I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 241 Whereabouts of T-ara

Chapter 241 Whereabouts of T-ara

Girls' Generation, which is in full swing, is about to embark on a third comeback journey.

This time, it will first return to Neon and launch "Oh! "Japanese version single to warm up.

Then he returned to his home country in March and released the official album "Oh! ".

But such an arrangement will result in a three-month gap in the market occupied by Girls' Generation.

Of course, true fans will keep their wallets safe for their sisters, but they will not cut the ready-made leeks.

It's so painful, it's so painful!
"Put T-ara on top, how are the stage preparations going?"

Li Zhenyu decided to advance T-ara's comeback time by one month to the beginning of the year.

"At the beginning, I'm still familiar with the new songs. Fortunately, the lyrics and melody are not difficult. I believe they will be able to complete them soon."

Cheng Yuli's answer was quite satisfactory, and it didn't sound like there was anything wrong.

But Li Zhenyu still called Jin Chengcai to the office after she left.

"Chief Jin, what do you think about splitting up one of the two groups and assigning it to someone else to be responsible?"

"I think it's more conducive to the development of children."

"is it?"

Jin Chengcai didn't seem to say anything, but in fact he said everything.

With the rapid development of the group business, it is obviously difficult for Cheng Yuli to manage two popular girl groups by herself.

At this time, a girl group is separated, which can make her work better.

Whether it is a good thing for her, or for the company and artists.

But people are like this. Once they have power, they even know what choice is the most beneficial and correct.

But because of greed for power, he is still willing to use 'lie' to paralyze himself.

"Then it's up to you to inform Manager Cheng Yuli that T-ara won't need her to take charge in the future."

"Yes, then, who should take over?"

Li Zhenyu thought for two seconds, and said decisively: "The assistant who was temporarily in charge before, Xu..."

"Xu Haiyu's manager."

"Yes, let her take over, and the salary will be promoted to a formal manager."

"Okay, I believe Xu Haiyu's manager will do a good job. After all, they are the children she brought out."

Now that the decision has been made, Jin Chengcai is not afraid to say more.

For such a long time, Xu Haiyu has been in charge of almost all of T-ara's business.

But because of this, the children are unable to compete with Girls' Generation in terms of resources, support and competition in all aspects.

Now, after she has fully taken over, I believe T-ara will have a better development.


Knowing this fact, Li Zhenyu has no intention of holding anyone accountable.

I just told Jin Chengcai that the artist management office can make its own decisions about the artist's development and necessary adjustments in the future.

In the end, just send the report to him.

Li Zhenyu didn't need to think about the root cause of being favored when he was young, but he knew it came from himself.

After all, the degree to which he really cares about his youth is unmatched by all other artists.

This comes from the recognition deep in his heart, as well as the distant memory in his mind.

In the future, he will not let these memories affect the artist's development.

Coming out of the president's office, Jin Chengcai felt like he was dreaming.

I just obtained the right to transfer the company's artists and managers, why does it always feel like a dream.

He raised his hand and slapped himself, and Xia Zhuxi beside him raised his head.

"Sorry, Secretary Xia, there are...mosquitoes."

Xia Zhuxi said nothing, nodded and continued to choose qualified accessories online.

This leather, chain collar looks solid.

It should be able to withstand more force, but there is no sale address marked on it.

Hey, what a headache.

As for what Kim Seung Choi said about 'mosquitoes,' in January... there are mosquitos...just assuming there are.

Although I don't know what happened, it must be a good thing.

It was the first time that Jin Chengcai lost his composure since he became the head of the room.

At night, Cheng Yuli took the girls back to the company, repeating tomorrow's itinerary to them as they walked.

I'm still thinking about how to arrange T-ara's comeback stage, whether I should pay more attention to them.

Today's children are becoming more and more unruly, free and undisciplined, and have no elders in their eyes.

Cheng Yuli was also worried that she would be punished if the trouble went to the president.

"Okay, go back and rest quickly, remember to do facial care and leg maintenance, now, your legs are as important as your face, and they must be perfect at all times."

Cheng Yuli has already formulated the title of the comeback of this neon, the most beautiful thigh group in South Korea, the era of the most beautiful legs.

As the voices of fans are getting louder, there are also survey results.

The girls' thighs are as recognizable as their faces, which is why Cheng Yuli thought of such a title.

In addition, she couldn't help but admire the president's foresight again.

Could it be that he knew from then on that the white and smooth thighs of girls would become their most obvious label.

That's why Yoona was asked to do leg correction.

Looking at Lin Yun'er beside her, her leg shape has indeed improved a lot.

I believe that in a short while, he will become the one with the straightest legs in the group, "Manager Cheng, please wait a moment."

Cheng Yuli, who was about to send the girls upstairs, was stopped by the front desk.

Seeing the other party's expression, Cheng Yuli told the girls to go up and tidy up first, and then she would come later.

"what happened?"

"Well, Director Jin is waiting for you in the office and needs you to go."

