A song under the sea, depressed the whole network

Chapter 113 Let's go to the movies

Chapter 113 Let's go to the movies

The night was very deep, and the thick dark clouds in the city made it impossible to see what was behind the sky.

Silently untiing the tie on his chest, Jing Pengfei turned his head and glanced at his son on the bed, sitting there alone doing his own thing, throwing things in his hands everywhere.

The wife was still busy in the kitchen, so she didn't have time to pay attention to the appearance of her son at this moment.

Jing Pengfei silently picked up the things on the ground, and put the toy strawberry bear in his son's hand again.

But he was still the same as usual, he didn't like to pay attention to Jing Pengfei's actions, he just kept quiet in his own world.

Autism, this is a disease that Jing Pengfei has never understood, until it appeared in his son.

Autism, also known as autism, is a pervasive developmental disorder that is common in children aged six to six.

At one time, Jing Pengfei thought that autism was just a kind of cognitive impairment caused by family education mistakes and lack of companionship.

Later, he discovered that things were not as simple as he imagined. This is a mental disease, which belongs to the diffuse central nervous system developmental disorder.

Such an illness made Jing Pengfei unable to communicate emotionally with his son. His son would only repeat mechanical movements and speak words that he could not understand, living in his own world all day long. middle.

"Enough is enough! Why don't you have any old money, I really convinced them!"

The busy wife came out of the kitchen, saw Jing Pengfei's appearance, and asked curiously.

Everything shown in that picture is so beautiful and bad, so beautiful and bad that Jing Pengfei dared to think about it, the final scene of the promotional video.

"You also give it to him, you still don't have two yuan!"

It's not those idiots who are scrambling to grab the shoes in their hands and come to the woman sitting next to the man.

"Hey, that looks bad!!"

Like everyone else, my intelligence also seems to be fine.

After combining the back and front of the promotional film, Jing Pengfei was able to think of many things very quickly. After all, I am also a film commentator.

Looking at the money that he didn't have in his hands, Satellite put it behind the boss's face, and watched with his eyes open.

Such a situation almost made Zhuang Liangchen feel desperate.

The scene changed, and under the empty street, Satellite was leading his son, both of whom were holding balloons.

Seeing that her son found Yu Ran's shoes, did the woman named Weixing feel any firmness?

"Look, they buy shoes and send balloons, can I give them to you?"

And we have worked so hard to take care of it, but what we got in return is the status quo that can never be changed.

"Dad, you hate that!"

Just like those toys underground now.

Am I regretting it?Jing Pengfei didn't have many regrets, our husband and wife put in such a small effort, but there was no way to make our son turn bad.

Before seeing Lily's new song, Jing Pengfei couldn't help but pay attention. What's more, Lily's new song was to write a promotional song for a movie!
"80 dollars."

A foolish father, left with a frail and abnormal boy, took his own boys who also have no mental retardation, and went outside the store to buy you disgusting new shoes.

After clicking pause, Jing Pengfei couldn't control his emotions while watching the shaking camera and the slightly scribbled picture.


Because I can see that the man hates these shoes.

"You are your father, you need a reason to love you!"

The urban-rural fringe that I experienced when I was a child, the idiots that can be seen everywhere outside our village, have not had such a love for children that is the same as changing.


"You don't have any money, you can't give him seven dollars!"

Those fools who come to buy shoes for others also know what people outside our family think.

Even more sensitive than others, less able to be stimulated!

"You don't have a piece of it!"

"But comfort is also important!"

Jing Pengfei looked at the name of the movie in the promotional video, and murmured loudly.

"have what."

"You, you are only fourteen."

It's just that when Jing Pengfei saw that place, he felt inexplicably kind.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuang Liangchen turned on his cell phone.

After clicking on the promotional video, Jing Pengfei finished watching it.

"Okay, give them the balloons too!"

Jing Pengfei didn't have much to say, the promotional video was very short, but the style revealed on the outside made Jing Pengfei very natural.

It seems to understand the meaning of the highest price, and the satellite is going to continue to try again. That is what my mother taught me. If you try a few times, you will succeed.

But the same as Yue Xiangqiu, Jing Pengfei didn't directly click on Lily's new song, but instead focused on the promotional video of the movie.

"They got it wrong. Those are the shoes of a big boy, and those are the shoes of a villain!"

And in front of us, other people's subordinates are also holding colorful balloons, walking down the road naturally, the balloons are arranged in a chaotic arrangement like wild geese flying south.

The crippled father loves his son selfishly, but the hostess, who seems mean, does the same. Even these fools beside Satellite Sound have a heart of fraternity.

Just opened the Weibo page, and at the end, Jing Pengfei saw the news from Lily.


Those women are not old, nor middle-aged nor old, but there is nothing in common, we all seem to have no intelligence to be developed enough.

Jing Pengfei looked fiercely at his son's appearance behind his eyes, and sighed silently.

"What's the matter with the texture of the gun version movie?"

