Chapter 294

The nature that comes from Japan is quite amazing.

The concubine of the Ming emperor, Miki Tokugawa, the daughter of the former shogun of the Japanese Tokugawa family, launched a coup, took control of Kyoto, and deposed the Japanese emperor!

The news made Malloska and Valeriano change drastically.

The two couldn't help but looked at each other.

Japan has indeed changed.

This change is not what they want to see.

"The emperor of China is going to annex Japan! He actually let his son become the king of Japan! This is an opportunity! There must be many forces in Japan that oppose the Tokugawa family and the Ming Empire! Your Excellency, Commander! I suggest that the fleet needs to act immediately stand up!"

Valeriano said loudly.

let's move?

What to do?
Fight the Chinese?
Can the Spanish fleet beat the Chinese near the coast of China?

This is impossible.

Malloska thought.

But Spain has been doing imperialism for two or three hundred years, and of course it will not let go of such an opportunity easily.

Otherwise, he would not be able to explain himself.
"Then let's sail!"

Maloska looked at his fleet. The fleet modified by the bombardment, even if the ironclad ship was attacked, it would not be able to withstand such firepower, right?

The huge fleet headed east all the way.

on the fleet.

Two Japanese were wiping the handrails with rags.

One of the two was named Komatsu Tadashi, and the other was named Shimadzu Daichi.

They are all Japanese sailors from Satsuma.

They were also recruited to become trainee officers of the newly established Japanese Navy, and are now on board the naval warships of the Ming Dynasty
Compared with the dirty and messy image of the big ship they imagined.

The fleet of the Ming Dynasty is so neat that it is unbelievable.

Moreover, the discipline is extremely strict, twelve hours a day are fully arranged, and when you want to do anything, you need to strictly follow the regulations.

But they can do it.

But when they saw the huge ironclad ship and the artillery on it, both of them couldn't help but lose their minds.

Japan absolutely cannot afford such a fleet.

nothing else
Just the cost of maintaining these six ironclad ships can drag down Japan's finances.

Neither the shogunate nor the imperial court had the money to support such a large navy.

Just when the two lost their minds.

Dangdangdang bell rang.

"Enemy ship! Enemy ship found!! Straight ahead! About 11 nautical miles! Flying the Spanish flag, there are more than [-] ships!"

On a Dingyuan-class ironclad ship.

A staff officer stomped quickly to the bow commander's position and reported loudly.

"Going out to sea? What are they going to do?" Zheng Xiaoyi's expression changed.

"They must want to run away!" Cai Qian said.

at the same time.

On the other side of the New Spain fleet, intensive sirens sounded.

Of course, their watchmen also spotted the Ming fleet in the distance.

In this age of fighting within visual range, spotting enemy fleets was still done through the eyes of the lookouts—in fact, until the early days of World War II.

to this end.

Back then, the Japanese Navy also specially raised a group of "sight-sighted immortals", the kind with terrible eyesight.

As a result, it was hanged by the radar soldiers of the US emperor.
"Your Excellency, the Chinese fleet has adjusted its course, and they are coming towards us! They want to intercept us!"

On the battleship New Spain.

Captain Silva's veins in the hand holding the binoculars bulged, showing his nervousness.

"They have six fully steam-powered ironclad ships, and twelve sail-steam hybrid ships."

Silva said loudly.

He had already seen the raised muzzle of the ironclad.


The Chinese fleet is coming for them!

Valeriano looked serious.

If he had already made up his mind to go to war with the Ming Empire, he wouldn't have delayed until now.

After all, they really don't have the confidence to win.
"Lieutenant General, what is your suggestion, to fight or not to fight?"

Malloska frowned.

I can't wait to ask this, this Valeriano is really unreliable.

If he had listened to him earlier and returned to New Spain with the fleet, there was a fleet on the west coast of New Spain, and the Chinese would not dare to ostentatiously establish a stronghold on the west coast of North America.

Malloska looked at the Ming Fleet sailing from northwest to east.

The purpose of this fleet is not difficult to guess, they are going to sail to the front of the New Spain fleet to intercept.

This behavior is already tantamount to war!

Looking through the telescope.

The Chinese fleet coming with the wind is very fast.

The blurred hull in the sea fog gradually became clear.

Aboard the New Spain.

The breathing of the Spanish sailors also became short of breath.

What came into view was a huge fleet of eighteen ships.

Twelve sail and steam hybrid ships.

Six pure steam ships.

The muzzle of the black hole is already clearly visible.

The twelve hybrid ships also lowered their sails, and the chimneys on the ships were emitting thick black smoke.

The roar of the rumbling steam engine has been heard.

"Governor, I think... there is no escape for us!"

Maloska said with a sigh.

Not to mention an ironclad ship, New Spain doesn't even have a steam sailing warship.

This means that their speed must be much slower than the other party.

Especially in the case of light wind, no wind and headwind.It is very difficult to escape.

"There's only one battle."

Valeriano took a deep breath when he heard the words: "Then fight! We Spaniards have never been afraid of enemies at sea. We have an invincible fleet."

Um.The Armada that has been destroyed several times.

"Lieutenant General, you command the battle!" Valeriano said.

Maloska took a deep breath: "The order, the whole army is ready to fight, all the fleets turn to the southwest, let the Chinese chase us!!"

It is impossible to fight head-on.

I can only think of other ways.

"The Spaniards are turning, where are they going?" Zheng Xiaoyi hesitated, "Are they going to escape?"

"Escape? They can't escape!" Cai Qian laughed, "They want to grab the T position! We can split into two groups, the steam sailing ship goes around to intercept, and the iron-clad ship goes straight to the opponent! They have never fought against the iron-clad ship. , I don’t know the power of the iron-clad ship at all!”

Cai Qian also participated in the battle between the Daming Indian Ocean Fleet and the British Eastern Fleet, and that battle made Cai Qian realize that.
The days of trying to make a fortune on private ships are numbered.

In front of ironclad ships, wooden hulls are too fragile.

As for something as expensive as an ironclad ship, Cai Qian didn't dare to hope to own it—he wanted to get rich, but he didn't want to seek death.

In addition, with Sun Shiyi's army gaining a firm foothold in India, the Yingfan Navy has completely become the Ganges Fleet. Cai Qian didn't want to dominate the small streams of the Ganges, so he entrusted his relationship and transferred to the Ming Dynasty. Here comes the navy.

"I, Cai Qian, will make a great contribution!"

(End of this chapter)

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