A song under the sea, depressed the whole network

Chapter 148 The Big Brother's Attention

Chapter 148 The Big Brother's Attention

After the recording of Baizhu's song was finished, a group of people came out of the recording studio with tears on their faces.

As soon as they walked out of the recording studio, many people walked directly towards the outside of the studio's gate.

They are all ready to make a phone call home.

The empathy ability of Baizhu's song is too powerful, especially in the closed environment just now, everyone was surrounded by Baizhu's rendering ability.

Intermediate Emotional Engagement Proficiency +1.


In Yanjing, in a dark room, two old men, accompanied by a middle-aged man, were watching the movie in front of them.

This is the review department for movie announcements.

And now this place is the screening and trial hall for reviewing movies.

The soft white light in front of the screen shone on everyone's faces. The two old men leaned back in their chairs and squinted their eyes after watching the entire movie, with a slightly emotional expression on their faces.

The middle-aged man sitting next to them looked at his two old leaders nervously.

According to the rules, as these two old leaders are, there is no need to come to this screening hall to watch the films submitted for review.

But unexpectedly, after hearing the film that Bai Zhu sent for review, the two suddenly became interested and insisted on watching it for themselves.

There was no other way, he could only let the employees who had been audited leave, make room for the two old leaders, and accompany him to the audit in person.

After the whole movie, he didn't put his mind on the movie at all, he was paying attention to his two old leaders the whole time.

As for the two people leaning on the chair, after watching the movie, they were silent for a long time without speaking.

It was just a slight tap of the finger on the back of the chair.

Knowing the habits of his old leaders, the middle-aged man didn't say anything to disturb him. Usually, at such times, the two old leaders are thinking about things.

After a long time, the lights around the projection hall had been turned on, and the sources of the movie screenings had been removed before the two old men began to speak.

"Who is the screenwriter of this movie?"

"Back to the leader, the screenwriter of this movie is Bai Zhu."

"White Bamboo??"

Surprised on his face, the old man originally thought that the movie would only be shot by Bai Zhu and the others, but he didn't expect that even the script was written by Bai Zhu!
In the next moment, satisfied smiles appeared on the faces of the two old men.


"This Bai Zhu, we saw him right! He is a talented young man."

After saying this, the two old men looked at the middle-aged man beside them from the corner of their eyes.

"You watched the movie too, what's your opinion?"

Hearing the old man's question, the middle-aged man turned pale.

Although he didn't put his mind on the movie at all just now, how could he not prepare in advance with the leader to review the movie.

He had already watched the movie Bai Zhu sent him the day before.

"The overall quality of this film is not a big problem. The three views and values ​​are not vulgar or inconsistent with the social atmosphere. From the core point of view, it is quite commendable. But I think there is still a problem with the A few minor issues exist!"

"First of all, whether the special time alluded to in this movie will cause the public to discuss some objective issues of that era."

"What's more, this movie involves the functional interference of some departments, and there are some ideological issues that cause conflicts in this point of view."

"This matter may arouse the remarks of some brother departments."

"Of course, from an overall point of view, I am relatively optimistic about this film, which can drive everyone's care and thinking about people with disabilities."

"It also leads to some special families, and the current living conditions in this society are relatively good ideas."

Carefully speaking his own words, the middle-aged man pondered over his own language expression.

In the face of the leaders' questions, many answers need to be skillful.

For example, Baizhu's movie, although normally good in conception, is too sensitive.

It can be passed as an art film, but if you want to pass the review as a commercial film, it is easy to arouse opinions from other brother departments.


Why!Everything is afraid of this sentence But, who let this movie be seen by the old leaders of their department.

Judging from the current tone of the old leader, it is obvious that they are very satisfied with the shooting of Bai Zhu's movie.

In terms of the general direction and framework, I must not be able to deny Baizhu's film. I must first confirm the ideas I agree with, and then throw out some possible problems.

Finally, I would like to echo the leader's sentence, which does not conflict with these two old leaders in terms of overall point of view.

