I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 132 Hunting is Much More Fun

Chapter 132 Hunting is Much More Fun
"I'll wait for you here, go and come back quickly."

Half squatting on the ground, carefully observe the wild boar family in front of them.

Li Zhenyu tried to find an opportunity to take advantage of it.

If the two small ones can be dealt with first, the big one is not to be feared.

At this moment, the wild boar mother who took the lead in front made a detour, turned her back to him, and seemed to be planning to return the same way.

The two little wild boars swayed their buttocks to keep up.

'Chance. '

At the same time as the little wild boar turned his head, Li Zhenyu in the bushes arched his right leg backwards, leaned forward, and swooped up like a cheetah.

bang bang~
Quick as lightning appeared behind the little wild boar, a sliding shovel, kicking hard with both feet on the inside of its soft belly.

Amidst the miserable groaning, the body of the wild boar cub flew to the sides.

With this kick, Li Zhenyu used all his strength, leaving no room for it.

Flying three to five meters away, the body of the wild boar cub fell heavily to the ground, pressing the bushes with a crackling sound.

The fallen body struggled and twitched, trying to get up.

Li Zhenyu had already pounced on the adult wild boar in front, and locked his neck with his right arm in a hoop the moment the opponent turned his head. '

The back of the mouth, the soft part below.

If the wild boar had a neck, it would be here.

Grasp the right wrist with the left hand, and exert force on the waist and legs at the same time as the body leans back.


Muscles full of explosive power are like mountains rising, and the muscular figure swells twice as if inflated.

Amidst the roar, Li Zhenyu pulled a wild boar weighing 360 kilograms upside down like a glaring King Kong.

The waist and horse are united, and the feet are pushed upwards backwards.

The struggling wild boar was thrown over the head by himself, and smashed straight to the rear.

The heavy body hit the ground heavily, and even the ground trembled a few times.

The wild boar, which was lying on its back on the ground, kicked its hooves and stood up with its back.

But before he could stand still, the pig's head slid forward again and fell to the ground.

In the fall just now, the wild boar had already been injured in the body.

With a self-weight of more than 300 kilograms, when Li Zhenyu accelerated and fell, the damage caused was equivalent to being hit head-on by a small truck.

"Humph~" There was a strange grunt in his mouth, and the wild boar was left struggling and wriggling on the spot.

Li Zhenyu stepped forward, aimed at the soft and collapsed position of the wild boar's jaw, and kicked it heavily.

Amid the cracking sound, the struggling wild boar gradually lost its movement.

The system prompt also appeared in front of my eyes.

'Game of strength: Suppress the strength of the beast, kill the target with bare hands, and reflect the strength and courage of a real man. '

'Reward: Iron Bridge. '

Numerous influences appeared in his mind, and a piece of memory flooded into his brain, becoming part of his precious experience.

Tiebanqiao emphasizes the unity of the waist and the horse, and the core is to train the waist.

After receiving the reward, Li Zhenyu could clearly feel a slight warmth inside.

He patted his bucket waist with his backhand, as if it was really strong again.

With our waist, it is not easy to sit on it alone.


"elder brother!"

Kim Jong-suk came back with his men, holding a shotgun in his hand, all panting and looking at the corpses on the ground.

Breaking off the twisted pig's head from the inside filled everyone's eyes with astonishment.

This is what he did?

Seeing that his hands are empty, there is nothing around him that can be used as a weapon.

So, he killed the wild boar with just his hands? ! !
"Boss, are you okay, is there any injury?"

Vincent was also curious about how he did it, but first he had to make sure that there were no mistakes in his work.

He was a bodyguard, not a friend who accompanied the BOSS to play and hunt.


Li Zhenyu looked down and found that the mountaineering suit on his body was torn several times.

This should have been accidentally scratched by the wild boar's fangs just now.

I opened the opening and touched it inside, but there was no tingling feeling, and it was indeed unharmed.

"Boss, it's too dangerous to do this, you should take your own safety seriously."

The target that Vincent didn't want the team to protect was a lunatic who didn't take his own life safety seriously.

"Sorry." Li Zhenyu patted his arm and said with a smile: "Don't tell Pike about this, I can't stand him nagging in my ear forever."

Vincent smiled helplessly. If he let the boss know, he would be reprimanded.

"Zhenyu, did you really do this?" Quan Junxu squatted on the ground, and touched the broken part of the wild boar's lower jaw with his hand.

The brain is spinning rapidly thinking about how much strength is needed to do this.

On the contrary, Zhao Yingjun didn't think too much, he stepped on the wild boar carcass and shook it heartlessly, "Hey, it's really heavy...Brother, what about the two little ones?"

"Zheng Shuo, give them a good time, don't waste bullets."

Hearing his order, Kim Jong Suk stepped forward with the agile dagger he had given him earlier, knelt down on one knee and stopped in front of the wild boar cubs that were getting smaller and smaller.

Poke it inward a few times, turn it left and right, and make sure it has reached the bottom.

Jin Zhengshuo pulled out the dagger again, and the bright red blood sprayed out, slowly flowing into the sunken pit beside him.

