Chapter 453
New York, Grand Central Station.

Wearing a $2000 custom-made suit, his hair smooth and shiny with pomade, and carrying a briefcase, Dole, who looks like a successful person, is walking anxiously.

From the fact that he frequently raised his left hand and stared at the watch above to see the time, we could guess who he was waiting for.

And, this person is very important to him.

"Mom, it's been 10 minutes."

Dole kicked the air with some anger, venting his dissatisfaction fiercely, without any composure and stability of a successful person.

Snap, a hand was put on his shoulder from behind. Dole, who was nervous, overreacted and jumped around with his hands in random directions.

"Who is it? Fake, don't touch me."

Charlie, who wanted to surprise him, was frightened by his performance.

"Hi, Dole, it's me, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, God...Charlie, I'm sorry, I was a little nervous. Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm okay...what about you?"

Charlie had never seen him as nervous as he was now. It was because of work, "What trouble have you caused?"

This is the only thing that makes him so nervous.

And his strange behavior, Central Station, they haven't been here in how many years.

Whenever they travel, they always drive a station wagon or find someone to take them to the airport.

He hated taking the train at the Central Station, which was a waste of time.

"Don't worry about this for now, okay? Charlie, I promise you, I will tell you everything after I leave..."

"Okay, time is running out, we have to get in the car quickly."

Out of trust over the years, despite having countless questions in her heart, Xia Li followed.

At the same time, she did not realize what Dole meant by 'leaving'.

After safely boarding the train to Florida, Dole, who was tense all over, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank God, he finally caught up.

Looking at the couple opposite, they were dressed casually and had large luggage on them, clearly they were travelers on a long-distance trip.



The two parties nodded and said hello. Dole put the briefcase in his hand at his feet, untied his tie and asked: "Charlie, have you brought water?"

"Sorry, you were so nervous on the phone that I didn't have time to bring anything."

"It's okay, the conductor will be here later."

At this moment, the lady sitting opposite took out an unopened bottle of water and said, "Here it is, it's new. If you don't mind, drink it first!"

Dole wanted to refuse, but his voice was so hot due to nervousness and anxiety that he couldn't refuse.

He nodded gratefully, unscrewed the cap and filled half of the bottle.

Dole, who was almost suffocating, sighed happily: "Ah~ thank you so much."

Passing the water to Charlie next to him, Dole chatted with the couple opposite. The two of them were also very friendly and talkative. The relaxed atmosphere made Dole a little forgetful.

Until Charlie, who was next to her, leaned against the window edge and murmured: "Dole, I'm a little sleepy..."

Dole said with concern: "Honey, you're just too nervous, go to sleep first!"

But then, Dole found that his vision was blurred and his head felt dizzy.

'Damn, I got hit. '

He turned to look at the couple opposite, his kind smile full of meaning, as if foreshadowing some kind of terrible ending.

When Dole woke up again, he had already got off the train and returned to New York.

At this time, they were sitting in a car and driving to the other side of the bridge. "Who are you? What are you doing? Do you know who I am?"

The cold-faced man driving the car said nothing. The car turned left at the end of the car and stopped along the empty river in front of an old warehouse.

"Damn, damn, let me go, don't touch me, Fake..."

During the struggle, Dole was dragged into the door by two white men who came out of the warehouse.Follow the car and set off again, driving along the river to an unknown destination.

"Where are you taking her, hey, where are you taking her, you bastards, this is a bad country, you can't do this to me."

"Don't get excited, Mr. Dole."

In the dead silent and empty warehouse, his voice was finally no longer the only one. Dole took a big breath of air and looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

"Pike, I think Mr. Dole should have heard of this name."

Pike walked forward with a smile and faced him face to face, "Yes, yes, iron-fisted president, chief instructor, Pike."

Dole swallowed and tried to appear as strong as possible.

He's Dole, Washington's top lobbyist.

No matter how top lobbyists are, they can only live in the shadows, because once they are exposed to the sun, they will become worthless.

Those big shots will also be eager to get rid of them to avoid getting themselves covered in shit.

Chamber pots have been like this since ancient times.

Thinking of the rumors about the other party, Dole's calves couldn't help but tremble.

Iron Fist, a security company that has just been established for one year.

But he became famous in New York. As soon as he opened the door, he cleaned up the four streets near him and drove out all the gangs.

A huge searchlight is set up on River Street, and the bright day can be seen across the Hudson River at night.

And the M134 that was covered with camouflage cloth and mounted on the roof was even more daunting to everyone.

Who knows how they persuaded the regulatory authorities to put this kind of battlefield meat grinder on the roof.

Even if it is covered with a layer of camouflage cloth, it will not affect the deterrence and terrifying lethality it brings.

Some people always say that the M134 has fallen behind and is gradually being banned and eliminated.

But in fact, the development of the M134 has expanded to the navy, land and air forces, and it can be seen in aircraft, kayaks, warships, air defense and armored vehicles.

Mold Army sometimes has a brain twitch and makes some crazy moves, but it is definitely not a fool.

With multiple modules, arbitrarily modified, versatile and stable weapons of mass destruction, is it possible to just leave it alone without thinking?
"Mr. Dole, I think the rumors outside have made you misunderstand something."

"Those Dominican gang members who were kicked out of their territory didn't feel that way."

And the prison business they're getting into, these guys have reached out to the most dangerous places.

You know, this is the scariest place.

There is nothing simple that can put your hand on this plate.

Dole doesn't worry about superficial means. Gentlemen will always follow the rules. He can make gentlemen play around like a monkey in a circus.

But the thugs...

No one knows whether these lunatics will suddenly pull out their guns, piu~
It's all over.

"Okay, let him go."

Letting go of his men, Pike put his arm around Dole's shoulders and walked into the house together despite his difficult overcoming.

"Come on, let's talk and resolve our misunderstandings."

“…If it’s just to talk, I’m happy.”

Pike laughed happily, patted him on the back and said, "Yeah, just talk."

Knowing that Parker had found Dole, Li Zhenyu decided to leave for New York one day in advance.

He had to talk to the other person in person and ask him to clean up the shit he had done.

He didn't want to lose the excellent asset of Sanxin Property, nor did he want others to steal his worth out of thin air.

Even on paper, it can be off-putting.

Li Zhenyu felt very unhappy now, especially when he thought of Li Zaiyong shaking the wine glass and proudly tasting the sweet fruit taken from his hand.


When he thought of this, Li Zhenyu couldn't help but swing hard until he made a hole in one.

(End of this chapter)

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