It can not only conform to the thoughts in the other party's mind, but not appear to be perfunctory. It can have a personal point of view, and at the same time, it can raise issues that need to be considered.

Three birds with one stone!
The middle-aged man kept looking at the leader's face, thinking complacently.

After hearing the middle-aged man's speech, the two old men did not express their views directly, but looked at each other.

"what do you think?"

"The idea is very good, and the shooting method has a good artistic quality, especially the reflection of social issues. This is a small group issue that is difficult to attract everyone's attention. This film is enough for awards!"

Hearing the words of his old friend, the old man who just asked the question also took a deep breath.

"Yeah! There are fewer and fewer movies like this now, and we should support them more! We not only want to pass this movie! We also want to promote it with great fanfare!"

After saying this, the old man patted the handle of his chair directly.

"There is no principled problem in other aspects of this film, and we can directly give the green light to let it pass."

"Understood, leader!"

The middle-aged man nodded immediately when he heard the words.

"It's time for me to speak up. Since those fraternal departments will have words, I'll talk to them first! In terms of social security, Xiao Wu should be in charge now! I'll call him tomorrow and ask him to come over for a while. Come on, watch this movie carefully, think about how to treat and think about these people, learn to change positions, and know how to put people first!"

In the slightly dim screening room, the situation of the movie "I Am Sam" was decided after the two old men discussed in a few words.

After seeing off the two old leaders, the middle-aged man stood at the entrance of the screening hall with the book in his hand, and let out a long breath.

These two old leaders of my own are really courageous, and they directly chose to push this acute issue to the top.

Moreover, people are full of peaches and plums, and the heads of brother departments can directly call over to let them watch movies to study and research.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man smiled wryly.

My two old leaders are so old, and they still do things so shamelessly.

At the same time, he also had a better impression of Bai Zhu.

He already had a clear understanding of Bai Zhu's weight in the hearts of these two old leaders.

"In the future, if Baizhu sends any movies over, you should be cautious!"

Muttering softly in his mouth, the middle-aged man felt that he had to give instructions to his subordinates when he went back.


Sun Entertainment, Hu Changyi broke into Bai Zhu's office with a face full of excitement,
"The film has been successfully submitted for review! President Zhao's theaters have also been arranged. It will be officially released this Saturday, and we will start to cooperate with the publicity!"

Bai Zhu looked at Hu Changyi's excited appearance in bewilderment, and nodded.

"How to promote it??"

"That's it, can you sponsor some funds?"

"You Te???"


Jing Pengfei, the film critic who paid attention to the film because of Bai Zhu's "Prose Poem Written by Father".

At this moment, he was looking at Sun Entertainment's promotional poster for the movie "I Am Sam", fascinated by it.

On the front of the poster is the protagonist in the original promotional film, a mentally handicapped father, and there is a phantom at the bottom of the poster, which is the appearance of the father running wildly with his daughter in his arms.

"I'm Sam."

Jing Pengfei muttered softly, although he was very interested in this movie, but he had never figured out the name of the movie.

The name Sam doesn't have any special meaning, and the protagonist is obviously called Satellite, a name that fits the temperament of that era, and has a half-money relationship with this Western name?
Shaking his head helplessly, Jing Pengfei took the notebook in his hand and printed out the three movie tickets that he bought in advance.

At the beginning, he made an agreement with his wife that everyone would watch this movie together, and he did so today.

Moreover, Jing Pengfei also discovered that in this movie theater, there are actually quite a few children brought by their parents who are more or less defective.

Jing Pengfei rarely encountered such a situation.

It's obviously a movie about disabled fathers and family relationships, yet so many parents bring their slightly handicapped children to watch it?

Involuntarily, Jing Pengfei began to approach these people, wanting to find out what it was for.

"Pengfei, are you still okay?"

Before he could make a move, his wife in the distance had already started to call Jing Pengfei back.

Seeing his wife taking care of the child alone, Jing Pengfei didn't hesitate, and directly gave up the idea of ​​inquiring, took the child from his wife, and walked into the cinema.