The weeds whose roots were soaked in blood seemed to become more green and lush.

The wild boar king hadn't finished eating the meat yesterday, and today three family members delivered it to the door, and after slaughtering, they could get hundreds of catties of meat.

If not managed to preserve, the meat would quickly spoil and go to waste.

Quan Junxu proposed to go down the mountain and go home, but Zhao Yingjun said unwillingly: "But I haven't had time to shoot yet."

"There are no ready-made prey there, aim at the head, let them die more thoroughly."

Talking is better than nothing, Zhao Yingjun walked to the dead boar cub with a gun in his hand.

Aim the muzzle at the wild boar's head, and pull the trigger hesitantly.

"Wow, haha, it's so cool."

Zhao Yingjun laughed happily, switched to the other pig's head and pulled the bolt.

Cut off the pig's head, cut off the pig's tongue in the mouth, followed by the shoulder blade, tenderloin, pork belly, and hind legs.

Finally, the front calf was sawed off.

"Zhao Yingjun, look at what you did, this tongue is ruined by you."

"Zhenyu asked me to do it, find him."

Zhao Yingjun threw the pot away decisively, and then Li Zhenyu hit his head with the viscera in his hand.

"Bah, bah, bah~ vomit!"

The whole pig was dissected piecemeal, stuffed into packing bags, and loaded into mountaineering bags in batches.

By the time all this was done, it was already noon.

Li Zhenyu finally decided to stay for two more nights.

It would be a waste of time to just go back to the tent that had just been set up before it was warmed up.

However, they have to send the divided pork down the mountain first.

After contacting Pike through the intercom, Vincent and Kim Jong-suk returned the same way with their hiking bags on their backs.

Others use the leftover pork and prepare it for a hearty lunch.

Wild boar bibimbap must be delicious.

"Ah~" After taking a sip of cold beer, Zhao Yingjun said with some regret: "It would be better if there were a few more women."

"If you don't see a woman for a day, will you die?"

Quan Junxu complained with disgust on his face: "Hurry up and help, or you can only eat compressed biscuits at noon."

"Hey, if there is a woman, I don't have to do it myself."

"Then why are you here? There are many women in the hotel suites to serve you, and you can get what you want without opening your mouth."

"It's working, it's already working."

Holding a knife, Zhao Yingjun first cut the grilled meat into strips, then tore them into loose strips with his fingers and put them on the plate.

Put rice on the plate later, and pour the broth stewed with pork tongue in the pot.

Just as lunch was being prepared, Pike, Cory and Nicole appeared in sight.

All three of them had a huge mountaineering bag on their backs, which was used to hold their prey.

"It's just in time to try the fresh wild boar bibimbap."

After serving a plate for each of them, Li Zhenyu threw a few more cans of beer over.

"Thank you, Boss, you are such a good man."

Nicole raised her hand to catch the beer, and winked at him coquettishly.

"I'd rather be a jerk, and leave the good guys to the nobler guys."

After feasting on a game bibimbap, gargling with two cans of beer, the three packed the packed meat into their backpacks and went down the mountain.

All the prey is packed in the body of Zhao Yingjun's smooth truck. After going down the mountain, Corey will drive back to the boxing gym and put the meat in the cold storage to keep it fresh.

After staying on the mountain for three days, everyone still had something to say when they went down the mountain.

Even Zhao Yingjun said: Hunting is much more fun than women.

Back in Seoul, Lee Jin-woo mentioned the 'blind date' again before parting ways.

Seeing that Cui Wanzhi didn't refute any more, Quan Junxu agreed: "Wan Zhi, I will make arrangements tonight and make room for tomorrow."

The hunt was fruitful, and I went to the boxing gym to open the trunk.

Untreated pheasants, badgers, lynx...

"This taste is really strong."

After removing all the prey, the pungent smell made Li Zhenyu frowned.

Before hunting next time, you must change the pickup truck.

He told Parker to clean up the prey, and he handed over the job to the boxing gym staff, and changed his equipment to the ring to accompany Li Zhenyu to relax.

Perhaps because hunting inspired him, Li Zhenyu added more lock techniques to fighting.

The two big men fought in the arena for more than an hour, tired and sweaty, and the prey was cleaned up.

"Boss, your waist strength has increased again."

Pike, who took off his equipment, no longer knows how to evaluate his learning ability and physical fitness.

The speed of progress has never been as fast as his.

Every time he fights, his strength must be stronger than before, and he has made obvious progress.

The effect of his own training for three months is not as good as his one-week results.

And, five days a week, he just does basic strength training.

Add some cardio at most.

If he is not his own boss, but also a billionaire.

Parker will definitely suggest him to engage in body-related industries, such as bodybuilding, boxing, or teaching young people while showing off their bodies on the Internet.

No matter which one he chooses, with his talent, he will definitely achieve a great achievement.

Family background, wealth, talent, all the advantages that can be thought of are all gathered in him alone.

Pike is really envious, if there really is a God.

He must be God's favorite child.

(End of this chapter)

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