Chapter 155

Yu Dongqing stayed at Feng Pei's house for three full days, and on the fourth day he went on the road and continued westward.

Before leaving, Feng Pei's mother picked a bag of fresh dates for Yu Dongqing for him and Tongtong to eat on the road, which made him very embarrassed.

"Feng Pei, look, these few days I eat yours and live in yours, and I have to get some before I leave. You must come to Yanjing to play, and bring your sister-in-law and Xiaoxuan!" Yu Dongqing said to Feng Pei who sent him off. Said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go there when I have time to see you old classmates and our alma mater." Feng Pei laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll wait. Goodbye!" Yu Dongqing said and got into the cab.

"Goodbye uncle, goodbye sister Xiaoxuan!" Yu Tongtong also took the passenger seat.

Yu Dongqing drove the car slowly onto the road, turned onto the county road according to the route Feng Pei said, and turned on the GPS navigation all the way west.

According to the original plan, he was going to Qinghai Lake, but now he turned to Qinbei, so he planned to enter Ning Province westward to Yinchuan, play in Yinchuan, and then go south to Xining and then to Qinghai Lake.

When he arrived in Yinchuan, he planned to visit Zhenbeibao West Studios.

Zhenbeibao Western Film City is characterized by its simplicity, primitiveness, roughness, desolation, and folkization. The main attractions are composed of redundant film and television shooting landscapes such as Ming City, Qing City, and Old Yinchuan Street.

Yu Dongqing walked slowly in the film and television city with her daughter. Mingcheng and Qingcheng had their own characteristics. Yu Dongqing deliberately stood at the gate of Qingcheng's tower, looking at the gate in silence.

This is the place where Zixia said in "A Chinese Journey to the West", "This person looks more like a dog".

It's a pity that there is no "Journey to the West" in this time and space.

Without "A Chinese Journey to the West", Yu Dongqing always felt that something was missing.

After wandering around the film and television city for a long time, Yu Dongqing also met a few fans of her own and was invited to take a group photo with her, Yu Dongqing was satisfied with each of them.

To be honest, as long as the fans' demands are not too much, he can basically agree to it. Anyway, he didn't hold any fan support meetings, and he didn't have any stupid fans.

Yu Dongqing had just taken a group photo with two enthusiastic fans—a couple who seemed to be a couple, and was about to leave with her daughter, but saw a middle-aged man with a beard in his forties coming over, and asked politely:
"You are Mr. Yu Dongqing, right? My daughter is a fan of yours and likes listening to your songs very much. Can I take a photo with her?" After speaking, the man pointed to a girl not far away.

Looking in the direction he pointed, Yu Dongqing saw a mother and daughter standing under the eaves. The girl was thinner and looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

"Yes." Yu Dongqing agreed.

"Leilei, come here!" The man waved to the girl.

The girl named Leilei seemed unwilling to come over. The mother standing next to her said something to her, and finally the girl came over slowly.

The girl was very fair, and looked a little melancholy and shy. She was a little at a loss when she saw Yu Dongqing, and let her father manipulate her with the camera.

Yu Dongqing felt that the girl seemed a little nervous, so she smiled and said don't be nervous, your father and I seem to be of the same age, and I am your uncle.

The girl smiled slowly.

The man holding the camera hurriedly pressed the shutter and took this scene.

After the photo was taken, the girl was about to leave but was stopped by her father: "Leilei, don't you want to take a photo with Uncle Yu? Come on, take some more photos."

Yu Dongqing was slightly surprised.

To be honest, few parents took the initiative to take their daughter to take a photo with his favorite idol, but this girl's father did so, and the girl's mother standing next to her encouraged her.

Yu Dongqing didn't think much about it, and took a few more photos with the girl before leaving. The girl's parents expressed their thanks repeatedly.

"Mr. Yu, are you traveling with your daughter?" The middle-aged man asked enthusiastically.

Yu Dongqing nodded.

"Where are you going?"