Because of autism, they rarely bring their children to such public places.

But this time, the movie tells something special, and Jing Pengfei wants to watch it with his wife and children.

Hopefully this will be a redemption for the kids, and for them as parents too!
Walking into the movie theater, there was some noise in the dark environment, probably because there were more children, and many parents couldn't control the scene.

But in this movie theater, surprisingly no one complained.

Many parents have their own children with some defects. They clearly know how difficult it is to control the environment.

So at this time, they can have a more tolerant heart to treat other people.

As time slowly passed, the entire set finally began to quiet down, and the movie began to be shown.

"Sun watch, a smart watch that can make calls! Position and voice at any time! Ensure children's safety!"

Before the movie started, the first thing that came out on the screen was a huge advertisement and an advertisement for a smart watch.

This is another project initiated by Zhao Sheng after returning to his father's company.

In line with the idea of ​​not letting the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders, Zhao Sheng put this advertisement in Baizhu's movie, earning his own money, and it can also have a publicity effect.

It's a win-win!

And with the end of the commercial, the film gradually began.

Noisy streets, this is the scene of the township streets in the Great Xia Kingdom decades ago.

Lively, busy, noisy, and somewhat out of place!
As the protagonist, Jiang Weixing stood alone in the crowd, holding a newborn child in his hands.

As a person with mental retardation since childhood, Jiang Weixing now has his own child, which makes him very confused and at a loss.

The child's mother has some disabilities and was introduced by a matchmaker.

The two were still in love at first, but his wife did not step off the operating table because of dystocia in the end.

Countless pictures in the movie flashed by, explaining the whole thing clearly.

Hu Changyi is very proficient in the language of the lens, fast editing and switching, and a slightly montage-style technique that looks messy, but can easily understand the story in the lens.

"Although the camera cuts are fragmented, the language is very concise, which is very in line with Hu Changyi's personal camera language style. But compared to his last movie, "I Am Sam" has obviously become more mature."

Seeing the introduction at the beginning, Jing Pengfei has already started to write in his notebook.

In the same way, he also began to observe the surroundings, the expressions of the parents, when many parents saw Hu Changyi, their eyes would turn red unconsciously.

In Jiang Weixing, they saw a scene of their own children growing up.

The movie continues.

In the picture, Jiang Weixing feels very strange about the arrival of the child, but he has been working hard to take good care of his child.

The scene of being in a hurry brought some laughs, but more of it showed sadness.

As a healthy adult, I feel overwhelmed and extremely exhausted when taking care of children.

Not to mention, Jiang Weixing in the current movie is still a mentally retarded person.

In order to take better care of his children, he had to work two jobs, but he was always bullied because of his intellectual problems.

For the same moving work, the money he got was half less than others.

The audience watching such a scene felt resentful, maybe they sympathized with Jiang Weixing, or maybe they brought their children's emotions into it through Jiang Weixing.

This time, the society's prejudice against Jiang Weixing made them angry.

On the contrary, Jiang Weixing in the movie is not angry at all, but he is very happy.

He can have a secure job, can have an income, and can start caring for his own children.

That's right, in his opinion, as long as he can earn money to take care of his children, he is already extremely satisfied and happy!
"The purest love between social prejudice and family affection."

Breathing out silently, Jing Pengfei began to write in the notebook again.

After seeing this point in the movie, the whole movie is actually very depressing. Only Jiang Weixing's cheerful thoughts and his lovely daughter are supporting the atmosphere of the whole movie.

"Bai Zhu's screenwriting ability still needs to be strengthened."

As an insider, Jing Pengfei had already found out that the screenwriter of this movie was actually Bai Zhu himself.

Seeing the contents of the movie now, Jing Pengfei couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He could feel that Bai Zhu's ideas and intentions were very good.

But until now, this script has not had a bright enough breakthrough point.

But the following plot made Jing Pengfei draw out all the words he just wrote down!
He didn't expect that Bai Zhu would use such a plot!
(End of this chapter)

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