Qianlong: Qing Dynasty?What about my Daqing?

Chapter 166 In Straits Free City

Chapter 166 In Straits Free City
John Klein stood where he was, with a long bloodstain on his face.

He was lucky.

Just scratched the skin by the fragments of the grenade.

Skin trauma.

But the European adventurers he had hired in Calcutta at great expense were farewell.

More than a dozen grenades were thrown into the cabin, and the fragments from the explosion immediately filled the cabin with blood mist.

Screams, howls, and groans intertwined.

Although many people were not hit by the fragments, the shock generated by the explosion of more than a dozen grenades also made them unstable and fell to the ground staggeringly.

Just now.

The group of Chinese pirates had rushed into the cabin with grimaces.

John Klein closed his eyes in pain.

Bad start!Bad start!

They are the pirates with a legal license to plunder.

How did you meet a group of treacherous and cunning Chinese pirates?

This is not right!

Aren't Chinese people all meek businessmen?
Is it because of my bad luck, or because I don't know enough about Chinese people?

When John Klein was thinking.

His brother David Klein had already thrown away his weapon and raised his hands high.

The other surviving European whites did not dare to continue to resist, and they all performed French military salutes.

John Klein reluctantly dropped the musket in his hand and raised his hands.

I hope these Chinese people can be kinder
"Tie it all up!"

Cai Qian led people into the cabin, saw that the opponent had surrendered and did not continue to attack, ordered all the surviving white Europeans to be tied up, and then checked the wounded who fell on the ground one by one.

Both the dead and the seriously wounded were dragged out and thrown into the sea.

The less injured were also tied up and pulled to the deck like the prisoners.

There is no such thing as treatment.

Whether they can make it through depends on their respective luck.

"Caitou, there is no cargo on this ship!"

"Damn, it seems that I met someone who specializes in this business."

Cai Qian spat.

Although no cargo was seized, but a large plywood ship was obtained, this trip was not a loss.

"Caitou, these two are the leaders, and they found this on them!"

Someone brought the Klein brothers over.

"We are subjects of the United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland, and we demand the rights that prisoners of war should have!" David Klein said loudly when he saw the very vicious-looking Chinese pirate leader.

"What is this yellow-haired ghost talking about?" Cai Qian asked a subordinate who knew English.

"He said he was a British citizen and wanted to be treated like a prisoner of war."

"The treatment of prisoners of war?" Cai Qian frowned.

"Go, give him two slaps to calm him down." Cai Qian said to a pirate next to him, and then handed over a privateer certificate stamped with the seal of the Governor's Mansion of Calcutta to the English-speaking subordinate.

"What is this?"

"With this certificate, you can attack enemy merchant ships on the high seas and avoid being judged. The Governor's Office of the Indian Colony of the United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland. Caitou, this is the British privateer certificate!"

"Private certificate?" Cai Qian frowned, "It means that the British court issued a legal robbery certificate to them? Can this court do such a thing?"

"That's right, it's outrageous, why is the British government like this?"

"We are worried about being caught and beheaded by Emperor Zhu's soldiers when we do this business. Can the British government issue a certificate of legal robbery?"

"Is this the government or the bandits?"

"It's outrageous!"

A group of Chinese pirates shook their heads suddenly.

The majestic government of a country, the imperial court.

How can such a legal robbery certificate be issued?
Robbery, such an outrageous thing, is the court capable of it?

If the Ming court ends up with no business, how can there be such pirates?
The Niu family brothers also shook their heads.

Although they are all pirates.

But deep down I know it too.

It is definitely not good to do this kind of costless business.

In the future, it is unavoidable to pay tribute to the Buddha, Mazu, Taishang Laojun, Jade Emperor, Guan Erye and other gods, so that they can get a little better treatment when they go to the underworld in the future.

So when I saw that the majestic British Empire actually issued a "robbery certificate", it was a violent impact on the values ​​​​of the very simple farmers Niu Zhaocai and Niu Jinbao.

Cai Qian rolled his eyes.

"It seems that the British are going to attack us, Daming. It might be a great achievement to bring these yellow-haired ghosts back to the Straits Governor's Mansion."

thought here.

Cai Qian immediately said loudly: "Clean up this big plywood boat and throw all the useless ones into the sea. Let's return to Malacca!"

"Caitou, what are you doing back in Malacca?"

"Go back to the Daming government to receive the reward!"

Cai Qian grinned.

Such important information.

Even if there is no reward, it can still have a little relationship with the Daming Strait Governor's Mansion.

It would be even better if we could buy some ordnance from the Ming Navy.

Batam, Straits Free City.

Daming Strait Governor's Mansion.

The governor of the Malacca Strait, Luo Jiangong, has been overwhelmed by the frequently reported robbery of the Ming merchant ship these days.

Being plundered at sea is something that happens from time to time.

But it's really rare that it happens so frequently during this period of time.

And along with the looting, there are often Chinese corpses tied to sampans and floating along the ocean current these days.

The appearance of these corpses showed that this was definitely not an ordinary robbery.

