I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 507 Li Fuzhen is really coming

Chapter 507 Li Fuzhen is really coming

After sending Han Suxi to the company, Li Zhenyu got down from the cab and returned the driving job to Jin Zhengshuo.

Leaning in the back row, playing with the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV he bought from the hotel, he asked without raising his head: "Driver Jin, what should I do if I want a darkroom with enough privacy to develop film? "

"Give me some time and I'll take care of it."

Jin Zhengshuo didn't know where to find such a place, but he knew an old man who had been working in a photo studio for 20 years, so he believed that this problem would not be a problem for him.


Sanxin Real Estate, headquarters, high-rise dedicated conference room.

The directors who came over at short notice exchanged opinions with each other and wanted to get some information before the meeting.

This time, no one got a clue as to why the temporary council was convened.

All I know is that this meeting was organized by Li Fuzhen, the representative of the major shareholder.

The man behind the other party was almost tricked by the Sanxin Li family last time.

This time, there won't be another good show, right?

The door of the heavily soundproof conference room was suddenly pushed open, with his hands in his pockets and a gloomy face, Lee Jae-yong strode towards the chief executive.

Li Fuzhen, who came in later, walked around the table and sat in the chief position opposite him.

Sensing the anxious atmosphere filled with the smell of gunpowder between the two, the directors knew what to do today.

I just came here to make up the numbers, just sit quietly and wait for the meeting to end.

If a show of hands is required, choose the winning side.

The National Pension Representative sitting in the chair is the referee who decides the outcome. Whoever he supports will be supported by the directors.

Whoever has Lee Jae-yong or Lee Fuzhen's shares added up to him is enough to represent the majority opinion. '

Let’s save the suggestions from people like them for later!

"Director Li Fuzhen, everyone is here now. Now, can you start by telling us all what the content of this meeting is?"

Li Fuzhen raised the corner of her mouth slightly, nodded to him, and her smile instantly faded, returning to its former coolness, "Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this meeting.

The reason why I convened this emergency meeting is for only one thing...the self-interests of all directors of Sanxin Real Estate and the future development of the group. "

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not understanding why she was so crazy.

Director's interests?Group interests? ?Isn’t that the interest of Sanxin and the Li family? ! !

They are just vicious dogs raised by Sanxin. When they should bark, how they should bark, and who they should bark at are all decided by their owners, not to mention the so-called interests...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Just when everyone was at a loss, rampant laughter interrupted everyone's thoughts. Li Zaiyong threw his head back and laughed like a madman.

Then, he stood up and pounded the table hard, laughing loudly: "My dear sister, do you know what you are doing? Sanxin Real Estate belongs to Sanxin, and Sanxin's interests are its interests.

As long as it is good for Sanxin and the Li family, Sanxin Real Estate should unconditionally support and obey. Don't forget, your surname is also Li. "

By the end of the sentence, Lee Jae-yong's voice was stern, and his eyes looking at her were full of cold threats.Li Fuzhen did not refute, but glanced at him lightly, then turned to the directors and chairman, "My grandfather relied on Sanxin Real Estate and Cheil Wool Textiles to create the huge Sanxin Group step by step.

Today, with business needs and the group's production capacity transformation, Sanxin Real Estate has become no longer important.But in my opinion, it is still the soul of Sanxin, representing the struggling and unyielding spirit of Sanxin people...

If my grandfather knew that Sanxin Real Estate had fallen into this state, he would definitely regard it as a shame, and everyone here would be a sinner..."

"To take back Sanxin Real Estate, we should hold the property, start independent operations, reorganize the company's business and enter the market, and create a new Sanxin Real Estate image and industrial chain..."

Li Fuzhen's boastful talk and methodical thoughts and plans were obviously prepared.

But when these words fell into Li Zaiyong's ears, every word was so harsh that he couldn't bear it.

Especially when he saw the directors nodding thoughtfully and in agreement, his already grumpy heart burst into anger, "Li Fuzhen, do you want to be kicked out of this home?"

Li Fuzhen finally stopped speaking, as if hesitating for a few seconds, raised his head and said, "Brother, don't forget that you are not the head of the Li family yet. Father, he is still alive."

Li Zaiyong laughed in anger. She still knew that her father was alive, so who gave her the confidence to create divisions and shake the Li family's rule within the Sanxin Group.

Was it that damn dirty bastard who gave her the illusion that she could fight against her family?
"I will personally explain to my father..." After calmly speaking, Li Fuzhen continued to explain her development plan to the directors.

This plan had been in her mind a long time ago and was constantly being perfected and modified.

But Li Fuzhen never thought that one day it would really come out of her own mouth.

At this time, he looked at the directors' expressions of approval and their eyes gradually glowed under his description.

Li Fuzhen's thoughts also changed accordingly.

She just wanted to give Lee Jae-yong a warning to let him know what the consequences would be if he messed up again, so as to prevent things from developing in the direction she least wanted to see.

Now, Li Fuzhen has changed her mind.

She decided to do what she said and take back all the assets that Sanxin Real Estate had "subcontracted" and "outsourced", giving full play to its advantages as the "tentacles" of Sanxin Group.

Let Sanxin Real Estate resume operations again and no longer be used only as an 'empty shell' controlled by the parent company.

The real estate industry is still one of the most promising industries in this era.

The development and returns of Jeju Island are the best proof.

"There are countless countries with potential in East Asia, and we should look further... Sanxin has been involved in many fields such as materials, machinery, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, real estate and engineering construction."

"I admit that semiconductors now create huge revenue for Sanxin, accounting for two-thirds of Sanxin's total revenue, but don't forget that those previous industries also created cash flow for Sanxin to develop..."

"We cannot put our eggs in the same basket. This is not conducive to the normal development of the group and will reduce the group's ability to resist risks..."

Li Fuzhen spoke more and more smoothly, and the inspiration in her mind burst out like waves, and she couldn't stop even if she wanted to.

But the more she spoke, the uglier Lee Jae-yong's expression became.

He was originally unwilling to take action, but he had to start thinking about whether Li Fuzhen was serious about it, not just verbal expressions.

If this is really the case, then he must take it seriously, and even his father will be furious about it.

Sanxin Property is really important to the entire Sanxin and Li family.

(End of this chapter)

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