Chapter 483 Boring
Los Angeles International Airport, on the secondary runway on the side of the terminal hall.

The Gulfstream G300 was making final preparations for takeoff, and Li Zhenyu was lying leisurely on the sofa, waiting for the takeoff indicator light.

Just when he was thinking about what he should do with Ivana after arriving in New York.

Cai En covered the phone with a weird look on her face, walked quickly to him and squatted down, "Boss, this is Menasi, she is coming from the waiting room."

Li Zhenyu sat up straight, his dull expression full of doubts, "Are you kidding me? Didn't they make an appointment?" '


Li Keke, who went to the tail room to prepare, walked quickly with the same posture, holding the mobile phone in one hand and covering the microphone position with the other.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenyu felt extremely uneasy in his heart.

"Boss, it's President Li."

"Which President Li...don't tell me it's Alice Li who just left."

Li Keke said nothing, just nodded quietly.


Knowing that Alice was also coming from the VIP waiting room, Li Zhenyu simply lay back on the sofa.

Show it off, do as you like!

What kind of agreement, what kind of things will never be done behind the scenes.

He knew that a woman's words could not be trusted.

Now, he wanted to see how wonderful it would be for the mother and daughter to collide face to face.

"Why are you here?"

Liu Mina, who arrived first, shook her head happily while holding delicious ice cream, and collided with Alice Li, who was walking in a hurry and stepped onto the gangway like a thief.

The picture is much more interesting than imagined.

The mother and daughter looked at each other. First they felt guilty for their actions, and the next second they began to accuse each other almost simultaneously, trying to put the blame on others.


Li Zhenyu smiled restrainedly and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "You two are truly a mother and daughter."

The trip to New York did not change due to the addition of two more passengers, perhaps to ease the embarrassment or to save my last remaining dignity.

After the plane landed and the cabin door opened, the two of them rushed to leave the airport as soon as possible.

No matter how Li Zhenyu tried to persuade him to stay, no one responded to him.

"Mina, she has gone. Really, we can spend a wonderful night together. A romantic candlelight dinner, and we can also take a yacht for a night cruise on the Hudson River together..."

"Mina, yacht...Hudson..."

Liu Meina opened the taxi door, got in and closed it.

The car window was lowered, and Liu Mina, who was wearing sunglasses and a cool girl expression, stretched her right hand out of the window.

Then, the middle finger flicked up uncontrollably.

Watching the rental car whizzing away, Li Zhenyu, who stood there with his hands on his hips, almost burst out laughing.

I will have to eat this dirty stuff for the rest of my life.

beep beep~
Some old-colored G55s were parked in front of them, with their sexy figures exposed through the lowered windows. They were wearing simple V-neck T-shirts and yoga pants. The waves stirred by inertia were still "Hey, boy, do you want a ride?"

On the way to the city, Li Zhenyu looked at the interior of the refurbished carriage, "Why would you think of buying it?"

"Is not it good?"

Seeing him shaking his head, Ivana smiled and said: "I always felt that its shape was too square and full of mechanical and cumbersome feeling."

"now what?"

"I've fallen in love with it. If you have time, how about traveling with it?"

Ivana drove the car and Li Zhenyu refueled, making it a convenient trip.

As a New Yorker, daily life is actually very boring.

Because they have no extra time at all, like farmers in the countryside, they pack their bags, get in their cars and travel around every corner.

There are only a few places for daily vacations.If you want to go to Yellowstone for a camping vacation or indulge yourself in Las Vegas, if you don’t want to go too far and want to have some high-end fun, the numerous yacht clubs in Manhattan are a must.

Apart from that, they can only fly to London to have breakfast out of boredom, then go to France for lunch, and find some attractive girls on the way to take them to the New York carnival night party tonight.

Such precious holiday time can only be wasted in such a boring way.

Regarding the topic of travel, Ivana kept chattering along the way.

At first, Li Zhenyu only thought it was a whim, but then he slowly discovered that she was serious.

"So, where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere...if you want, it's not impossible to fly to your country."

Hearing the hint in her tone, Li Zhenyu raised his hands in surrender, "I don't want to be yelled at and have a gun pointed at my head."

"How could you be afraid of him?"

Ivana didn't believe that she would be afraid of her funny father who spoke out loud.

On the contrary, Ivana felt a little worried when she heard him mention her father.

Whether Li Zhenyu will be pointed at gunpoint by him remains to be confirmed. He will definitely teach him a lesson, imprison him and deprive him of all his rights.

"So, Manhattan is the best choice."

"...Okay, let's listen to you. Should we rent a cruise ship and go to sea?"

That's all there is in Manhattan, unless he keeps it secret and buys a new estate on Long Island.

"Sure, that's a good idea."

Li Zhenyu decided to find some people and arrange a luxury cruise with them to go out to sea and have a good time.

"No Hearst."

"Of course, how could you think of this..."

Li Zhenyu was curious, did he look like a fool who would do such a thing?

Ivana was very satisfied with his answer, "So, who should we invite."

Li Zhenyu doesn’t have many friends in New York. He only has one collaborator at Random House, and one of Buffett’s shareholders is Mark Folate.

There are also Amanda and Lydia who were specifically named by Ivana and must not appear.

Apart from them, Li Zhenyu couldn't think of anyone else worthy of inviting him.

“Berkshire, is there no one worth taking seriously?”

Ivana didn’t understand why he turned a blind eye to such a precious resource.

He should meet more with the members who stayed in New York and chat about anything, or just go to Las Vegas to have a good time and have a good time, and then find a strip club to have a good time.

"You're serious."

Li Zhenyu looked strange. Is he encouraging himself to be happy?

"Please, will you refuse?"

Ivana resisted the urge to roll her eyes, because doing so was really unladylike and went against her perfect personality and cultivation.

She is not some crazy possessive woman. Not only will she not hinder his normal social interactions, she will also encourage him to participate more and make suggestions for him.

Love is an indispensable and important part of human life, but there are many other important things besides it.

Ivana never felt that love could make her lose her mind.

Now, she still thinks so...

I really love him, and everything about him fascinates me.


If these days hinder her life plans, Ivana will still make the right choice.

At least, she thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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