It is very likely that it was an action against the Daming Merchant Marine.

"This must be a provocation to Daming!"

"The Straits Governor's Mansion should immediately send a fleet escort!"

"No, no, no, this must be done by the British. The Governor's Mansion of the Straits should go straight to Huanglong, and the naval artillery bombarded Calcutta as revenge!"

In Straits Freedom City Hall.

Members of the Public Security Bureau are shouting and beating and killing.

The Zhishi of Strait Freedom City, Tian Wenkang, a son of Lan Fangtian's family, and Luo Jiangong, Governor of Daming Strait Governor's Mansion, all frowned at the public office to accept questions from members of parliament.

If it is said that the local public bureaus in the Mainland are still amicable, and it is rare to see such a situation that is not polite to local officials, then in Free Strait City, the voices of the public bureau members are much louder.

on the one hand.

It's because Straits Freedom City is a commercial city.

So it is different from most cities in the mainland. There are no landlords and gentry here, only maritime merchants who settled here.

So for this kind of plunder against the Ming maritime merchants, of course the MPs supported by these maritime merchants must speak for the financial backers behind them.

on the other hand.

It is because the Strait Freedom City pays a very large amount of tax. Among all the provincial administrative regions of Ming Dynasty, it is only second to Guangdong and Hunan for the time being. Provinces have even more places.

Batam Free City is a municipality directly under the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty.

At the administrative level, it is equivalent to the province.

Therefore, the voices of the councilors of the Straits Freedom City Council, who can elect more than a dozen central councilors who can go to the Tianfu's parliamentary council and meet the emperor, are very loud.

Looting against Daming maritime merchants is so frequent now.

The Freedom City of the Straits, the Governor's Mansion of the Straits, and even the Straits Fleet and the Ming Army stationed in the Straits are all responsible.

Otherwise, those congressmen in the central government will definitely refer to them and sue the emperor.

"Everyone, I have sent people to investigate what happened recently. Once it is confirmed that the British Calcutta Governor's Office did it, the Daming Strait Governor's Office will definitely retaliate!"

Luo Jiangong stood up and said loudly.

He, the Governor of the Straits, has much more power than the Zhishi of the Straits Free City.

There are the Straits Fleet and the garrison of the Straits Islands under the Governor's Mansion, which can be mobilized by the Straits Governor's Mansion.


Recently, the Ming Dynasty also dispatched the newly formed Indian Ocean Fleet to the south, and it was stationed in the port of Batam Island.

Commander Zhu Xi and deputy commander Li Changgeng of the Indian Ocean Fleet have also arrived in Batam.

In addition, the Allied Forces of Ming and Indian vassal states who were preparing to land in India were also secretly sent to Liao Nei Island for intensive training.

Even if this kind of looting against Daming maritime merchants did not happen.

Daming has also planned to take action against the British British Indian colony.

After pacifying the MPs who were screaming and killing.

Luo Jiangong and Tian Wenkang returned to the meeting hall of the Governor's Mansion. In addition to the senior officials of the Governor's Mansion and the Zhishi Yamen, they also sent people to invite Zhu Wei from the Command Office of the Ming Indian Ocean Fleet and Li Changgeng, the deputy commander. Nei Dadao invited Yang Yuchun and Wuhou Qian Dazhao from the General Training Center of the Allied Forces of the Indian Princes of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Xi led his people to seek refuge in Nanyang when the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty first arrived in Nanyang and defeated the Dutch fleet.

He was originally a hero who did business without capital on the coast of Fujian.

And his deputy Li Changgeng was a Jinshi in the 43rd year of Qianlong. He worked in the Fujian Navy for several years. After being defeated, Li Changgeng surrendered directly when he saw the situation was not good.

Later, he went to the Daming Army and Naval Academy in Whampoa, Guangzhou, where he became a classmate with his opponent Zhu Wei.

Now the two are ordered to lead the fleet to the south to escort the allied forces of the Ming and Indian princes.

And Yang Yuchun went south together as the chief training officer of the Indian princes of the Ming Dynasty. He was only in charge of training, and did not go directly to India-after all, he still dreamed of making contributions in the Northern Expedition to the Qing Dynasty.

And Marquis Qian Dazhao of Wu came from the Qian family of Wuyue.

The Qian family of Wuyue is a big family in Zhejiang and Zhejiang.

Qian Dazhao's troops are second only to the British Gongsun Shiyi.

Before Sun Shiyi arrived in the strait, Qian Dazhao was the talker of the coalition forces of the Indian princes of the Ming Dynasty.

See everyone here.

Luo Jiangong took a deep breath: "Everyone, the recent intensive incidents of merchant ships being plundered and exiled on sampans indicate that this is likely to be a move against Ming Dynasty. Only the United Kingdom has this motive in this sea area. People's Calcutta Governor's Palace!"

"The British have already started! I don't think we should wait any longer. We should dispatch a fleet to wipe out the British fleet first!" Zhu Xi said immediately.

"Send troops now?" Luo Jiangong hesitated for a while.

Just now.

There was a roll call at the door.

"Britain is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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