"Chief Jin Chengcai?"

Seeing the other party nodding, Cheng Yuli couldn't help but thumped in her heart.

Pull off the cufflinks to confirm the time. It is now 11 o'clock in the evening, and the specific off-duty time has passed 4 and a half hours.

Jin Chengcai waited for her in the office on purpose, which was either a good thing or a bad thing.

And the premonition in her heart told her that the probability of bad things was higher.

Assign T-ara to Xu Haiyu for official management, and she also became the company's No.3 official signing agent.

This kind of matter is not for Jin Chengcai to make a decision, so it is the president's intention.

Whether Cheng Yuli is willing or not, the matter is a foregone conclusion.

She could only hold on, showing the demeanor that seniors and superiors should have, and congratulated Xu Haiyu, who looked a little nervous.

"By the way, this time the neon will return, and T-ara will also return in China. The company wants to do a cross-border interaction to reflect the harmony and friendship within the company."

Recently, news about entertainment companies squeezing artists has been frequently searched.

Many senior celebrities also expressed their support on INS and multiple platforms, hoping that people will pay more attention to the unequal treatment artists receive.

Among them, including Song Hye Kyo, Lee Hyo Ri, Lee Jung Hyun and others, Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin who are filming also expressed support for this matter.

However, in private, several people called him, telling him that some important people wanted to suppress some public opinion, and people needed to focus on unimportant things.

Who did it, you can think of it with your toes, who else can be besides Li Zairong who is in a state of desperation.

In this regard, Li Zhenyu not only did not stop it, but instead asked INS to increase publicity and fan the flames to expand the situation.

Darkness has long been the norm in South Korea, but that's because the world is dark with crows.

If at this time, a gray crow suddenly jumped out.

Although it is not as holy as a dove of peace, it is almost like an angel compared to a black crow.

The most afraid of comparison in everything, Li Zhenyu just wants to step on the heads of all black-hearted workshops.

The mobile red flag is still rotated back and forth every month. Shouldn't the name of the strongest star-making factory be changed to Zy+?

"Okay, I'll get ready...well, is T-ara's comeback track ready?"

Hearing Cheng Yuli's question, Xu Haiyu didn't know whether to answer or not.

After all, she should have known about this kind of thing, if she let herself say it, it would be a bit of a slap in the face of the senior.

"It's being prepared, it's a song chosen by the president himself."

"Oh, that's good... I wish the children a smooth return, and help me tell them that this time has been hard."

"Nei, I will pass it on, and the children thank you very much."

Xu Haiyu's modesty and respect won Jin Chengcai's favor, "Why didn't I find her so capable earlier, it should have been like this long ago." '

"Then Cheng Cheng, go back and rest early!"

Let Cheng Yuli go to rest, Jin Chengcai left Xu Haiyu behind, and continued to discuss with her the topic that was not finished before.

The first official return of T-rar must be perfect.

There can be no mistakes, this time the comeback stage is chosen to be KBS's "Music Bank", and the other party also promises to give the best courtesy.

There will never be any flaws in the arrangement of the reception, dressing room, etc.

Later, the members will also perform on the other two major radio stations, SBS and MBC.

As Zy+'s strongest partner, CJ Entertainment, of course, cannot be left out.

"Office Chief."

"Well, if you have any ideas, just say it."

Xu Haiyu nodded in response, "I'm thinking that CJ is doing its best to expand overseas business, especially in Yanguo next door, not only setting up an office, but also reaching a cooperation with the other party's top management organization."

"Can we take advantage of CJ's relationship and send T-ara to expand the Yanguo market?"

"There is Girls' Generation in the neon market, if T-ara is allowed to go, it will easily cause conflicts, and it will not be conducive to the unity and friendship that the president wants to show externally."

"However, it would be a waste of children's talents if they only develop locally."

Where should T-rar go, Xu Haiyu has actually been thinking about this issue.

I spend more time with my children than with anyone every day.

They have already had a deep emotional bond with each other, and they know the children's minds well.

Every time the senior Girls' Generation is mentioned, the children are envious and feel a little bit wronged at the same time.

Obviously, I am the first group officially launched by the company, and Girls' Generation is just an outsider who came halfway.

But now, the company's best resources are placed on them.

This made T-ara feel unfair, and felt wronged by their own situation. They can do better, and they also want to do their best.

Catching up, surpassing, and banning are T-ara's recent cheering slogans.

They are coming for a young age.

"Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep
Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah Ah
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep
Bo Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah Ah..."

In the practice room, T-ara is stepping up to practice.

When it was known that the group had a chance, they made their first official comeback in China when Girls’ Generation Neon returned to the stage.

The hearts of all T-ara members seemed to be doused with gasoline and ignited.

No one can stop their enthusiasm, even if Li Zhenyu comes, he will be infected by their hot and urgent emotions.


PS: In the previous chapters, there are Easter Egg chapters, and the boss who wants to read them can review the catalog.

(End of this chapter)

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