I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 577 The other leg of the elephant

"Thank you all for attending this meeting. My name is Li Fuzhen."


The applause was like thunder, and those who were more knowledgeable about current affairs stood up with excited expressions. Every time they applauded, their shoulders would swing back and forth, just like brainwashed MLM elites.

Several times he wanted to speak, but was interrupted by a steady stream of applause, and Li Fuzhen's face showed a joyful smile from the bottom of her heart.

She had dreamed of such a scene several times, but every time she woke up from the dream, she felt more melancholy and lost.

Because she never thought that this dream could one day be realized.

But now, right before her eyes, she had achieved everything she had dreamed of. The joy, excitement, and satisfaction, and the huge sense of accomplishment made her feel elated, and her whole body was in a state of transition between reality and fantasy.

Then, it was like a hole was opened in her heart and she was swallowed by nothingness.

At first, this feeling was not obvious, but as time went by, Li Fuzhen felt increasingly empty inside.

Even work could not fill the hole in her heart. Li Fuzhen felt disoriented and at a loss as to where to go.

"Don't worry, you'll find a new direction."

Li Zhenyu lay next to her, gently brushing his fingers over her tender spine, moving up a little bit, until he spread his fingers to hold her slender neck, and gently kneaded it to relax it.

"What if you can't find it?"

Li Fuzhen was not sure whether he could really find a new goal.

After all, what she desires most in life is already under control, and no one can stand in the way of her progress.

"It will be found, it will be."

Li Zhenyu motioned her to lie down and put his face on her slightly bulging belly, "You see, new life will bring new hope, and with it will come a new direction in life."

"He'll tell you the answer, just listen."

In Li Zhenyu's dreamy murmur, Li Fuzhen gradually fell into thinking, as if she was really having a spiritual communication with the child in her belly.

Li Zhenyu didn't know if she could hear anything.

But he knows that every mother who loves her children deeply will become the most powerful being in the world.

Just like Superman!

And Superman is omnipotent.

"How have you been reacting recently? Is your appetite okay?"

"Very good. The doctor said everything is normal and the nutritious meals are more delicious than before."

Born in a chaebol family, Li Zhenyu's taste is very light. Fresh and high-end ingredients are natural seasonings.

The types and patterns are no longer limited, and his appetite has naturally improved.

"Where's Shi Ling, how is she?"

Li Fuzhen suddenly asked Lin Shiling that there should be some movement in her stomach. During this period, Li Zhenyu gave almost all his free time to her.

She who enjoys exclusive favor should also have some good news.

"There are still a few days left for relatives this month. We will know when the time comes. There is no need to rush, just let nature take its course."

Li Zhenyu considers himself still very young, and Lin Shiling's age is not too old compared to now, and she has unlimited financial support behind her to give her the best.

So, there is nothing to worry about, and nothing to be anxious about.

"It seems that your understanding of women is still superficial."

Li Fuzhen didn't agree with him. How could a woman not be anxious about this kind of thing, especially at this time.

The desire to compare does not appear only through deliberate thinking. But unknowingly, it suddenly emerges from the deepest part of my heart, no one is exception, let alone two excellent women who are equally excellent and fall in love with the same man.

Lin Shiling was anxious, but she couldn't show her anxiety.

Otherwise, it will not only destroy the stability currently maintained, but also be over-interpreted, affecting your own image and scores.

What's more, both Fu Zhen and Ji Yan expressed their support for her to become the last woman beside Zhen Yu.

This is indeed what they did, at least so far, they always create opportunities for themselves, make suggestions for her, and try their best to make her into the other person's ideal type bit by bit.

Whenever she learns of his innermost preferences, Lin Shiling will always receive the news immediately.

She will remember this favor for the rest of her life.

Perhaps, it was precisely because of her kindness that Li Fuzhen and Kim Ji-yeon supported her to take the position as the head mother.

After all, having a kind and generous head matron will make life easier for everyone in the future.

"Did you know that Shi Ling consulted a traditional Chinese medicine doctor for treatment and still takes folk remedies every day?"

Li Fuzhen knew that he hated Korean medicine the most, thinking that they were charlatans who had half-learned Chinese medicine.

Although it is a bit extreme, Li Fuzhen obviously does not intend to argue with him on such trivial matters. What is the relationship between traditional Chinese medicine and Korean medicine?

As long as it is useful to you and does not involve your own interests, you can call it anything.

He likes it and says it can be done with Western medicine.

"is it?"

Li Zhenyu frowned. No wonder he smelled something like Chinese medicine last time. When he asked Lin Shiling, she just said she was drinking tonic.

South Koreans’ love for tonics is ingrained in their bones.

As long as you have the conditions, you can prescribe some tonics for your family members to take, just like going to the bathhouse in the past, you must go there once a week.

Not only that, Lin Shiling also discovered business opportunities from it.

In recent months, we are investigating this information, and it seems that we want to get involved in the medical field. "TCM is becoming more and more recognized in the country, and people's spending in this area has also been increasing year by year. The single product is the most obvious elephant." She wants to change that."

Only making achievements in the field of non-staple food and condiments makes Elephant unable to resist the risks brought by market fluctuations.

Just like a person walking on one leg, he stumbles and is blown to the ground when a strong wind comes.

Starting from their parents' generation, they have been looking for a new way out.

However, various industries in the country have long been divided up by large chaebols, and each has its own territory.

Entering a new area hastily will be regarded as starting a war.

By giving up the controlling stake and without a son to take over, the Lin family will face the risk of "dove occupying the magpie's nest".

Now, Lin Shiling has discovered potential business opportunities in traditional Chinese medicine. After investigation, she found that the market is in a chaotic stage.

There are chaebols who are optimistic about this industry, but they only have a rough layout and focus more on modern medicine and care industries.

For example, nursing centers, elderly care and hospice care, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine has not yet received much attention, and there are no monopoly giants in the country, so it is a good time to officially take action.

"In traditional Chinese medicine, drug quality is the key..."

When it comes to traditional Chinese medicine, Li Zhenyu thinks he still has some bottom, "Forget it, I'll tell her in person."

The core of traditional Chinese medicine, prescription is one aspect, and the quality of traditional Chinese medicine is another aspect. Both are indispensable.

In order for the prescription to be effective, the quality of the medicinal materials must meet the standard. "So, the source is very important. At present, Neon Pharmaceutical has noticed this and is embezzling and acquiring the source of cultivation. You have to get ahead of them." ( End of this chapter)

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