Yu Dongqing felt a little annoyed by the other party's inquisition, so she said "Qinghai" and pulled Yu Tongtong to turn around and leave.

"thank you"

The man yelled from behind.

Yu Dongqing didn't pay much attention to it, and took her daughter to wander around in the film and television city again. After visiting the two cities of Ming and Qing Dynasties, they went to the old Yinchuan street. I just took my daughter back to the hotel.

As soon as I walked out of Yinchuan Old Street, I ran into the father of the little girl who took a photo with me just now.

"Mr. Yu, I finally found you." The middle-aged man was sweating, and he seemed to have walked a long way.

"You want to take pictures with your daughter again?" Yu Dongqing replied with a slight frown.

"No, it's not. Mr. Yu, just now you said that you are going to Qinghai to play, can we go together?" the middle-aged man said.

"It's not necessary, is it? It's a high-speed road from Yinchuan to Qinghai, and it's not that you need a companion when you enter Tibet." Yu Dongqing declined.

"That's right, Mr. Yu." The man said hastily, "My daughter is your fan. She was very happy when she saw the photo with you just now."

Are you going to travel together if you are happy?
It's not surprising if a girl has such an idea, but you, a father, are so enthusiastic?

The man sighed and explained why.

The man's name is Zhang Shuchun, from Dongsheng, Inner Mongolia. The couple are ordinary workers in a factory, and their daughter is Zhang Leilei, who is in the second grade of junior high school this year.

Zhang Leilei used to love to talk and laugh, but she suddenly became taciturn in junior high school, and her grades dropped all the way. Zhang Shuchun and his wife felt baffled, but they couldn't find the reason.

Zhang Shuchun has a bad temper. He thought it was because his daughter didn't study hard or fell in love early. Once, he scolded his daughter for her poor grades in the exam.

When the couple came back from get off work in the afternoon, they found that their daughter hadn't gone to school and stayed at home, and had committed suicide by cutting her wrists!

"At that time, I was terrified. There was a puddle of blood on the ground. I hurriedly called 120 and sent my daughter to the hospital to rescue her. Later, the doctor suggested that we go to the psychological clinic. That's when I found out that my daughter was suffering from depression." Zhang Shuchun said.

"Later, the doctor provided psychological treatment, and then took medicine. My daughter's mental state was also up and down. Although there was no self-harm again, she was always depressed. Sometimes she didn't go to school and stayed in her room. Play on your phone and listen to music."

"Isn't it summer vacation now? The doctor suggested that I take my daughter for a stroll, so my wife and I drove from Dongsheng to Yinchuan. We originally wanted to go to Xinjiang, but just now you said we were going to Qinghai, so we are going to change. I'd like to go with you."

"Because." Zhang Shuchun paused and said, "Because my daughter smiled when she saw the photo with you just now. I haven't seen my daughter smile like this for a long time."

Zhang Shuchun said with a trace of pain on his face.

"Dad, Dad, let that young lady go with us." Yu Tongtong, who was standing beside him without speaking just now, took Yu Dongqing's hand: "The young lady is so pitiful."

"Mr. Yu, please believe me, this is my ID card." The man quickly took out his ID card from his pocket and handed it to Yu Dongqing.

He looked at it, and sure enough, the information was the same as the man said, and the man was still a Mongolian.

"Well, we are going to leave Yinchuan for Qinghai tomorrow morning." Yu Dongqing briefly talked about her itinerary.

"Okay, okay, which hotel do you stay in? We'll come over early tomorrow morning."

"Sheraton Hotel."

"Okay, thank you very much, see you tomorrow morning." The two left their contact information again, and Zhang Shuchun left in a hurry.

I didn't expect to have a companion on the journey.

Yu Dongqing couldn't help shaking her head thinking about it.

 Thanks to book friends 20220929120210562, Renjian Yousing, Quack Guangzhou, book friends 20191006170112867, Caiyuntian, Dr. Lin who doesn’t want to engage in scientific research, book friends 2022716204840295, and Liu Yixiu for their monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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