Qianlong: Qing Dynasty?What about my Daqing?

Chapter 119 Qianlong's murderous intention

Chapter 119 Qianlong's murderous intention

"Qianlong really led the troops to Shengmidu!"

Zhu Daohua, who got the news, showed excitement on his face.

If Qianlong shrank on Jilong Mountain, there would be dangerous fortifications and the Ganjiang River as a transportation channel.

Zhu Daohua really couldn't do anything to the opponent—unless he was willing to sacrifice tens of thousands of soldiers.

But Boss Zhu has always been picky, and he is reluctant to die so many people. For the death of an ordinary soldier, the guarantee is [-] acres of paddy fields, and then he has to arrange the life and pensions of the families of the soldiers who died. More than a dozen Ming Yuan.

So the cost of the dead is high.

Like the White Lotus Sect's way of fighting regardless of human life, it was changed to the Ming Army.

I'm afraid it will be a battle.

Don't say anything else.

The Guangzhou court of the Ming Dynasty is about to go bankrupt first.

"Your Majesty, Qianlong's plan was to use cavalry to attack my army in motion. Cavalry come and go like the wind, and if one is not careful, he may be taken advantage of by them." Tao Biquan said.

Zhu Daohua frowned, and turned to look at Napoleon.

"How are the Japanese ponies doing?"

"Barely qualified. At least the stamina is good. It is similar to the mules in southern China. The speed is not fast, but they eat less and have good stamina. If they are only used for marching, they are not bad."

said Napoleon.

Zhu Daohua nodded.

"From this point of view, it is possible to form some mounted infantry. They don't need very good horses, they just need to maneuver on horseback, dismount and fight on foot." Zhu Daohua said.

"That's right, the infantry's attack power is sufficient now, and the horse's role will be more reflected in its mobility." Napoleon agreed.

War horses were one of Zhu Daohua's greatest concerns.

The horse farm in Qiongzhou Prefecture, went to India to buy good horses.

It cannot support an army of cavalry in a short period of time.

However, Zhu Daohua has another source of large-scale acquisition of horses.

It is trade with Japan.

Because of the evolutionary trend of miniaturization of species on islands.

This Japanese creature, whether animal or human.

They are much smaller in size than mainland species.

For example, Japanese horses.

Genetically, Japanese horses and Mongolian horses are actually of the same origin, or even the same species.

But even compared with the not tall Mongolian horses.

Japanese horses are also too short.

Similar to mules and donkeys.

The shoulder height is generally only 1.2 meters and 1.3 meters.

Therefore, it is not suitable for use as a war horse for shock cavalry.

Therefore, these Japanese horses are only supplemented to the hunting company or reconnaissance company of each brigade and battalion, and are used as reconnaissance and light cavalry sentries.

However, in the process, these hunters riding small Japanese horses achieved good results.

The tactical role of mounted infantry armed with rifled guns and Japanese horses began to be discussed at the Ming Army General Staff Headquarters.

Some old officers of the Ming army didn't think much of Japanese horses, which looked like donkeys, and believed that riding such horses to fight would be detrimental to the honor of soldiers.

Most of these veteran officers are the "Three Hundred Veterans" who received military education in Europe.

Let alone Japanese horses.

Even Mongolian horses don't like it very much.

After all, the horse breeds in Europe are tall and look mighty.

However, the new generation of staff officers who have not received any "European orthodox military education" in Europe think so.

Under the premise of being able to obtain Japanese horses on a large scale.

This kind of horse can also bring considerable tactical effects.

The first is to be able to cultivate the establishment of cavalry units in advance, so that the Ming army can solve the problem of the "presence" of tactical cavalry.


If you don't consider the situation of riding a horse and fighting.

Riding Mongolian horses, Japanese horses, or mules, even donkeys.

In fact, the difference is not too big.

Anyway, they all ride horses to save energy, maneuver quickly, dismount and fight with muskets.

It doesn't make any difference.

The cost of using Japanese horses, which eat less and pull less, are super durable, is also quite low.

This debate has been going on for some time.

Because the influence of the "Three Hundred Veterans" is still much greater than these new staff officers.

Therefore, the Ming army did not form a special cavalry infantry organization.

But in this confrontation with the Qing army in Jiangxi.

But Zhu Daohua saw the role of mounted infantry.

Even if the horse is a little shorter, it doesn't matter if it falters a little.

There is a big difference between having and not having.

"Drop the hunters from each brigade and temporarily form a dragoon brigade."

Zhu Daohua began to think about how to deal with the cavalry of the Qing army.

Tens of thousands of cavalry are cruising around their own army formation. Once they start marching, it is really difficult to keep vigilant all the time, but it will be different if they also have cavalry guards.

"Your Majesty, the temporary formation of cavalry will probably be difficult to form in a short period of time, right? And who will be the brigade commander?"

Tao Biquan asked,
"It's okay, it's not used for formation battles, it's just used to cover the army and engage in small-scale confrontations with the enemy. Who will be the brigade commander?"

This is indeed a problem.

This temporarily formed dragoon brigade has no time for running-in and training, and will soon go into battle.

Zhu Daohua paced back and forth a few steps.

