I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 351: The gay country! ?

Chapter 351: The gay country! ?
"Lee, Peter Jackson...our Peter the Great."

In a joking tone, Stephen introduced him to this well-known director who rose like a comet and gained a place in Hollywood.

"Stephen, stop making fun of me."

Peter waved his hand modestly, and took the initiative to hold his hand with his shoulders slightly forward: "Li, please call me Peter. I have read the script you wrote. It is really a wonderful creation."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, I like it, but..."

Some people said, but it was all nonsense before, and Li Zhenyu was deeply touched by this.

"If the timeline can be extended for a while, the story will be fuller."

"That's not plump, Peter, it's hollow and dull, and a bad decision that will ruin the hobbit."

The smile on Peter Jackson's face was gloomy and dissatisfied, and he looked at him with a bit of displeasure from the superior.

"Cough cough~"

Stephen put his fist to his mouth and coughed hard a few times to remind him.

Here he is not Peter the Great, just Peter.

And in front of him is Zhenyu Li, who represents MGM, a big man with huge capital and energy in his hands.

In his eyes, the difference between the so-called Peter the Great and an ant.

Probably, he can create more value than ants.

"Ah~ I almost forgot, we still have interviews to do."

Peter quickly lowered his head, blinking quickly to hide his true emotions.

When he raised his head again, his face was already full of smiles, as if the previous dissatisfaction and displeasure had never appeared.

"Li, please go first."

Li Zhenyu still maintained a warm smile, "Today, you are the protagonist, and I am just a guest here to join in the fun."

"Li, don't be humble, Peter will worry if you do this again."

Stephen put his arms around the shoulders of the two, smoothing things over enthusiastically.

Although everything seemed fine in front of him, he always felt that things would not pass so easily.

Two rooms apart, there is a long table, a few chairs, a standby camera and a large open space in front of it, this is the interview site.

There is only one protagonist today, Peter Jackson.

On the middlemost position is his name tag, which belongs to him.

Li Zhenyu's position is on his left, which should have belonged to the assistant director's position, but now it's his.

Anyway, whether it was him or the assistant director, they were all here to serve as the background board.

But when the three of them entered the room chatting and laughing, and when they came to the table, Li Zhenyu suddenly picked up his name tag and twirled it at his fingertips.

"Why do these signs look so intrusive?"

With a jump in his heart, Stephen asked, “Is there anything wrong, Lee?”

His eyes jumped back and forth on several famous brands, and Li Zhenyu suddenly realized: "Ah, I understand."

He suddenly put the name tag behind his own name tag as he turned his fingertips, and then put his name tag back on the empty space.

In this way, his and Peter's positions are reversed.

After finishing these, Li Zhenyu took a few steps back and nodded with a satisfied smile: "This way, it looks much more pleasing to the eye, what do you think, Peter?"

Want to ask Peter Jackson how he feels now?

He felt humiliated, more humiliated than he had ever been since he became famous.

No one can do that to himself, but Peter, Peter Jackson, Peter the Great.

However, the man in front of him is in charge of the entire MGM.

The Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China is never just a simple title.

It was a symbol of power, the symbol of the Seven Kings of Hollywood, where no one could defy their will.

Peter knew that this was a response to his rudeness just now.

On the surface, it seems that they don't care, and they will find an opportunity to save face in private, and teach the other party a lesson in public.

This is very American.

Resisting all the emotions in his heart, Peter spread his hands and pretended to be relaxed: "Of course, you are the boss, you have the final say."

After staring at him for a few seconds, Li Zhenyu laughed again, "I'm just kidding, Peter, today you are the protagonist."

Swapping the nameplate again, Li Zhenyu sat on the side.

But his goal has been achieved, and now, Peter already understands who is the boss.

Here, only one person can speak loudly.

Obviously, that person is not him.

The interview started off well, and it ended just as well.

Li Zhenyu never said anything, even when Cate Blanchett improvised.

And, after the interview, he asked his secretary to cancel the evening.

It's not that she's not good enough, it's just that she didn't grow in Brother Yu's aesthetics.

Therefore, there is no need to meet at night.

"Hi, Martin...are you free now, I want to meet you now."

The meeting with Martin was advanced, and the filming plan for "Quanyou" was also perfected in the fierce quarrel between the two.

"Li, you are such a genius."

Martin patted his shoulder vigorously, and Li Zhenyu returned the same greeting.

Then, there was a violent coughing sound: "Ahem, buddy, are you going to kill me?"

"Sorry, I just had a little more strength."

Li Zhenyu said sorry, but there was no apology in his expression, but a teasing smile.

"You're such a jerk, now, buy me another drink."

"Two cups."

The filming plan of "Game of Thrones" is to be placed after "007". If it can be a big success, everything will go according to plan.

If it were the other way around, "007" would hit the box office.

Then he can only solve the filming and funding problems of "Quanyou" on his own, although this is not a problem for him.

Distribution channels and operations are available, and I want to achieve the level of MGM.

10 years? 20 years? !

Even if a lot of money is poured down, it will take at least five or six years.

There is also a prerequisite for this. My country's father thinks he is reliable.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to hand over one's strongest cultural invasion weapon to an outsider.

Although more than ten years later, this so-called 'weapon' has become riddled with holes.

But that was ten years later, not now...

"Li, are you really confident to shoot it well?"

After a few glasses of wine, Martin became very drunk, and he grabbed his beard soaked in alcohol and stroked it down vigorously, pat, pat...

Li Zhenyu looked at this interesting scene and said, "Martin, yes, I have confidence, my friend. Believe me, it will not disappoint you."

"I believe in you, of course I do. I have given you my most precious thing."

"Hei, don't say that, I don't want to be regarded as a gay."

"Haha, Lee."

Martin pressed his shoulders, laughing like he was about to die out of breath.

Until he realized that his heart couldn't bear it, he pressed his chest hard to control his emotions: "Oh, God, I almost died laughing.

Li, you are really humorous.However, if you are gay, you must be gay, as famous as Miss Mildew. "

Damn gay, that damn title is disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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