I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 414 If you want to get it, you have to lose it first

Chapter 414 If you want to get it, you have to lose it first

Shuanglong, this brand Li Zhenyu does not intend to throw away, the feelings are still worth some money.

But if you want to go to the world stage, it is not very suitable.

Therefore, Ssangyong will launch two new brands under its umbrella, the Flying Dragon for petrol vehicles and the Thunder Dragon for electric vehicles.

The logo of the Flying Dragon car is a western dragon with spread wings.

The brontosaurus logo is a bolt of lightning with an abstract dragon shape.

This proposal was unanimously passed at the latest council meeting.

The Shuanglong labor union has existed in name only, and it no longer lives up to its former glory.

Li Zhenyu holds 48.9% of the shares on behalf of him, and has the right to Yilong, a loyal watchdog.

The council has long been reduced to his monopoly.

How rebellious Shuanglong used to be, how obedient he is now.

"The construction of the new factory area must meet the standards, and I have to personally go through the final inspection and acceptance."

For such a large project, there is too much oil and water in it.

Li Zhenyu can understand after dipping his hands in a little bit of oil. The people below also want to eat.

But if someone plucks their hair too much, they have to hide a piece of fat, or focus on quality and standards.

Probably depressed and contemplating suicide.

Turning around the factory area, the wire laying out has been completed and the trench is being dug.

The project is still handed over to Shuanglong Construction, and he, the major shareholder, is also an important Party A of the company.

The projects he received alone are enough to support a Shuanglong Construction.

After visiting the construction site, Li Zhenyu went to the project department again.

He has read the drawings after they came out, but the specific construction will be changed.

Now, there are two major changes.

After finalizing it, we still have to wait for the person in charge of the design to call.

Li Zhenyu is not a panacea, these things also need to listen to the opinions of professionals.

In the afternoon, reach Gulfstream and return to Seoul.

Li Zhenyu returned home on a rare trip, and the door on the right that was opening the door suddenly opened.

The couple who had met several times appeared outside the door, and nodded politely when they saw him.

Judging by the man's appearance, he was carrying a briefcase as if he was going to go to work.

The woman wore an apron, but she still couldn't hide her proud figure.

There were faint wrinkles between the eyebrows, as if hiding some distress, Li Zhenyu responded politely and entered the room.

Seeing the disappearing figure of the other party, the man with the briefcase turned his gaze downstairs.

Sure enough, there was an extra pink monster in the parking lot downstairs.

"It's really enviable!"

This neighbor who moved in next door has always been a mysterious existence.

Everyone only knows that he is very rich, and every time he comes, he comes back with a different car, all of which are imported.

It has a close relationship with the next door, the beautiful representative who lives with orphans and widowed mothers.

I don't come here often, and I've only met him a few times since I moved here, so this must be his temporary residence.

"If only he would help us."

Hearing the man's words, the woman's complexion changed suddenly, she lowered her head and pretended not to hear.

But in the past, the man who always left in a hurry to catch the subway has become extremely verbose today.

"You said, [-] million is nothing to a person like him?"

"Wow, this world is really unfair!"

"When will we be able to live a life like this."

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

The woman couldn't help but raised her head and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"If possible, can you help me get rid of him? It's better for a woman to communicate with this kind of thing..."

"...do you know what you're talking about?"

The woman couldn't believe that such words would come out of his mouth.

Money from the rich is so easy to borrow.

Everything comes with a price, and they have long since lost any.

In fact, it's not that they have a price to pay, it's just that women really don't want to think about this price.

"We have no way out..."

The man lowered his head and said silently: "If you don't solve it, you will be kicked out of the house next week.

I don't want you to follow me and live on the streets..."

Laughing at himself, the man turned around and left quietly, leaving only the woman with mixed emotions in her heart.


The elevator opened, the figure of the man disappeared inside the door, and the woman's eyes turned to the closed door beside her.

in case……

The house was cleaned very clean, and there were fresh water and ingredients in the refrigerator.

Although she doesn't come a few times a year, Yin Huina habitually prepares everything.

After taking a shower, Li Zhenyu turned on the TV, went to the kitchen and got a can of beer to enjoy his personal time.

Ding Dong!

'Who's coming this time, is it Auntie? '

Opening the door with curiosity, Li Zhenyu saw the beautiful woman whom he had met just now.

The apron on the chest was taken off, and the top was replaced with a slim sweater. The mountains and mountains were steep.

"Well, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

"I have something to ask you, can I go in and talk?"

The beautiful woman looked around worriedly, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

Asking her to come in, Li Zhenyu closed the door and went to the kitchen to get water for her.

"Is ice water okay?"

"Nei, thank you."

Standing up and bowing cautiously, he sat down again under the comfort of Li Zhenyu's smile.

Sitting down opposite her, Li Zhenyu took the initiative to ask her why she came.

The beautiful woman was in every possible way, but she finally gritted her teeth and said, "I'm really sorry, but can you lend me some money?"


What kind of operation is it to borrow money from neighbors who are only nodding acquaintances.

The beautiful woman also knew that her request was too sudden, so she told her situation slowly.

Due to the economic downturn, the husband chose to start a business with his relatives in his spare time.

But unexpectedly, he was deceived by his friends for many years and suffered heavy losses. The house mortgaged to the bank was about to be lost.

I planned to quit the job, but I worked hard to do it, and I could only find a part-time job when I was preparing to conceive at home.

But even so, it is still a drop in the bucket compared to the debts.

Next week, they will be evicted from their homes if they fail to make their loan repayments.

Speaking of the woman in the emotional part, she knelt down in front of her with tears in her eyes.

"Please help us, please."

Li Zhenyu was speechless for a while, and looked at the other party in silence.

What happened to the other party sounds pitiful, but there are many people in the world who are more pitiful than her.

At least, she lives in Seoul, owns a pretty good house, and has enjoyed the taste of happiness.

There is a person who has never seen the scenery of a big city in his life, and one day his young life is suddenly taken away by accident.

Or, after working hard for a lifetime, a small town that was about to change its fate suddenly became terminally ill.

With only a few months left in his life, all his hard work has been reduced to a joke, and finally faded away.

Isn't this pitiful, no more worthy of sympathy than her.

But can anyone change all that?

No, the reason why human beings are human is precisely because human resources are limited.

Li Zhenyu is a human being, not a god.

What's more, good without cost can only breed terrible evil.

"What can you give?"

As an adult, you should understand the principle of 'you have to lose first if you want to get it'.

(End of this chapter)

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