Chapter 250
The three of them recalled the hard times back then, when they were kicked out of Guangzhou by Qing Da, and then fled for their lives in Nanyang.

That's really precarious.

Zhu Daohua sighed: "In fact, the Qing Dynasty has not yet come to an end. It is only because I have mastered more advanced science and technology and social organization that I defeated the Qing Dynasty. We must learn from the demise of the Qing Dynasty. That's the lesson."

Speaking of this, Zhu Daohua finally began to care about Sichuan affairs.

"Wan Qing, how is the situation in Sichuan?"

Gu Song said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the prefectures and counties in Sichuan are all local officials. They have no reason to be loyal to the Qing Dynasty. As soon as our army came, they surrendered."

"Watching the wind and descending" Zhu Daohua nodded. Although Sichuan was relieved, it also meant that Sichuan's original social structure had not been broken, which was equivalent to not being "revolutionized".

However, the Ming Dynasty was originally a semi-feudal and semi-capitalist empire with incomplete revolution.

In Nanyang, Guangdong, Fujian, and Liangjiang, they are already running into capitalism.

But in Hunan, Hubei, and Sichuan, the original economic and social structures are still there.

The reason is not complicated, because the process of obtaining these places is too easy, and the old social order has not been washed through iron and fire.

Therefore, while obtaining these sites easily, the price is to preserve the social structure and contradictions in these areas at the same time.

The landlord is still the landlord.

Farmers are still farmers.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

The establishment of the Ming Dynasty actually realized "capitalization" in only a few areas, but in most places, it still stayed within the local structure of the Qing Dynasty.

The braids were lost, and the clothes changed.

But it's just changing the soup but not the medicine.

But fortunately, the guide of the Ming Empire, Emperor Zhu Daohua of the Restoration of Ming Dynasty is still very young.

With him as the founding emperor, the direction of the Ming Empire, a giant ship, would not swing from side to side.

Moreover, his prestige can overwhelm all forces and allow this gradual reform to continue to advance.

In the worst case, just make a few more southern and northern tours or something.

But now the Ming Empire has also entered the "deep water zone of reform".

So now Emperor Zhu's footsteps have become more cautious.

For Emperor Zhu, any social conflicts are nothing more than two aspects: the first is too little resources per capita, and the second is unfair distribution.

Emperor Zhu felt that if he used his own level to make distribution, this matter would get worse and worse.

Get rich first and get rich later, at least Emperor Zhu felt that those who got rich first might not be willing to drive the rich later
How to divide the cake is a problem all over the world.

But how to expand the cake.

At least at this point in time, there is a lot to do!
The dozen or so developed countries in Europe and the United States in later generations, how can they live so well?

Could it be that the cake is divided well?

It's that their cake pans are big enough!
But now Emperor Zhu's method is to expand the cake as much as possible, and transfer the contradiction of "dividing the cake" to the motivation of "expanding the cake".

But how does a super-large country like the Ming Empire engage in colonization, how to expand, and how to obtain enough benefits from colonial expansion to bring about a virtuous circle of external expansion.

It really is a new topic in human history.

The expansion of the Europas is actually a staking, because they don't actually have a lot of people to colonize.

And the colonization of the Ming Empire really wanted to colonize the "people".

The national conditions of the two sides are different, so it is naturally impossible to copy the other party's methods mechanically, or else a dogmatic error will be committed.

Emperor Zhu felt that it is still necessary to follow the teachings of the great man, to adapt measures to local conditions, to seek truth from facts, and to have a colonial method with Ming characteristics.

Only in this way can the fundamental contradiction of more people and less land in Han be alleviated, so that his Ming Dynasty can enjoy long-term stability.

Emperor Zhu temporarily suppressed his thoughts, and began to think about the matter in front of him.

The officials are about to enter the palace, after a symbolic court meeting is over.

Emperor Zhu is about to summon his important ministers to start discussing several major events in the next stage.

The first thing is to urge King Pingxi to go west. Le Bao, the governor of the Western Regions Province of the Qing court, refused to surrender. attitude.

Now there is no Midi doing trouble in the Northeast, and there is no Seventh Fleet entering the strait.

So of course Emperor Zhu would not tolerate Le Bao's blatant split.

Therefore, he will urge King Pingxi to go west as soon as possible, drive Lebao first, occupy the Western Regions Province, and then use this as a springboard to enter the Fergana Basin, and use this as his home, as the support for the conquest of Central Asia and Tsarist Russia in the future. .

The second is that Tsarist Russia has signs of increasing its troops in Irkutsk.

And it's not a Cossack, but a regular army of the Tsarist Russian Empire!

There are likely to be 3 to [-] people, and some indigenous tribes in Western Leah are also hired and summoned as servants.

This is to threaten Da Ming with force.

So it also needs to be tapped.

And the person responsible for beating Tsarist Russia was of course the capital of the Ming Dynasty's Zhengxiying Camp.

