I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 423 Pink Temptation

Chapter 423 Pink Temptation

As soon as he entered the door, Xiu Mei, who was swinging in the garden, rushed towards him.


Catching Xiumei, hugging her around, Li Zhenyu put her down and said with a smile, "You're a big girl, why are you so frizzy?"

The two girls are nutritious, and they follow their mother to do various stretching exercises every day.

Coupled with the majestic grandeur inherited from the ancestors, the figure is really explosive, so one should be careful at such an age.

"No, no matter how old you are, you are still a little girl in front of Oppa."


Rubbing her head, Li Zhenyu walked into the house, "Where are my sister and Nuna?"

"I'm cooking, and I said I'm going to prepare a big meal for Oppa...they also help, but I'm tired and take a rest."

"Really, our beauty is the best."

Taking a ride back to the company by himself, Li Keke sorted out his mood downstairs, and walked into the door in good spirits.

"Secretary Li, congratulations."

"Ah...thank you."

Before Ke Ke could report back to the Secretary's Office, the news about her passing the inspection had already spread.

Presumably, he called to report just now, and someone from the secretary's office spread the news.

When Li Keke returned to the secretary's office, he stepped into the door with one leg, and crisp applause followed.

Colleagues stood up and applauded her with smiles on their faces, and sent their sincere blessings.

From today, Li Keke is one of the closest people to the boss.

It seems that the authority is not as good as before, but the actual influence is far beyond what the secretary can compare.

Since ancient times, pillow wind has been the best and most influential language.

"Thank you everyone. I'll report to Secretary Xia first. If I'm free tonight, I'll treat everyone to a drink."


Amidst the cheers, Li Keke walked towards the president's office in high spirits.

Before seeing Xia Zhuxi, the phone rang suddenly: "Hello, this is Li Keke..."

"Secretary Li, congratulations, I am Lu PD from SBS, and I would like to ask you to meet tonight..."

Just declined the other party's invitation, hung up the phone, and the ringtone rang again.

Looking at Xia Zhuxi who was smiling playfully in the seat in front, Li Keke nodded apologetically and turned to answer the phone.


The shadows of the cups intertwined, Li Zhenyu looked at the three women in front of him, and felt the atmosphere of home during the Spring Festival.

With a lover and a family, the wandering heart will also settle down.

"Xiumei, eat more."

Li Zhenyu finished talking to Xiumei on the left, then looked at Xiuli on the right: "You too."

Seeing his concern for his younger sisters, Lin Shiling smiled softly: "I didn't know before that you have such a good relationship with your younger sisters, which is really enviable."

"I believe what others say."

The relationship between Lin Shiling and her younger sister is truly strange among chaebols.

Although there are occasional quarrels and disputes, such trivial matters are already considered unusual in the chaebol family.

"How about working from home?"

Lin Shiling invested all the 1000 billion yuan in divorce compensation into the family business.

This bought her corresponding shares and rights, but if she wants to exercise this right, it depends on Lin Shiling's ability and personal charm.

Today's Elephant is developing very well, with a large amount of cash input, which has allowed the company to completely break free from the quagmire of the financial crisis.

It can be said that it is the first batch of industry giants to get out of the predicament and take the lead in actively expanding in the crisis.

The name of elephant is becoming more and more famous in the non-staple food seasoning industry.

Compared with this, the chaebols are more envious of the elephant Lin's family who gave birth to a good daughter.

First, he was tied to Li's family in Sanxin, and then he was tied to Li from Quanzhou.

Lee, the double king of South Korea, let their family occupy all of them.

"People say now that I am Zhang Lvshui."

Zhang Lushui, the favorite concubine of the South Korean tyrant Yanshan Jun, has the same status as Daji in South Korean history.

A demon concubine who confuses the crowd with demonic words and confuses the king and destroys the country and society.

"Then I have become Lord Yanshan."

If you can really become the emperor, you will be the emperor on the first day, and I will directly become the emperor on the second day.

It's okay to be a sage, how tired!

Lin Shiling laughed out loud on the spot, and Xiuli also lowered her head, shrugging her shoulders to suppress her laughter.

Only Xiumei said excitedly: "Ouba, can I be a savage princess, bully whoever I want, and do whatever I want?"

Lin Shiling laughed dumbfounded, and interjected, "You can do it now."

"Where is..."

Xiumei looked disappointed, she peeked at Li Zhenyu out of the corner of her eye, and murmured softly, "I don't even have a trolley, and I obviously promised him."


With a slap on the forehead, Li Zhenyu laughed and said, "So you did it for this. I almost forgot. I'll call and ask now."

The Ferrari selected for Xiumei should indeed arrive.

This year, Ferrari launched a new generation of entry-level V8 supercars at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September.

Ferrari 458, 4.5L, V8 engine, banned the family status of the F430, which had received mixed reviews.

It is precisely such a new entry-level supercar that Li Zhenyu customized for Xiumei.

The paint and interior are also custom-made.

The exterior is pink, and the interior is classic Ferrari red. The hard top convertible retains the sense of line that the family should have, and the three exhausts in the middle make it maintain the high profile it deserves.

This newly arrived Ferrari is now parked in the 4S store for final debugging.

"When can I pick up the car?"

"Up to three days, it depends on the work progress of the 4S shop."

Li Zhenyu put his phone on the table, looked at Xiumei and smiled, "You heard me, three days at most."

"Dafa, it's great."

Xiumei excitedly raised her hands high, circling in circles to celebrate her upcoming new car.

What girl can't love the new pink Ferrari supercar?

"You really dote on her."

Lin Shiling put the peeled lobster on his plate and whispered in his ear, "Isn't it too high-profile at school?"

It is not uncommon to drive a supercar to school, but it is a private college supported or directly operated by the family.

A national university like Seoul National University that is too high-profile will only be hostile, suppressed and excluded.

"It's okay, we can open it when we are on vacation."

"Actually, why not let her go to Korea University, isn't that sponsored by the National Pension?"

Externally, it is sponsored by the National Pension, but Korea Central University has always been controlled by the Lee family.

Li Qiu, and more than half of the members of the Li family, all graduated from this university.

Even the National Pension, and the enterprises it invests in, the central department also accounts for half of the country.

This is very similar to the Chengjun department within Sanxin, which is also the cradle of education supported by chaebols, and solves the problem of talent shortage from the root.

"This is a family decision. I think it may be because the graduation certificate of Seoul University is more valuable."

In addition, the National Pension has been sponsoring the Ministry of Education over the years, and Seoul University’s allocation includes its money.

With this little affection, it is not difficult to take more care of Xiumei.

Otherwise, how could she get the admission notice from Seoul University so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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