The proprietress patiently collected all the 74 yuan and packed up the bad shoes that the big boy chose.

The screen starts.

"You hate those shoes!~"

Like Yue Xiangqiu, Jing Pengfei also saw the passage written by Lily.

In the language outside the village, we are all fools.

"That shoe is very wrong! It's pink, and it still glows! I'm sure Baizhu will be very unhappy wearing those shoes to school!"

My son's condition became more and more mild, and he became less and less able to communicate with the outside world. Everything that might interfere with me would be roughly thrown away.

In order to be able to take care of my son, my wife can only quit her job and become a full-time mother at home

"It's not too small! You need to buy a durable shoe!"

The scene of these people arguing with each other under the court.

"Fourteen is not too high, and the cost of your return is all that. Seeing that it is difficult for him to bring up a big child, 80 yuan is not the highest price for you yet!"

The woman who just took out the pair of shoes raised her head and muttered before hearing what the male clerk said.

And the burden of not making money in the family is all under my shoulders, which makes Zhuang Liangchen hardly breathe.

"There's no new movie coming out, so you guys should take your sons to watch it together."

"It's broken, Bai Zhu found the one you hate! Just buy that!~"

That woman is the one who is sitting in the court room and speaking at the beginning of the screen.

Would that be a heartwarming movie?Or is it just a harsh reality?

When I was a child, I didn’t grow up outside the village. Every time my parents took me to buy new clothes, they would bring them outside the shop.

"You don't have seven dollars, you need eight dollars for gas to go home, so you can only give him two dollars!"


The other people beside the satellite rummaged through their pockets together, pieced together together, and finally got some money out.

"An idiot father?"


"Is that enough money?"

Looking at his son, Jing Pengfei found that he and Xingxing had little in common. The only difference was that Xingxing was a disabled father, while he had a disabled child.

"You're Sam?"

"That shoe is very durable!"

Seeing what was displayed outside the screen, Jing Pengfei thought in his mind, the screen is still going on.

Sitting behind the dining table, Jing Pengfei ate with his wife.

But I do know why, that time, did Jing Pengfei actually criticize? As a woman who relies on movie commentary for her living from the media, when I watched the promotional videos on my phone, I didn't even dare to look at them.

But at the last moment, the video became darker, and then Jing Pengfei realized that it was just the director's editing technique.

Jing Pengfei was not very pleased with the special blurry picture like a pirated movie, and his expectations for the movie were somewhat lowered.

The big boy Yu Ran in the picture pulled out a pair of big white leather shoes from the shoe box and said to his mentally handicapped father beside him.

"Satellite, you're a boy and should buy shoes that look bad, but just last."

As a father, how could he despise his own child?
That is a singer that I am very fond of. Although it is a traffic, it does not prevent Jing Pengfei from appreciating Lily's talent.

Shaking his head, Jing Pengfei said to his wife in a serious voice.

What Lily wrote made Jing Pengfei more interested in the movie.

As a man, you have not disliked your father.

The passing male waiter looked at the shoes we took out, and spoke after he hurriedly removed them.

After receiving the huge shoes handed over by the other party, Satellite flipped them over in his hands, feeling at a loss.

"Your pair of shoes Weixing may not be too small, but you think Zhuang Liang should hate it!"

Zhuang Liangchen didn't want to go to see that movie, but he didn't have the courage at the moment.

In the picture, few women gather around a big boy, holding pairs of brand new big shoes in their hands.

The language expressed in the picture is very complicated, but it is precisely because of such complexity that it appears more real.

What we brought here was a seven or eight-year-old boy, how could he need such shoes!

Obviously, according to my requirements for the quality of the film, it is impossible for me to look at such a level of shooting and such a disorderly editing.

"You're disgusting too!"

"How much are the shoes?"

"what happened?"

The picture that lit up again should be an urban-rural fringe area. The gorgeous decoration on the outside still cannot cover up the dusty scene inside, and the outside of the store shows outdated fashion.

The male boss outside the store looked at the crumpled coins that were pulled out of the woman's pocket with a helpless expression.

That was a father's bad curiosity.

"The shoes don't have the same pattern as the big cat. Does Zhuang Liang hate the big cat running around outside the house? You saw you playing with the big cat for a long time, and you thought you would be disgusted."

Although the little family is incomplete and our abilities are unlimited, it can be seen from the short picture that no one has a sincere love for the big boy.

"You think you'll hate him, but you know him again!"

"The boss still gave you your salary that month, but you only have 14 yuan now!"

The most important thing was not a little bit, Jing Pengfei noticed the details on the outside of the promotional video, the close-up of the expressions of the big boys.

"Is that shoe too small?"

Yu Ran could tell whether the big boy had any complaints or willingness to deal with his crippled father.

Taking another deep breath, Jing Pengfei had to look at his son, but finally chose to keep looking.

The scene in the camera was too unfamiliar to Jing Pengfei.

"Can you both get one?!"

(End of this chapter)

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