I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 463 New Ideas

Chapter 463 New Ideas
A phone call from Stan Lee disrupted all the arrangements Li Zhenyu had made before coming to the country.

Therefore, the matter of going to MGM to declare sovereignty was put on hold.

Now, Li Zhenyu has time, but Kevin, the chairman of the board of directors, is in France. MGM needs to regain its market share and important cooperation channels in Europe.

Some partners require a big shot like Kevin to negotiate.

Therefore, the time for convening the board of directors has been postponed again.

"The latest box office of the film has reached US$11.7 billion, and it may eventually break the US$12 billion figure."

Mentioning the achievements of "007: Skyfall", as CEO Stephen Cooper, every cell in his body is cheering.

This is the best news he has heard since he became CEO of MGM.

"This is just the first step. Thanks to the success of the film, the company plans to launch the next one as soon as possible. Do you have any suggestions for the script?

Lee, I have to say here that you are the golden boy of MGM. I seem to have seen the glorious scene of MGM returning to its peak. "

Compared to Stephen Cooper's excitement, Li Zhenyu seemed very calm.

Because just after the success of this film, the sequel "Spectre" was released again and was as disgusting as shit.

And he did not receive any reward that could improve the situation.

In fact, while everyone was cheering and celebrating, Li Zhenyu was already seriously considering whether subsequent creations should be completed by himself.

Among his many awards, [Creative Talent] gave him the possibility to complete the script independently.

The "enlightenment" of many films is his confidence. A thorough understanding of the essence of those films should be enough to support him in writing a good script.

With the success of his career and the improvement of his status, Li Zhenyu also developed new confidence.

He believed that he had the ability to complete this script creation.

It's just that I still lack a little inspiration.

'Conflict, innovation, all the villains in the original plot have lower IQs, and walking on the rooftop is a stupid design. '

'The widow's one-night fling...this is what it needs to be, and no amount of complaining can change it.

People are always unwilling to face the dark side of their hearts, but when temptation appears in front of them, they never refuse.

However, some foreshadowing must be added to the fight scene between the two. When they meet, they ask what they are doing. The physical fight for no reason loses its due soul.

If you really want to watch this kind of thing, just open the browser, why bother going to the cinema to waste money. '

'The most important thing is...as the final chapter of the four films, the reason for the villain is actually the lack of father's love when he was young? ? ? '

Li Zhenyu held his forehead and pinched his temples uncomfortably, "I really can't think of this reason without cerebral thrombosis in ten years."

Why call it Specter? Why not call it 007: The Battle of Brokeback Mountain?

There is also no explanation of the purpose of Spectre's control of the world at all in the play. The whole plot is like a farce caused by naughty children who are jealous due to their preference.

Damn it, a big-time agent like 007 only got rid of an enlarged version of a naughty kid.
He is still a good-for-nothing naughty kid who has a lot of money but doesn't use it. He has done everything in the world but is unwilling to kill him. This slowly developing love is really too crude. '

Li Zhenyu can definitely say that all the inspiration for Specter comes from the previous generation "Skyfall".

One lacks maternal love, and the other lacks father's love.

It's just that the object is changed from Mrs. M to 007 itself, and finally all the plots and characteristic elements of the old version of 007 are added into it.

What is formed is "Spectre", such a fusion monster with four different characteristics.

It makes people feel awkward no matter how they look at it, and it also makes people feel disgusting as if they are being force-fed with shit.

The fighting was too weak, so Li Zhenyu decided to hire a new martial arts instructor. At the beginning of the Mexican Day of the Dead, this wool still had to be gathered.It is said that the original script was originally funded by the Mexican government. Now that the film is released in advance, there is a question whether Xiao Mo will come to the door.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t come, we’ll just take the initiative to do door-to-door sales.

The choice of the widow was a problem. Qiu Hua had already appeared in the previous drama and her acting skills were well received.

Li Zhenyu felt that if she could continue to act, then the role of the widow would have to be recast.

Oh, by the way, the tool man at the beginning is not amazing enough.

Even though he was just a tool that brought him in and appeared for only a few seconds, he should at least show his Latino charm.

Either it's a pure act of coquettishness, or it's a shameless attitude that's completely in line with the country's national conditions and it doesn't matter who you are.

Weapons must also be improved, and new weapons should be added to give the audience a sense of spiritual satisfaction unique to 0007.

That kind of feeling, holy shit, it's 007, it's just hanging, it's been a long time since I've seen it.

The car and vehicle chase scenes also need to be strengthened. The feeling of powerlessness when showing the new car in the secret underground base is, to be honest, too disappointing.

That's 007, not a racing gang on the underground streets of Tokyo.

'style?It only takes 60 seconds to accelerate from a standing start to 3.2 mph. The whole car is bulletproof. How can this old-school introduction be considered?

Never use sentiment as a selling point, especially after this sentiment has been used many times.

The biggest selling point of the 007 series is that it is cool, chic and romantic. It can easily solve the world's major crises while ensuring that the hairstyle is not messy.

If even this selling point is lost, what value does this series have?

Thinking that there were so many problems to solve, Li Zhenyu started to have a headache again.

"Li, are you okay?"

After expressing his inner excitement, Stephen Cooper finally discovered that something was wrong with him.

The frown made his heart skip a beat.

"I will prepare the script again. In addition, find a time for me and Sam to talk in person. Also, give me a list of martial arts instructors."

"Okay, do you want to change?"

Stephen Cooper is a little worried. In his opinion, since it has achieved good results, the original cast should be used to ensure a strong box office success.

In this way, even if the film fails in the end, the results of the previous film will still be there.

At least it can fool a large number of movie fans into going to the theater and willingly taking out the money in their wallets to pay for their 'expectations'.

With this guarantee, you should have no problem getting your money back.


Li Zhenyu looked at him very seriously, "No matter what happened to MGM in the past, since I took over, MGM will not make bad movies."

Stephen Cooper's expression was particularly serious, thinking that he couldn't be a damn idealistic artist, right?

If this is the case, he is leading MGM to commit suicide slowly.

As everyone knows, the 'bad movies' Li Zhenyu refers to are banknotes.

Anything that doesn't make money is collectively called a "bad movie" for him. '

(End of this chapter)

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