In fact, even if Tsarist Russia did not increase its troops in Irkutsk, Ming Dynasty would have retaliated against Tsarist Russia - Da Ming had to retaliate if he dared to send troops deep into Liao territory!
Therefore, these days, the capital division of Zhengxixingying has mobilized a large number of elite staff officers of the Ming army and established the general staff of the capital division. In addition, it has also deployed some Ming army officers with the theme of Manchurian warriors, and sent the former leaders of the Manchurian army After the officers are sent to the Military Academy for advanced studies.

Based on this.

Ten brigades affiliated to the Westward Expedition Camp were formed.

And the Zhengxi Ten Guards were also formed.

Formed the basic structure of the camp capital - brigade - guard, the brigade is responsible for the campaign, and the guard is responsible for managing the people and providing logistics.

Through the nomadic method, it can greatly reduce the logistical difficulties of Ming Dynasty in its campaign against Tsarist Russia.

There are 5 people in ten brigades, and 3 people can be dispatched to fight at any time.

It can be regarded as the pillar of force of Ming Dynasty in the direction of the grassland.

In addition to the King Wen Shun and General Jin Sanxin of Zhengxi, the Dusi of Zhengxiying Camp is in charge of military affairs under the staff of the capital, and in charge of civil affairs are Yanshenggong Kong Qingrong, Dong Gao, Wang Jie, Liu Yong, Wang Dingjia, Fang Ke and others. The chief envoy of the Han people.

It can be said that this camp capital has basically just become the Liaodong Tunken Division with greater autonomy.

Basically, it already belongs to the force that the Ming Dynasty can firmly control.

Moreover, the civil and military officials of the camp capital can all be promoted within the bureaucratic and military systems within the Ming court.

After a few years, the system of the Ming Dynasty will be able to fully absorb and digest this seemingly independent system of the capital of Zhengxiyingying.

"Pingxi Wang Qilin is still shrunk in Guanzhong and refuses to leave. He ordered Luo Dingshan to take two brigades to enter Guanzhong to station. Don't put any pressure on Qi Lin. It seems that he doesn't want to go to Guanzhong's comfort zone immediately."

In the renovated imperial study.

It was decorated according to the style that Emperor Zhu liked.

A huge oak desk was cut in one piece, Zhu Daohua was sitting on a chair in front of the desk, and a dozen ministers of civil and military affairs were lined up on the left and right.

The court meeting is basically a formality, and it is impossible for Emperor Zhu to put matters that have not been made into decisions in the court meeting.

Basically, as said at the court meeting, all the ministers are responsible for applauding and raising their hands.

As for the decision-making, Emperor Zhu led a group of important officials to discuss in private.

"Your Majesty, Qi Lin has been reaching out for food and weapons, but he refuses to move. He needs to beat him."

Luo Fangbo said.

"However, the situation in the northern provinces is also very serious now. Although it is said that wheat and sweet potatoes are being planted everywhere, it will take four or five months to wait until the autumn harvest. Many people starved to death."

Because the war was fought from August last year to the end of March this year.

Last year's autumn harvest was greatly affected, and at the same time, they also experienced military disasters. Most of the people had no food reserves. How to survive these long months was a great test for the people in the northern provinces.

If the Ming court ignored it, millions of people would starve to death this summer, and the tragedy of cannibalism would also be staged in the Central Plains.

"The imperial court has allocated more than [-] million Ming Yuan and hired a large number of merchant ships to transport rice from Nanyang to the north. However, it is not easy to deliver rice to the people and prevent corruption as much as possible." Minister of the Ministry of Finance Pan Youdu said.

"The budget can be added, and the people in the north must be able to survive this summer's crisis." Zhu Daohua said while flipping through the land and population statistics of the northern provinces that have been sent from various places over the past month.

The five provinces of Anhui, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, and Shandong have a total population of nearly [-] million, and their per capita land holdings are higher than those in Jiangnan, Lianghu, and other places.

However, due to severe flooding of the Yellow River, land fertility loss and severe salinization in the Central Plains have led to serious land production reduction in the North China Plain, and the water and heat conditions are not as good as those in the south, resulting in very low yields per mu.

So much so that the contradiction between man and land is actually more acute than that in the south!

If the southern provinces and the Ming Dynasty maintain the status quo, they can make do for a hundred years or so.

And if the situation in the northern provinces is ignored, large-scale civil uprisings may occur at any time.

"However, this summer's crisis has passed. What about next year? What about the year after? The five provinces in the Central Plains, plus Shaanxi and Gansu in Guanzhong, the land is so barren and the population is so large. The current disaster relief is only a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause. If the problem in the Central Plains is not resolved, it must be a disaster for Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Daohua closed the summary report on the land and population of the Central Plains.

said worriedly.

"Your Majesty, the Central Plains has been cultivated for thousands of years, and its fertility has almost been lost. The higher the bed of the Yellow River, the higher the embankment, the more sediment, and the more frequent floods. This is the destiny, and it is difficult to resist."

The speaker was Lin Shizhong, a water conservancy expert who served as the Minister of Yellow River Control in the former Qing Dynasty.

"Destiny?" Zhu Daohua shook his head and said, "There are many problems, but there are too many people and too little land. If the people of the Central Plains can be moved to the north of Liaoning as much as possible, then the troubles of the Central Plains and the Yellow River will be solved fundamentally." solved."

(End of this chapter)

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