"Luo Dingshan! Where is Luo Dingshan! Let him be the brigade commander!"

"Uh, Your Majesty, Luo Dingshan was kicked out for launching an attack without orders, and now he's serving as a military commander."

"Go and tell him, don't raise horses anymore, the lonely king wants him to take the blame and make meritorious service!"

"Your Majesty, the Niming army has moved, but the speed is not fast, and they are walking very cautiously. According to their speed, it may take more than five days to reach Shengmidu!"

On a high slope, under the heavy protection of the Eight Banners Jianrui Battalion, Qianlong used binoculars to check Shengmidu Town a few miles away.

This Shengmidu Town is said to be a town, but it is actually a larger township.

It is surrounded by two low walls.

At the front of Shengmidu, there is a defensive position built by the Ming army.

The main structures are ditches and parapets.

The parapet is a sandbag rammed earth wall, which was built for the convenience of musket shooting. An earthen platform was built behind the trench, and the parapet was also built, which was set up for the convenience of forming three-dimensional and cross-fire.

At this time, thousands of infantrymen of the Ming army were already standing on the trench with muskets in their hands, and a hot air balloon had already taken off into the sky just after dawn.

This kind of equipment can raise the army's sight to high altitude.

Qianlong's eyes turned red with envy.

But the craftsmen of the Qing Dynasty failed to make it-it is really simple in principle, and it is actually a large Kongming lantern.

But it is too difficult to make Kongming lanterns to the extent that they can take at least one person into the air.

It is almost impossible to achieve without solving the problem of materials, unless people are regarded as consumables - but the kind that can observe the enemy's dynamics from high altitude, and can describe the state of the enemy's army concisely and accurately through semaphore and letters Talent is not something that can be obtained casually.

At least some training is required.

In this way, even if the Qing army made the kind of large Kongming lanterns that take people into the air, if they can't guarantee safety, they can't be used.

This kind of talent is not a consumable, and one can come back immediately after one dies.

With this "Large Kongming Lantern".

Unless the Qing army launches a night attack, all their actions will be carried out under the supervision of the Ming army.

Therefore, the Qing army did not prepare any conspiracies or tricks.

Anyway, your troop mobilization is carried out right under the nose of others.

They set up a village directly on the north bank of a small stream two miles away from Shengmidu Town, intending to take advantage of the strength of the troops to eat up the Ming army.

At this time, behind the two earthen walls at Shengmidu, smoke has begun to rise. It seems that these refugees who were looted by the Qing army and their homes were broken are preparing breakfast.

You can also vaguely see strong men holding improvised spears maintaining order and patrolling.

Qianlong frowned.

When all these people survived, they must be the sworn enemies of the Qing Dynasty.

These Jiangxi people must hate the Qing Dynasty the most, perhaps even more than the Cantonese people - the Cantonese were slaughtered by the Qing army more than 100 years ago, and these Jiangxi people were killed by the Qing army a few days ago They were driven out from the home, and all their belongings were looted. Many young women were also robbed, and now they don't know how they have been ruined.

If the Ming army did not take them in.

These refugees on the northern Jiangxi plain are not much of a threat.

This has been since ancient times.

In the chaos of war, human lives are worthless.

No army would spend its precious rations to recruit refugees.

And now Zhu Daohua did just that! !

Na Ni Ming wanted to do this kind of thing that seemed to tie his hands and feet when the two sides were fighting.He knew very well that once these Jiangxi people were organized by Ni Ming, there would definitely be a large number of them joining the army. As soon as he thought of Ni Ming, more than 20 people would be armed, and they hated the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty extremely.

Qianlong couldn't help feeling chills down his back.

It's really hateful!
None of these Jiangxi guys can live!
Qianlong thought viciously.

Don't you, Zhu Daohua, want to win over refugees?

At that time, I will create more refugees in the south of the Yangtze River, let's see how you can support these people!

Qianlong put down the telescope in his hand.

"After this battle, in the land of northern Jiangxi, stones must be used with swords, houses must be used with fire, and people must be killed!" Qianlong's voice was a bit cold.

Hearing this, Le Bao was about to say something, but Qianlong stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"At this point, these unscrupulous people must hate the Qing Dynasty extremely, so in this battle, people like Sheng Midu must not survive! Le Bao, first order a team of elite soldiers to test it out, and look at the No.17 brigade against the Ming Dynasty. Just how much more capable is the Guangdong Zhongyong Battalion now!"

"Minions take orders!"

Le Bao was just about to take orders to leave.

Qianlong held him back, and ordered in a low voice: "Use the Shaanxi-Gansu Green Battalion and the Baoyi Army to fight, and the capital of our Eight Banners cannot be spent casually."

Qianlong did not want to beat Zhu Daohua in a whimsical way this time.

In this battle, on the one hand, he wanted to win a victory to strengthen the morale of the army.

on the other hand.

I also want to see with my own eyes how the Ming army fought.

He didn't care about the lives of these tens of thousands of Jiangxi Han people.

But after seeing those Jiangxi strong men carrying spears,
He became murderous.

If these people are alive, they will be the scourge of the Qing Dynasty!
(End of this chapter)

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