I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 559 Emergencies

When the campaign team saw the data, Shu Minxiu was also looking at the data analysis chart on the computer in her room, trying to find out what went wrong.


Li Zhenyu, who had just finished a hearty battle, passed by the living room wrapped in a bath towel and holding a square cup.

He went to the kitchen to pour another glass to moisten his dry throat.

Maybe it was influenced by the so-called upper-class habits, or maybe his body had the alcoholic gene.

Now, he almost never leaves his cup in his spare time, and whiskey has become his only daily drink to replenish water.

Apart from it, only happy water can make Li Zhenyu feel happy.

Add some whiskey for better results.

"Basically, you are saying that I should go to the poor...the worse places."

"No, people there are more realistic. They have been deceived by politicians enough. Unless they can get practical benefits. Otherwise, no one will care even if you tell them that your election will make South Korea surpass the bad countries."

Shu Minxiu closed the computer screen and said decisively: "Tell me, what should I do?"

Li Zhenyu's confident performance made her panicked heart feel at peace. Maybe he had found a way to solve the current dilemma.

He bent his legs and sat slowly on the sofa, the support still groaning under the weight.

It seems that this sofa will not last long.

"Tell me quickly, what should I do?"

Shu Minxiu is still thinking about her campaign, which is too important to her and can be said to be the most important thing in her life.

She wouldn't give up any chance to win if possible.

“Give a public lecture.”

Shu Minxiu's eyes were filled with questions: "???"

Public speaking is just that. A public speaking can help you turn the situation around and win.

how is this possible……

Li Zhenyu spread his fingers, inserted his hand into her hair, and gently curled it up.


"Trust me, when I say you can, I really mean it."

Shu Minxiu's voice suddenly stopped, and only the sound of heavy breathing and chewing echoed repeatedly in the room.

Asking someone to prepare a public speech for her, Li Zhenyu ordered his team to do the behind-the-scenes work for her, with An Xuanzhen taking the lead and the other secretaries assisting.

The entire team immediately takes over the workflow of the selected office.

This made the campaign team, which was accustomed to having "power", feel very uncomfortable, and some people began to frequently make snitches in front of Shu Minxiu.

There is always only one response, "Full cooperation."

He cooperated fully. He had done so much work before, but when it was time to harvest, he was picked by the airborne troops. Who could be convinced?

As a result, the superficial cooperation made the private competition more intense.

Finally, during an early morning gift distribution event, the two groups had a direct conflict and started fighting on the stairs going up the mountain.

"Xi Ba, I'm going to kill you bastards."

"Yeah, you losers, come here. It's time for these losers to recognize the reality."

"Ah Xiba~"

"Death to me."

Planks, fists and feet were flying around, and those who originally wanted to break up the fight had to fight back amid the chaos.If he didn't fight back, he might be the first to fall.

When An Xuanzhen and Xu Yan'er got the news and rushed to the scene, the stairs were already full of people lying on the ground and wailing, and blood stains could be seen everywhere.

"Driver Jin, I'm sorry to bother you."

Jin Zhengshuo, who followed the two men, nodded slightly, straightened the baseball cap on his head, clenched his left fist and strode forward.

Behind him were six or seven cold-faced men who came from the boxing gym to help. Just like him, he strode past the two of them and bent slightly when he was approaching the bottom of the stairs.

Call ~
The few people who were leaning forward let go of their arms and rushed towards the crowd who were still fighting as fast as thunder.

With clean kicks and side hooks, the disobedient guys were knocked down one after another. The staff who came later also put the guys lying on the ground into the van and quietly transported them away.

In any case, the most important thing now is to clean up the scene in front of us so as not to be exposed to the public.

At the same time, colleagues in the secretary's office were already carrying black suitcases and knocking on doors door to door.

How could the households on both sides of the stairs not hear such a loud noise?

Now, their mobile phones are probably full of high-definition images of what happened just now, and the responsibility of the secretary's office is to eliminate hidden dangers.

"who is it?"

"Hello, please open the door, we have a gift for you."

Opening the door with suspicion, Li Keke took out the contract he had prepared and explained his intention to the other party.

As long as he deletes the previously shot scenes and signs this confidentiality contract, he can immediately receive 1000 million won as a thank you.

This is not the first time she has solved this kind of emergency public relations for the company.

However, this was the first time that a vicious incident of this scale involved so many families and people and occurred in broad daylight.

Fortunately, she's not a newbie and can handle any trouble at hand.


Amid the other party's exclamations, Li Keke opened the black suitcase in his hand, and the brand-new banknotes filled the suitcase dazzled the other party's eyes.

It also made him choose to sign his name without hesitation and hand his mobile phone to the secretary for disposal.

After deleting the video, clearing the backup and trash, the secretary gently reminded the other party that since he had taken the money to sign, he would be severely punished if he broke the contract, and the liquidated damages alone would make the other party bankrupt.

Therefore, regardless of whether he has other thoughts or what backups he has saved, it is best to delete them now to avoid leaks.

Within half an hour, everyone signed the contract, and those who were reluctant and wanted to use the video in exchange for greater benefits changed their minds after Jin Zhengshuo finished handling the external matters and sent someone to explain it in person.

After everyone accepted the money and deleted all backups, An Xuanzhen also received a call, "The surveillance videos before and after have been cleaned up and there are no problems."

Public surveillance information has also been cleared, so there will be no problems.

A scandal that was enough to ruin Shu Minxiu's political career and make her a joke was easily resolved within an hour.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the power held by chaebols.


"Yes, it's all taken care of, Secretary General."

He handed over the confidential documents he collected to her. Li Keke had already verified them before and found that there were indeed no mistakes.

Looking at the signatures above, there are no strange fonts or names. Each one is so fair, "Very good, well done, you can go back."

"I will convey it to the boss... Also, how are you preparing for the speech?"

"The stage in front of Capitol Hill has been set. Tell the boss that it will be ready for the planned event." (End of Chapter)

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