I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 503 Changes in Jeju

Like the wind, she rushed into Li Zhenyu's arms, and Han Suxi was so happy that she wanted to dance.

"Oppa, where are we going?"

After getting in the car, Han Suxi held his arm across the center console and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Jeju Island, two days is enough."

"Yeah, Jeju Island, Jeju Island, let's go, hoo oh oh~"

Opening the skylight, Han Suxi made a strange cry and stretched out her hand outside the window to feel the gentle wind.

She has been working continuously for more than seven months and has almost forgotten what it feels like to be on vacation.

Therefore, no matter where she goes, as long as it is not work, she will be so excited that she can hardly control herself.

The wind was blowing and the car got onto the highway. Han Suxi turned around and asked, "Oppa, do you want to listen to some music?"

"Well, there's something to drink in the glove box."

I turned on the radio and tuned to the Mnet music channel, which was playing Girls' Generation's 'Oh! '

"Hum hum hum~"

Humming softly, she raised her hands and twisted them a few times to the rhythm. Han Suxi opened the central console armrest box and took out the thermostatic cigar box from inside.

"Would you like one?"

"Okay, remember to rotate when you smoke..."

Taking out the cigar and cutting off the cigar cap, Han Suxi lit the pine wood strips taken out from the slot of the box lid, first used a match to ignite the pine wood strips, and then put the cigar to her mouth.

With each puff, it rotates until the entire cigar is evenly lit.

"Oppa, here you go~"

Putting the lit cigar to his mouth, Han Suxi opened another can of drink, feeding him a sip from time to time, and then took two sips herself, blowing a small breeze, looking very carefree.

After burning a cigar, there was already a faint smell of sea in the air.

We are about to enter Jeju Island ahead, not far from our destination.

When she learned that she was about to enter the island, Han Suxi, who was a little tired before, opened her eyes wide and said, "Oppa, the changes here are so big!"

The last time I came here, Jeju Island was desolate everywhere.

There are only messy construction sites and construction vehicles everywhere, not even a few decent streets. The sky is covered with dust, and it doesn't look like a resort at all.

Now, with the sea breeze blowing on my face and the clear blue sky, at a glance, there are high-rise buildings everywhere, sanatoriums full of artistic appearance, and holiday resorts hidden in the dense forests and flowers.

"Look, Oppa, it's a tourist bus."

The tour bus full of tourists caused Han Suxi to scream. Jeju Island really has the planned vitality.

"Looks like we're in time for the holidays."

The past four buses were full of people, as well as various high-end nanny cars.

Li Zhenyu just remembered that they were just in time for summer vacation.

Sure enough, around the bend of the hill, the beach was crowded with tourists.

"A lot of people!"

Han Suxi retracted her head worriedly and raised the car window halfway to prevent paparazzi from discovering her whereabouts.

Although you can use 'work' as an excuse after being discovered, it is better to avoid the possible troubles.

"Don't worry, we have our own private beach."

Driving around Binhai Road and driving into a section of tree-shaded area, the canopy of trees on both sides blocks the light, and only the residual light shines through, giving people a dreamy feeling of the starry sky.

When the sight in front of them became wider again, they also reached their destination.

Rosewood Shilla Jeju Island Resort.

"Welcome to Rosewood Shilla Resort. Do you have a reservation?"

Li Zhenyu handed the car keys to the doorman, took out a card and handed it to the greeter. The other person's expression changed, he bowed and said: "Thank you for coming, please follow me."

The card he just showed was the White Diamond Card of the White Rose Club.At Rosewood Shilla Resort, you have the same rights as the club, and you are also the most distinguished guest of the hotel.

The hotel has three tall buildings, the main building is 22 stories high and the auxiliary building is 19 stories high.

Around the two auxiliary buildings is the tree-lined villa area belonging to the hotel. Each villa fully ensures its privacy.

It has an independent entrance door and is surrounded by bright shrubs and flower beds.

There are four swimming pools in the hotel, among which the largest public open swimming pool is behind the main building, and there is a gourd-shaped open swimming pool in the center of the villa area.

Finally, there is the private swimming pool in the hotel club, which is only open to club members and hotel VIP customers.

Li Zhenyu stayed at No. 001 in the offshore villa area on the right. The hotel sightseeing car went directly to the door and opened the fence door full of tropical atmosphere.

The first thing you see is a garden full of flowers and greenery. In front is the main body of the villa, a white two-story open building.

Open suspended corridors, half-covered balconies, and roofs with parasols can be used directly as a helipad when necessary.

The design of the room takes into consideration the geographical location and sunshine of Jeju Island, and fully adopts the principle of light refraction.

In addition, Li Zhenyu has never seen any door in the entire room except for the entrance on the first floor.

All privacy is solved by angles, giving people a sense of peek-a-boo as a child.

"This design is so interesting."

Han Suxi ran around the room and had a great time.

Every time you enter a room thinking that this is the end, you will find another corner that passes somewhere else.

Moreover, these designs are very clever, and the color combination is simply amazing.

If you hadn't looked for it specifically, you wouldn't have known it was a passage.

"Are you hungry? I'll ask someone to bring you something to eat first."

Letting her run wildly in the house, Li Zhenyu called the restaurant and asked someone to deliver food.

Then, let Han Suxi have a good rest in the room and go out if she has something to do.

"Then will you be back tonight?"

Han Suxi could probably guess where he was going without asking.

This is Jeju Island, Shilla Hotel...

The scandal between the eldest princess and Oppa is no longer a secret on social platforms.

However, no one can produce substantive evidence, and no authoritative media dares to report on it.

"It'll be a little late, but I'll be back."

After receiving a positive answer, the sadness on Han Suxi's face turned into joy. She ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek, sending him out happily.

Driving the sightseeing car to the main building, the greeter ran over before the car could park, "President Li, our president asked me to pass this on to you."

A room card appeared in front of him. Li Zhenyu handed the car to the other party, took the room card and said "Thank you," which caused the other party to panic.

Without saying anything else, Li Zhenyu walked into the lobby with the room card and took the elevator to the top floor.

ding dong~
The elevator opened and Li Zhenyu followed the room number on the room card to the end.

Before he could swipe his card, the door opened first. A hand stretched out from the door and roughly pulled him into the room by his collar.


"Shut up and call me Fu Zhen."

"Fu Zhen, you look so beautiful today..."

Black lace-up hollow-tailed evening dress, with a British-style hairpin lace veil on top of the head.

The skirt is slit in all directions, revealing her fair thighs every time she moves around, but it just blocks her private parts.

Li Zhenyu wanted to ask for a moment, who chose this jersey for her? (End of chapter)

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