I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 437 Drunkenness

Chapter 437 Drunkenness
Han Jiaren decided to star in "Star You", which made Yu Ge a little embarrassed.

After all, all of Cheon Song Yi in his mind is Jun Ji Hyun.

But when I look back and think about it, there is actually no difference. No one else has seen the character "Cheon Song Yi" before!

When performing, people will only be impressed when they see her. Before she shows her face, she is whoever you say she is!

What's more, Jun Ji Hyun has already taken the bait.

The one in front of me is still fresh, so you have to try something new to enjoy it, right?

"I have people draw up contracts, and so on."

After ordering the secretary to draft a contract, Li Zhenyu walked to the bar in the corner, and when he came back, he held two square cups in his hand, the amber liquid glistened in the sunlight.

"I think you need this more now."

Handing her the glass filled with ice cubes, Li Zhenyu raised his head and sipped his mouth with a smile: "I heard from Sun Yizhen that you have encountered difficulties in life?"

Han Jiaren's face was embarrassed, she would not talk about such things casually with outsiders.

"Don't get me wrong, she didn't say anything specific. If you want help, just ask."

"...Thank you, President, I think..."

Han Jiaren instinctively wanted to refuse, but when she was about to speak, she swallowed it back.

"I want to ask, is there any shortage of male actors in this drama?"

At this time, Han Jiaren was still worried about her husband at home and wanted to find a new contract for him.

Yan Zhengxun's family background is not simple. His father was an actor in the last century. The family started out in herbal medicine, and later opened a theater, which happened to be in the middle of the real estate industry.

Nowadays, he should be worth tens of billions.

Among ordinary people, he can be regarded as the heir of a small 'chaebol'.

However, this did not pave the way for his acting career. Yan Zhengxun, who debuted many years before his wife, is still tepid until now.

There is only one title that is remembered the most by the people: the guy who married Han Jiaren.

Yan Zhengxun himself also wants to know why every time there is a variety show or interview, a clause must be added to the contract: to interact with his wife online.

As a man, who knows how much this incident hit him.

Yes, it is difficult for Han Jiaren to understand.

From her perspective, for the sake of family harmony, she still has to show her face even though she has retired.

Lend your fame to your husband, create more topics and traffic for him, and clearly fulfill the obligations of a good wife.

But what I got was ignorance and quarrels, and the love disappeared bit by bit amidst the noise of these seemingly trivial things.

From the standpoint of a bystander, neither of them seems to be wrong.

But the distance between each other is gradually drifting away in the "normal", and the passion of the past has become numb.

This time, I want to find a role for Yeon Jung-hoon because Han Jiaren suddenly thought that the relationship between the two was born in the play.

If you could 'go back' to the past, you might be able to rekindle the passion of the past.

But how could Li Zhenyu let this happen to him?

"Sorry, except for Qian Songyi, all other roles have been decided."

Li Zhenyu expressed regret to her that he might not have the chance to cooperate with Yan Zhengxun this time and let the two of them share the same stage to continue their relationship.

"However, there are still a lot of actors missing for another drama the company plans to film."

Hearing what he said, Han Jiaren asked in surprise, "Really? Our family... Ouba's acting skills are very good. You will know it after you have seen it. You will not be disappointed."


Li Zhenyu smiled slightly and said, "Of course I believe in your vision, beauty."

The intimate address made Han Jiaren feel a little uncomfortable, and two blushes appeared on her cheeks.

Li Zhenyu pretended to be thinking, lowered his head, rubbed his chin, looked at her again and said, "Well, for your sake, let him go to the crew to audition tomorrow afternoon, and I will send you the address."

"Thank you, President, thank you very much."

Hearing such good news, Han Jiaren ignored her shyness and quickly got up and bowed to him in thanks.

The spacious stacked collar hangs down in a circular arc, revealing a piece of delicate snow-white skin.

Li Zhenyu turned his head away in a very gentlemanly manner, put his hand to his mouth and cleared his throat: "Cough, um."

Seeing his pretentious performance, Han Jiaren was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head and realized that she was gone, and hurriedly covered her neckline with her hands and sat down in embarrassment.

The impression of Li Zhenyu in my heart has also changed greatly, he is not as bad as the rumors say.

From my point of view, it is clear that some people are jealous of his achievements and talents and deliberately fabricated these rumors to tarnish his image.

Thinking of this, Han Jiaren looked at Li Zhenyu with a little admiration.

After all, his achievements are enough to make others admire... and even worship him.

As a little girl, Han Jiaren felt admiration towards him right now.

And, with deep curiosity.

How can a person be as perfect as he is, so successful in whatever he does.

"Boss, the contract you want."

When the secretary delivered the contract, the whiskey in Han Jiaren's glass was already empty.

"Girl, take a look. You can ask any questions you have, and we'll discuss them on the spot."

Li Zhenyu pushed the contract in front of her, and the secretary filled the wine glasses for the two of them again.

This time, there are fewer ice cubes than last time, and the proportion of whiskey is a little more.

It's just that Han Jiaren has lost her correct judgment and vigilance under the numbness of her sense of taste and perception.

While reading the terms in the contract, he unconsciously picked up the wine glass and brought it to his mouth.

After confirming that all the terms and conditions were correct, Han Jia realized that he seemed to have drunk too much.

"I'm sorry, President, I seem to have drunk too much."

"It's okay, I'll ask the secretary to take you back later. If there are still doubts about the contract, you can take it back to read and sign it."

This kind of trust and honesty moved Han Jiaren very much: "No need, there is no problem with the contract, I can sign it now."

After signing the contract, Li Zhenyu smiled and toasted to celebrate, but then put down the cup again.

"Look at me, I forgot that you are too strong to drink, beautiful lady."

"I'll do it myself, Gudong... wait a minute, I'll ask the secretary to take you back."

After gulping it down, Li Zhenyu pressed the inside line to order: "Secretary Xia, arrange a car to take the beauty home."


After finishing all this, Li Zhenyu returned to the sofa, but this time he did not choose to sit opposite Han Jiaren, but sat next to her.

"Just a moment, the car will be ready."

"Yes, President, thank you very much."

Drunk, Han Jiaren's gaze became heavier, his head became heavy, and his body became precarious.

Han Jiaren's figure became unstable, and Han Jiaren fell to the side. Li Zhenyu hurriedly supported her on his shoulder with his hand, and asked concerned: "Jiaren, are you alright?"

"No, it's fine, can we go, President?"


She got into the car in a daze, and got out of the car in a daze, until someone whispered in her ear, "Han Jiarenxi, you've arrived home."

(End of this chapter)

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