I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 341 Stan Lee

Chapter 341 Stan Lee

For many days in a row, Ivan was thoroughly fed.

Those little daughter-like sentimentality were also selectively forgotten by her.

As Lee said, enjoying the moment is the key.

Maybe one day they will be separated, but that doesn't mean the memories of the past aren't good.

With all this, isn't it enough?
Beverly Hills, MGM held a press conference.

The crew of "007: Skyfall" officially met with the media and the public.

When a reporter mentioned, "Bernice Marlo said she was racially abused in an interview".

Sam Mendes said very clearly, "This is a despicable slur, and there are many actors who are eliminated in the audition now, like to play the race card.

Some producers, directors would be horrified by this, but I wouldn't... Besides, the winner is Monica Bellucci, what's the problem? "

Sam Mendes' sarcasm remained on the surface, "Although they are all vases, what is Benanis Marlo compared to Monica Bellucci?" '


The reporters present laughed out loud, and that was exactly the case.

Compared with a so-called foreign supermodel, they are more looking forward to the performance of 'Ball Flower' in the film.

You know, Monica Bellucci has always been 'rich and generous,' her motto is to dedicate herself to art.

Backstage, accompanied by his secretary, Li Zhenyu listened to the questions on the spot.

Zhao Xianzhu hesitated for a few seconds and asked, "Boss, I need to remind Director Sam..."

"Reminder of what?"

Li Zhenyu smiled lightly, and said: "Xianzhu, this is not something you should care about, just do your own job."

"Inside." Zhao Xianzhu lowered his head.

Li Zhenyu understood what she meant, Monica Bellucci had a dewy relationship with him.

Therefore, the following scenes and pictures should be conservative.

Or specifically told Sam to set a rule of 'no one should approach' in the crew.


This is Hollywood, not South Korea, and he's just trying something new, not marrying a wife.

If you really want to do this, how will you gain a foothold in Hollywood in the future?

At the end of the reception, someone was responsible for giving the reporter a 'gift,' which contained local shopping coupons.

This is Hollywood. Since you are here, you must experience it.

By the way, bring a gift for your family and children.

"Sam, come here."

Calling Sam Mendes to his side, Li Zhenyu chatted with him about his thoughts.

The plot is normally arranged, so you can shoot as you want.

In addition, if he has an excellent script by his side or an independent director wants to start a project, he can call him at any time.

"Is MGM going to get involved?"

Sam Mendes was startled, the giant went off in person, which is not in accordance with the rules.

"No, it's me, not MGM."

"Besides MGM CEO, I have many identities."

MGM's exit in person will naturally attract the joint boycott of other giants.

Especially when she let herself go and turned Snow White into a politically correct Disney.

That's the big money maker behind Harvey, and it's obviously irrational to face Disney, who is in the limelight.

But as an investor, he invests in independent directors and projects.

No one can fault it, he is the parent company of Huanyu Capital, the big boss of Huanyu Investment.

Investing can make money for yourself, optimistic about the project, is there a problem?
"Li, do you want to?"

"I heard Harvey has a red sofa, I prefer white...off-white."

Such an obvious 'hint,' Sam was playing dumb if he didn't understand.

"Understood, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

Sam looked excited, and the hand holding the wine glass was shaking.

Be the next, Harvey Weinstein?

Perhaps, he should set up a new company first. It seems that he is very satisfied with his arrangement this time.

Sam casts his eyes on Monica Bellucci, who is talking with the crew members in the back right.

The charm of this woman cannot be underestimated.

Li Zhenyu, who was wandering around at the opening banquet, suddenly saw a strange and familiar figure.

Is that, Stan Lee?


Stan Lee, who was picking out delicious food with a plate at the cold table, was taken aback.

It's like a little guy who steals food and is caught by an adult.

"Oh my god, don't do that, I don't want another heart attack."

Looking at his receding hairline and the gray temples on both sides, Li Zhenyu smiled and said, "Sorry, man, I just didn't expect to see you here."

"I'm just a small person, I should be the one who said this."

Stan Lee's initiative to show his favor made Li Zhenyu guess his purpose of coming here.

"Spider-Man" 7 years ago and last year's "Iron Man" were all great successes, proving the great potential of these comic characters created by Stan Lee.

Although some unpleasant things happened during the period, such as Stan Lee sent his old club Marvel Comics to court, thinking that the other party violated his interests.

According to the agreement signed with Fantastic Comics, he will receive 10 percent of the company's profits for each character he participates in if it is made into a movie or TV series.

But for "Spider-Man," which grossed as much as $8.2 million at the global box office, he didn't get a penny.

The lawsuit went all the way to the Supreme Court, and he finally got $1000 million in compensation.

But this does not affect the talent and fame of the 'Father of Comics'.

Marvel is still preparing a series of big moves, but there is a problem standing in front of it.

No money!
In 08, Marvel not only launched the hugely successful "Iron Man", but also released the worst bad film "Invincible Hulk" in the history of Marvel in the same year.

This movie caused Marvel to lose about 1 million US dollars. It can be said that all the money earned by "Iron Man" was filled into this deep pit.

The success of manga adaptation is very profitable.

But if it fails, the high-cost investment will only make the company lose everything.

This kind of investment that cannot maintain stability and has a gambling nature is obviously not the style of a large company.

Oh, right.

There are also previous "X-Men", "Blade", "Daredevil", "The Punisher", "Fantastic Four", etc., all of which can only return their capital or lose money.

Because if you want to achieve the effect in the comics, the cost of special effects is really too high.

Therefore, Marvel, which seems to be beautiful, was a tasteless one before it took refuge in its new owner, Disney, and opened the "Marvel Universe".

It looks delicious, but it's unspeakable to eat it.

Why is Marvel able to take back the authorized characters one by one.

It has a lot to do with big investment and high risk.

No one would bet on potential profits with the risk of a company going bankrupt when they were safe.

Of course, there is another saying that in the eyes of conspirators, these are Marvel's tricks.

They are trying to scare everyone away with this kind of failure, so that they can take all the characters back and launch the concept of "Marvel Universe".

Then, start your own way to attract money.

But in the present, in 09, hundreds of millions of dollars are lost for an uncertain future.

It can even interfere with the shooting plans of the seven Hollywood giants, making the other party lose money along with them.

If this is intentional, the Marvel management will probably be neat, and no one left will be sent to the coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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