? Your life is too cheap."

"To shut up!"

Lin Ge asked with a smile: "Speaking of which, what are your main quests and side quests? What is the hell effect? ​​Let me tell you."

"Hell effect?" Hei Changzhi frowned.

Seeing Hei Changzhi's reaction, Lin Ge was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses and slapped his forehead: "Tsk tsk. It seems that I was thinking about it."

Hei Changzhi said flatly: "It seems that you have encountered the difficulty of hell. So why do you have nothing to do to provoke the main god?"

"Then can I be blamed? I beat the main god in my previous life, and he wants to trouble me in this life... I still feel wronged." Lin Ge teased.

"Blow up the Lord God?" Hei Changzhi frowned slightly.

Lin Ge shrugged: "Although this is unbelievable, it is the truth, so the Lord God mobilized 100 reincarnations to hunt and kill me."

"Speaking of the main god being blown up... I met a golden gate-level reincarnation in the last reincarnation, and he mentioned it. The previous main god space only had one main space, but one day someone who didn't know who suffered What an exciting lunatic, he fought with the main god in the main god's space."

"and then?"

"Then the main god ball exploded and turned into thousands of numbered sub-spaces, and that lunatic was nowhere to be found. It is said that only those who have become Golden Gate reincarnations and have completed the test are eligible to enter the main space. The lunatic who smashed the main god is You?" Hei Changzhi raised his eyebrows and asked.

Lin Ge held the steering wheel with one hand, and spread his hands helplessly with the other: "Or my previous life would be more appropriate."

Hei Chang said straightly: "Then it makes sense, otherwise, if you are like this, 100 reincarnation points and 1 equipment exchange coupon will still be a bit more."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I didn't praise you."

"Almost, almost. Speaking of which, where is your little rich lady partner?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Hei Changzhi looked sideways at the forest in the distance, and said flatly: "Dead, died in the last reincarnation."

"It's a pity that the ring of true love failed to save her." Lin Ge replied, "Then did she give you all her belongings?"

Hei Changzhi snorted, "I'd rather not have her things, so I have to find a way to revive her."

"Hahaha, it's really you. But having said that, having a companion in the main god space is better than reincarnation alone." Lin Ge laughed.

Hei Chang looked straight at Ou Yongqi, the co-pilot, and said, "Don't you have this too? There are three more behind, isn't that enough?"

Lin Ge didn't explain too much to Hei Changzhi, but just reminded: "Don't rely too much on the strengthening of the main god's space, through the power obtained by the main god, it has a way to recover the power, and improving your personal strength is the best choice .”

Hei Changzhi asked back: "So, because you know too much of the truth, you clashed with the main god, and even became the target of a reward?"

"It's about the same. You can also understand that the main god's space and the upper realm are two camps, and I belong to the opposite side of the main god." Lin Ge said.

Hei Changzhi frowned and thought for a while, and said to Lin Ge: "Our main story has nothing to do with you, but you belong to the reward task. Whoever completes the kill will get 100W reincarnation points and 1 S-level equipment exchange coupon. Finished No, no punishment."

Lin Ge was silent for a while, then sneered and said, "This Lord God is interesting. I guess he has a high probability of throwing all the reincarnation people who have been reincarnated with me into this world. And if you set up a reward task like this, if you don't fight yourself Even if it’s not bad.”

Hei Changzhi said coldly: "This is what I didn't want to understand. If the main god really wants to kill you, then there can be more restrictions, so that we can form an endless situation. Now, I really don't know what the main god wants to deal with. You still deal with us."

Although he got a lot of information about the reincarnation from Hei Changzhi, Lin Ge not only did not feel relieved, but felt even more uneasy.

When he found out that all the reincarnators he was familiar with had entered this reincarnation, he was still guessing the main god's intentions, such as whether he wanted to take this opportunity to kill all the reincarnators who favored him.

But Lin Ge knows only a limited number of reincarnations, and the total number is less than ten. For the remaining reincarnations, as Hei Changzhi said, he can set more restrictions, so that the two sides can form an endless situation.

Doing it like this now, then the reincarnation can choose to concentrate on doing the main line, and there is no need to hunt him down.

Of course, the huge reward is very tempting, and there are many reincarnations who would rather die for money, but what if Hei Changzhi chooses to cooperate with Lin Ge?
When things go wrong, there must be a demon, not to mention the main god who is the most capable of being a demon.

Lin Ge asked: "Will you kill other reincarnations, will your crime points increase?"

"will not."

"Interesting... This is really a tailor-made task, targeting it from all aspects." Lin Ge sighed.

Before Hei Chang could speak directly, Lin Ge said: "If you have anything to do with me, you will probably be targeted by the Lord God. You'd better stay away from me. You're going to be gone anyway. You're more pleasing to the eye, and you've got all your belongings. Forget it for you. But I guess you will suffer if I give it to you, so it’s better to take it in the coffin for safety.”

"How many?"


"I asked you how many reincarnation points you have."

Lin Ge laughed and said, "Fifteen thousand, what's the matter, do you really dare to ask for it? Doesn't it tell the Lord God clearly that if you stand by my side, you won't be afraid that the next mission will throw you to hell?"

Hei Changzhi said flatly: "I didn't say I would help you, you're going to die anyway, it's better to take me into the coffin."

"Tsk tsk, when people die for money, birds die for food. Stretch out your left hand." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he stuck his left wrist over, wrist to wrist, and traded all the reincarnation points.

"5000 per head, I'll help you deal with three." Hei Changzhi jumped out of the jeep.

When she was in the air, her flowing black hair instantly enveloped her body, but this time the difference was that the hair and battle suit covering her body directly turned her into a burning man.

The moment Hei Chang fell straight to the ground, the motorcycle appeared again, and she rode the burning motorcycle and rushed towards the reincarnated person who was chasing him in the distance.

Another reincarnator came after him, and this time, Hei Changzhi spotted the pursuer one step faster than Lin Ge.

However, seeing Hei Chang shoot directly, Lin Ge knew that he had "underestimated" the other party.

When Hei Changzhi turned into a ball of fire and rushed towards an oncoming chariot, he directly smashed the well-modified chariot. As soon as the reincarnated people inside escaped, they were "fired" by the spreading hellfire. Ring" engulfs.

Two reincarnations escaped from the flames, one turned into a giant, and the other wore a suit of armor.

But Hei Changzhi was riding a motorcycle with a gorgeous sideways flick, turned around and rushed towards them, and swung the demon knife to cut out the crescent moon.

The other car wanted to speed up and chase Lin Ge while the two reincarnated people were dragging Hei Changzhi.

Unexpectedly, the demon knife in Hei Changzhi's hand turned into a flaming iron chain, whistling above his head, and then threw it towards the off-road vehicle.

With a bang, the body of the off-road vehicle was bound by burning chains and burned in half.

"Good guy, Hellfire, Chain Art... These are the genuine abilities of the Ghost Rider. Could it be a genuine Ghost Rider?" Lin Ge felt a little emotional. That's really tricky.

Lin Ge slowed down the car, and it happened that Hei Changzhi was willing to help. If he couldn't beat him, he would help.

As long as Hei Chang takes the last head straight, then the crime value will not be added to him, which is also a good way.

However, there was no chance for Lin Ge to help. The entire battle lasted less than 2 minutes. Before he even had time to observe how many reincarnated people were in the two cars and what abilities they had, Hei Changzhi killed them all.

When Hei Changzhi caught up on his motorcycle and returned to the jeep, Lin Ge silently gave a thumbs up: "It's awesome. How many times have you experienced reincarnation after "Sweet Home"? Why has your strength changed too much? The full version of the Ghost Rider ability? In that nightmare reincarnation, with your ability, we still need to be afraid of evil gods and evil spirits?"

"There are six reincarnations in total, and you owe me 1W5 reincarnation points, or three lives." Hei Changzhi said flatly.

"You changed the subject quite bluntly." Lin Ge teased.

Hei Chang said with a straight face and no expression: "Three reincarnations, two extremely difficult and one nightmare, Jill died in the nightmare reincarnation. And it is because Jill dedicated his soul to Mephisto that I can get part of the Ghost Rider. Ability. Don't worry, it's not the full version, it can't restrain you."

Lin Ge didn't care if he was exposed, and said, "Is your mission related to the plot of "A Chinese Ghost Story"?"

"It doesn't matter much." Hei Changzhi said flatly.

Lin Ge sighed: "But my task has a lot to do with you. I need to kill a hundred reincarnations to complete the task."

Hei Changzhi frowned: "Why doesn't it feel like I'm offering you a bounty, but more like the Lord God is offering you a bounty on us?"

Hei Changzhi's words "awakened" Lin Ge. This setting feels like the main god is deliberately tempting him to set up the sin value again.

Unless, the main god has a "back trick".

Seven days added a "hell effect". Lin Ge squinted his eyes and frowned slightly. He felt that the main god might make a fuss about it.

"Hey, little black."

"I'm not called Xiao Hei."

"Are you interested in making a big deal?" Lin Ge turned his head to look at Hei Chang and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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